Yagyu Xia Ye and Kuroda Hikaru walked into the school together, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye unexpectedly found two acquaintances.

Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong actually returned to school again. Judging from the fact that there were no other classmates around them, their life at school was not easy, even though Taisuke Zeyong's sister was the college's physical education teacher.

Hikaru Kuroda also noticed the abnormality of Yagyu Xiaye, followed Yagyu Xiaye's gaze, and also saw Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke walking together, his face immediately changed, and his body came closer to Yagyu Natsu Ye, obviously thought of something terrible.

"Do you have any restrictions on customers at your booth?"

Hikaru Kuroda was taken aback for a moment, but immediately understood what Yagyu Xia Ye meant when he said it, and said, "Except for those two bastards, the rest of the customers are gods."

If it was in the past, Kuroda Hikaru would not get any response from other students if he isolated Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto like this, but now most people in the school who should know the truth know about Ito Makoto and Sawayong Taisuke's mess.Originally, the school students meant to drive Ito Makoto and Zeyong Taisuke out of the school, but for some reason, until now Sakakino Gakuen seems to be ignorant of those two people, letting Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto Whether to come to class or not.

Perhaps because he noticed the gazes of Yagyu Natsuya and Kuroda Hikaru, Zeyong Taisuke turned his head and saw that it was Yagyu Natsuya and Kuroda Hikari, and immediately pulled Makoto Ito away, but the direction of their departure made Yagyu Natsuya Frowning slightly.

"Disgusting!" Seeing Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto leaving holding hands, Kuroda Hikaru immediately gave her current reaction.

In fact, after knowing the relationship between Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto, Kuroda Hikaru had no bad thoughts at the beginning. Yong Taisuke and Ito Makoto refueling happened.

However, in the end, the two of them still lost to Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

What really made Hikaru Kuroda despair of Taisuke Zeyong was that the last time Taisuke Zeyong went to him, he actually asked her to be the lover between him and Makoto Ito, which made the three of them have a different relationship.

Of course, this absurd request was rejected by Hikaru Kuroda, and Taisuke Sawayong was also scared away by Natsuya Yagyu.

Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito disappeared, and the students around him also felt much more at ease. Hikaru Kuroda did not go back to the classroom with Natsuya Yagyu, probably because he went to communicate with the people from the school's home economics department.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The students of Sakakino Academy came to the school today not to attend class, but to prepare for the program of the school festival next week.

Saturday and Sunday are used to prepare for the students. Next Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday are the time for the Sakakino Academy Academy Festival, but the most important thing is Monday and Tuesday. Wednesday is the end time, and there is nothing interesting The place.

The haunted house prepared by Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye only planned to open on Monday and Tuesday, and dismantle the haunted house on Wednesday and return the materials.

The classroom of class four of the first year has been contracted by Gui Yanye and Xia Ye Liusheng, but they haven't started tidying up yet, so the students of class four of the first year can still come to the classroom first.

"Yusheng-kun, does your haunted house need our help?" Liusheng Xia Ye had just walked into the classroom of Class [-] of the first year when he was asked by his classmates.

Although Gui Yanye put forward the application for the program, judging from the publicity atmosphere these days, Liu Shengxiaye and Gui Yanye were the main ones.

Although there is a certain competition during the college festival, it is different from the sports meeting, because during the college festival, you can cooperate with students from other classes.In the fourth class of the year, some friends who knew the third class of the year set up a snack stall. As for the specific stall, Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't ask anything.

Liu Shengxia Ye did not answer the students' questions first, but looked at Gui Yanye's position.

Seeing that even in the classroom, there are still many girls around Gui Yanye, and they are basically those girls who did not apply for any programs during the college festival. It seems that their purpose is the same as just asking Yagyu Xiaye The boys are the same, intending to help Gui Yanye build a haunted house.

At this moment, Liu Shengxia Ye's heart became a little clearer. It was true that these boys wanted to help him, but they should be paid.

So, when he saw Liusheng Xiaye's expression suddenly enlightened, the boy who asked Liusheng Xiaye before said: "Student Liusheng, you already have a lot of CP characters, so there is no need to fight us again, and we will give you With the help of you and classmate Gui, the construction of the haunted house can be completed very quickly, and you might be able to come up with some good ideas in the remaining time."

Regarding the boy's words, Liu Shengxia Ye did not deny it, and said to him: "It is possible, but I still want to talk to Yan Ye about this matter."

After all, Gui Yanye is the main person in charge of the Haunted House program, and Liu Shengxiaye is only here to help Gui Yanye, not to make decisions and choices.

However, when Liu Shengxia Ye was about to walk towards Gui Yanye, Gui Yanye walked towards Liu Sheng Xia Ye first.

"Xia Ye, they said they can help us, so that we can finish building the haunted house earlier, I'm here to ask for your opinion."

Gui Yanye's words made the boys around Liusheng Xiaye laugh, because Liusheng Xiaye's words were mainly based on Gui Yanye, but now judging from what Gui Yanye said, it is Liusheng who can really call the shots here summer night.

Of course, Liu Shengxia Ye did not exercise such a right, but said to Gui Yanye: "Coincidentally, there are also boys on my side who want to help us, but you are the person in charge here, and of course you are needed for this matter." to make a decision.”

Gui Yanye had also seen the smiles of the boys around Liu Shengxia Ye before. He didn't know what it meant just now, but after listening to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's words, he also understood.

"If that's the case, then I'll trouble you." Gui Yanye was not pretentious either, since she and Liu Shengxia Ye had both encountered such a thing, they should just agree to it.Moreover, Gui Yanye also wants to build the haunted house early, and then put up posters in the school to promote it in the remaining time.

"Student Gui is wise, then some of our boys will stay here to clean up the table, and some of us will go get the materials for building the haunted house." Immediately, some boys began to put forward their opinions.

"I agree." Liu Shengxia Ye agreed, since Gui Yanye has made a decision, let's start, there is no need to waste more time.

Gui Yanye originally planned to act with Liu Shengxia Ye'er, but she was immediately stopped by the girls behind her because they asked Gui Yanye to show them the design of the haunted house.

Liu Shengxia Ye gave Gui Yanye a reassuring look, indicating that she should act with the girls for the time being.

After receiving Liu Shengxia Ye's signal, Gui Yanye also immediately said: "The design is in my drawer, I'll come right over." After speaking, Gui Yanye walked towards her desk.

On the other hand, Yagyu Xia Ye walked out of the classroom with some boys, and went to the small warehouse where the materials for building the haunted house were stored.


Although the name is the small warehouse of Sakakino Academy, the warehouse is really not small at all, because the materials for the school festival of all grades in Sakakino Academy are placed in the small warehouse.

With the help of the message sent by Yukinoshita Xuanyi yesterday, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye re-solved the problem of haunted house materials.

When Liu Sheng Xiaye and everyone came to the warehouse, they also saw many students who came to the small warehouse to pick up materials at this time. Because there are a lot of people today, there are physical education teachers who come to the small warehouse to be on duty, so the order will not be very chaotic.

And the physical education teacher who maintained order knew Liu Shengxia Ye, so when it was Liu Sheng Xia Ye's turn, he took the initiative to come forward and asked, "Student Liu Sheng, what are you here for?"

"The materials for the haunted house for class four of the year should have been delivered yesterday." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to the physical education teacher.

The physical education teacher immediately took out the notebook from his body, flipped through it, and said to Liu Shengxiaye: "Yes, yesterday afternoon, a batch of materials for the haunted house arrived, but because the outside of the warehouse was already full of things, those materials It was placed in the innermost position, do you need me to ask some students to go get it with you?"

"No need, as long as you know where you are, the boys in our class are fine." Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to the physical education teacher.

"Yes, teacher, we have no problem, just like in a sports meeting."

"We will take care of the haunted house, and you can come and visit the haunted house when the time comes."

Some students in Class [-] of the first year invited the physical education teacher to visit the haunted house at this time, but they were immediately rejected, saying: "Forget it, those are your young people's affairs, I'm still here to control the order here That's it, you go in."

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