-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although the college festival is a festival for the whole school, the camps of teachers and students are still very separate and have not really integrated together.

Because the warehouse is very large, Liu Shengxiaye and his group were not the only ones who came to pick up the materials. During the process of entering, Liu Shengxiaye met the rest of the fourth class of the year, and the third class of the year because of Xiyuan Temple. Some people I know through the relationship between the world and Kiyoura Setsuna.

After greeting each other, they all went to get their things.

The materials for Gui Yanye's Haunted House were delivered to Sakakino Academy yesterday afternoon, and they were placed inside the small warehouse because there were piles of materials from other classes and groups outside.

Fortunately, the lighting system in the warehouse is very good, because Liu Sheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye have ordered such materials twice, and when they saw them in the small warehouse, they immediately recognized the materials of the haunted house, and then greeted their colleagues. The students began to move materials.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not move with them, but cleaned up the materials of the haunted house after the students in the fourth class of the first year left, so that they only need to explain later.

The space inside the small warehouse is not as good as the outside, but there are still some things that have nothing to do with the haunted house materials. It took Liu Shengxiaye a long time to clean them out, just when he wanted to go out and blow some air. At that time, they heard movement from the depths of the small warehouse.

It was the voice of a person talking, but the original voice was suppressed for some unknown reason.However, even so, Liu Shengxia Ye still felt that these two voices sounded familiar.

Slowly walking towards the small room where the voice came from, Liu Shengxia Ye finally knew who was speaking inside.

It was when I came to school today and walked with Kuroda Hikaru that I met Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto.

When passing by the third class of the year, Liu Sheng Xiaye did not see the whereabouts of these two people, and did not expect to slip into this small warehouse, and it was the innermost location of the small warehouse.

After knowing who it was, Yagyu Xiaye didn't intend to disturb them, because the voice inside seemed a bit strange.

It really fits the disgusting word that Kuroda Hikaru said before, Yagyu Xiaye wants to leave here immediately, otherwise this disgusting feeling will not be easily eliminated.

However, when Liu Shengxia Ye turned around, the dialogue that appeared inside made Liu Sheng Xia Ye stop.

"Taisuke, did you go to Kuroda Hikaru after that?"

"No, Liu Shengxia Ye and her father seem to have a master-student relationship. I was scared away by Liu Sheng Xia Ye last time."

"Damn it, why did Yagyu Xiaye appear in this school?"

Inside came Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong's complaints to Natsuya Yagyu, these were not taken seriously by Natsuya Yagyu, because they could not pose any threat to him at all.What Yagyu Xia Ye was concerned about was that Makoto Ito, a scumbag, seemed to be still instigating Zeyong Taisuke to find Hikaru Kuroda.As for what to do with Hikaru Kuroda, Yagyu Xiaye was also clear.

The gay couple's conversation won't end for a while, but Yagyu Xiaye doesn't want to stay here to eavesdrop on them all the time, so he took out the phone, turned on the recording function, and placed it on a Where the conversation between Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito was recorded, of course, there is still some concealment.

After that, Yagyu Xiaye went out to get some air, because in the small room there were not only the conversation between the Kira couple, but also the sound of panting.


Yagyu Xiaye and the boys from Class [-] who came to help moved all the materials into the classroom of Class [-], because the tables and chairs had already been cleaned up, so there was enough space.

The girls who were looking at the design drawings and the boys who moved the tables and chairs started to work, because it was in the daytime, even if they opened the knives inside, no matter whether they were boys or girls, they were not afraid at all, and they didn’t feel like a haunted house at all.

"Xia Ye, thank you." Gui Yanye walked to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's side and said thank you.

In fact, when Liu Sheng Xiaye agreed to help her, Gui Yanye also thought that it would take a lot of time to build the haunted house, but now it seems that the haunted house can almost be built today.

Gui Yanye was a little excited thinking about it when he was about to finish what he had always wanted to finish in other colleges.

"Student Gui, aren't you a bit biased like this?"

"That's right, our workload is about the same as that of Yagyu."

"It's a pity that we are not at the same table as Gui."

After getting acquainted with Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye, these people knew that there were some jokes, and neither Liusheng Xiaye nor Gui Yanye would be angry.

After hearing these words of helping classmates, Gui Yanye also immediately began to thank these classmates, but these people also started to devote themselves to the business of building haunted houses after resting enough.

No, it should mean that the ratio of the boys working now is a bit uncoordinated. It is completely a existence of more yin and less yang, and they have to go and neutralize it.

After these people left, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to Gui Yanye: "Your thanks just now were right, they helped you much more than mine."

This has always been Liu Sheng Xia Ye's attitude, and Gui Yanye didn't care, but asked: "Xia Ye, will you come to the haunted house during the college festival?"

Liu Shengxia Ye promised to help Gui Yanye build the haunted house, but he never said that he would stay with her all the time during the academy festival, which Gui Yanye also understood.

"Of course, I also want to experience what kind of existence the haunted house we built together is like, but I still have some ideas about haunted houses."

"Thoughts?" Gui Yanye asked puzzled.

You know, Gui Yanye is almost alone in the matter of the haunted house.Although Liusheng Xiaye helped to find the market for the second purchase of haunted house materials, all the decisions were made by Gui Yanye, and Liusheng Xiaye had never raised any opinions before this.

This time, Liu Shengxia Ye suddenly had an opinion, which made Gui Yanye feel strange.

"Yes, I want everyone who participated in the haunted house to leave a memorial, not just to participate in a college festival program."

"What about specifics?"

"I want to purchase some personal recording tools that can be worn on people. Every participant can wear such a device to record all his experiences and reactions after entering the haunted house."

"Just recorded?"

"Of course not. After we record it, we will burn it into a disc based on the registered information, and then distribute it to everyone who participates in the haunted house. Moreover, before they enter the haunted house, don't say it is a recording tool, it can be said to be a Just a special souvenir."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"But doesn't that kind of equipment cost a lot of money?" Gui Yanye has a little understanding of what Liu Shengxiaye said, but that thing is not popular like mobile phones, so it is necessary to get it and use it Money is not a little bit.

The budget of the haunted house has been used up, and there is no extra budget to buy that kind of equipment.

"You don't have to worry about this, I'll take care of it."

"This is my program at the school festival, I..."

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