"I promised to help you. I definitely want to help you do your best, so don't say anything more. I will take care of the equipment. You should start assembling the haunted house with them."

"Where are you going, Xia Ye?" Gui Yanye could hear Liu Sheng Xia Ye not staying in the classroom to make a haunted house.

"I'll go to the school's warehouse again to see if there are any missing materials. After all, it would be very troublesome to wait until the end to find out that there is a lack of materials." Liu Sheng Xia Ye gave Gui Yanye the reason.

After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Gui Yanye didn't continue to ask, and left Liu Shengxia Ye's side to discuss with those girls again.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye left the classroom of Class [-] of the first year and returned to the small warehouse of the school.


Although it was the same as in the morning, there were still materials of students coming in and out, but there were obviously fewer people, as can be seen from the disappearance of the physical education teacher who had maintained order before.

After greeting some familiar students, Yagyu Xiaye walked into the small warehouse again, and it was still the innermost small room.

After standing a little farther away and not hearing any unpleasant sounds in the small room, Yagyu Xia Ye walked to the place where the mobile phone was placed before.

The phone was not found, and when I picked it up, I saw that the phone was only [-]% charged, because the recording time was a little too long.

Stopped the recording, and found that there was still a certain amount of power, so Yagyu Xia Ye directly opened the recorded file. It sounded, but fortunately, because this location is the innermost part of the small warehouse, it is unlikely that anyone will put materials here. No one came to disturb Yagyu Xiaye.

However, what made Liu Shengxia Ye speechless was that at the beginning, it was the voices of two people, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye had to press fast forward to play.

Finally, after twenty minutes, the disgusting voice stopped, and there was a conversation between the two parties involved, Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito.

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished listening, he felt that these two people were really scum.

Although the recording time was relatively long, the duration of the content was about half an hour. The later recording was confirmed by Yagyu Xiaye, and there was no content. It was obvious that two people had left the small room.

Although Yagyu Xiaye's mobile phone can't achieve the functions of a smart phone, it can still do simple audio clipping.After saving the audio clips with content, Yagyu Xiaye deleted the original audio.

After hesitating a few times, Liu Shengxia Ye still didn't intend to send out the cut audio, because in that case, the plan that Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to implement would not be able to be completed.

It seems that it will only be sent out before the two scumbags Makoto Ito and Taisuke Zeyong are ready to implement their plan.

After making a decision, Yagyu Xiaye dialed the phone number of the Yagyu family's retainer, Dongcheng, and was picked up without ringing for a few seconds.

"Young Master, do you have any orders?" Apart from asking Liu Shengxia Ye what orders he had, Dongcheng's tone was a little surprised, because Liu Shengxia Ye rarely called him.

Originally, only three of the four retainers of the Yagyu family supported Yagyu Xiaye, and the remaining Xixiang was a die-hard loyalist of Yagyu Jiubingwei.But since Liu Shengxia returned to Liusheng's house last time, and after the competition with Xixiang, Xixiang did not reject Liusheng Xiaye's going back to inherit Liusheng's family.

However, what worried them was Yagyu Xiaye's attitude towards the Yagyu family.

Except for Yagyu Kubei, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't seem to have any good feelings for the Yagyu family.

This made Dong Cheng and the others a little anxious, but they couldn't take the initiative to help Yagyu Xia Ye in this matter.

Fortunately, a few days ago, there was a conversation between Yagyu Xiaye and Liusheng Jiubei, and the two Liusheng Jiubingwei represented the Yagyu family, and Yagyu Xiaye was not as exaggerated as the Yagyu family. face, and even proposed a plan to the Yagyu family.

That plan was carried out by professionals from the Liusheng family. The four retainers in Dongcheng didn't understand it very well, but they were very willing to see the relationship between Liusheng Xiaye and the Liusheng family ease.

Now that Liu Shengxia Ye called, could it be that he wanted to ask how far the plan had progressed?

"Among the three of you, are there any computer networks?"

After hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Dong Cheng was taken aback.You must know that they are almost four people talking together when they are outside or in Liu Sheng's family, but now Liu Sheng Xia Ye said it was three people.

Fortunately, after thinking about it for a while, Dongcheng immediately understood why Liu Shengxia Ye said that.

Because the battle mad Xixiang was excluded.

"Young master, none of the four of us have the ability to do this, but I can find such a person for you, young master."

Dongcheng's answer surprised Liusheng Xiaye, he almost thought that Liusheng's four retainers were all-powerful.

However, in order for Dongcheng and the others to follow in the footsteps of Liusheng's family in the future, Liushengxiaye reminded: "Dongcheng, if you have time, learn more about the computer network, maybe this will be the main focus in the future."

"Yes, I will notify you of your reminder, young master." Dongcheng is not very interested in the Internet, but because it was Liu Shengxiaye's order, he decided to find out, and then asked: "Young master , when and where do you need someone who understands computer networks?"

"It was originally for today, but let's forget about it today. You ask your people to come to Sakakino Academy to find me tomorrow, remember to be early. I will send you the things you need later, and then you ask the people you asked to help purchase Now, I'll give you the money."

"Young master, I will pay the money first, and then give it to me when you go home." Dongcheng knew that if Liu Shengxiaye said he would pay, he would definitely give it.So Dongcheng didn't say he wanted it right away, but said he would give it when Liu Sheng Xia Ye came home.

The term "going home" here certainly does not refer to Liu Sheng's return to Gui's house in the summer night, but to Liu Sheng's house.

"Okay, give me that person's information later."


After getting Dongcheng's answer, Yagyu Xiaye hung up the phone.

Before Yagyu Xiaye just wanted to punish Zeyong Taisuke and Ito Makoto a little bit, but after listening to the recording, Yagyu Xiaye felt that he should play a big one.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Not long after Liu Sheng Xia Ye hung up the phone, he received a message about the person from the computer and the Internet.

After a general look at the above information, Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't care too much, anyway, we can meet tomorrow, if there is any problem, we can discuss it with him tomorrow.

After doing all this, Liu Shengxiaye pushed open the door of the small room, and there was a pungent smell inside that made Liusheng Xiaye frowned, but he still endured his nausea and flipped a few times inside a pair of things , Not surprisingly, I found that thing inside.

Seeing clearly, Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not put the things back to the original place, but put the things in his hand where the mobile phone was placed before, and then walked out of the small room.

Without further delay in the small warehouse, Liu Shengxia returned to the classroom of Class [-] of the first year.

The construction of the haunted house was almost completed, and Xia Ye Liusheng was only in charge of testing when he came back.

After a thorough inspection of the haunted house, it was time for lunch, and Liu Shengxia Ye separated from Gui Yanye, because Gui Yanye and the girls were taken away, and Liu Shengxia Ye also broke his promise this time. A promise for the boys to eat together.

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