Yagyu Xiaye originally wanted to go to the school's rooftop to see if the Xiyuan Temple World or Qingpu Setsuna was there, but was stopped by the Xiyuan Temple World when he passed by the door of the third class of the first year.

"Xia Ye, are you looking for Setsuna?" Xiyuan Temple World held a bento in his hand, and there was only one copy, which should be her own.

"Well, there is something I want to ask Setsuna, are you not together today?" Liu Shengxia also felt a little strange when he saw Xiyuan Temple World alone.Because even though Kiyoura Setsuna moved out of Radish, the two of them still often eat lunch together.

"Setsuna seems to have something on her mind, and she doesn't seem to want to tell me, so today I am alone." Xiyuan Temple World explained the reason why she is alone.

"Where is Setsuna now?"

"Not on the rooftop, because I said before that I would go to the rooftop to eat bento. Setsuna should be wandering around the school now. I don't know exactly where it is." Xiyuan Temple World said her future plans, and then asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye said: "Xia Ye, you went to look for Setsuna while you were making the haunted house with Gui, aren't you afraid that Gui will be jealous?"

"The haunted house is almost finished, will you come to join us at the college festival?"

"Of course, I will come with Setsuna, Xia Ye, do you want to eat lunch together?"

"Sorry, things are a little urgent at the moment."

"Well, I see, then I'll go first." After saying goodbye to Yagyu Xiaye, Xiyuan Temple World walked towards the school's rooftop.

Yagyu Xiaye also left the first grade classroom and went to other places in the school to find Qingpu Setsuna.


It's just that Yagyu Natsuya has almost wandered around Sakakino Academy, but he still hasn't found any shadow of Kiyoura Setsuna, but he has found where Kuroda Hikaru's booth at the school festival is.

After saying again the promise that he would come to eat at the school festival, Yagyu Xiaye left Kuroda Hikaru's booth and started looking for Kiyoura Setsuna again.

It's just that Kiyoura Setsuna seems to have left Sakakano Academy early. If it wasn't for the fear of causing a sensation, Yagyu Xiaye might have gone to the academy's radio station to announce that someone disappeared.

When he was about to give up, Liu Sheng Xia Ye realized that there was a place he had never looked for.

Of course it wasn't the rooftop of Sakakino Academy. The world of Xiyuan Temple said before that she was the only one going to the rooftop, and Yagyu Xiaye was going to another place.

Passing by the school's small warehouse again, Yagyu Xiaye came to the cherry tree behind Sakakino Academy.

Sure enough, Yagyu Xiaye found Qingpu Setsuna here.

It may be because all the centers of the students are placed in front of Sakakino Academy, and there is no one in the back, except for the current Kiyoura Setsuna and Yagyu Xiaye who just arrived here.

"Setsuna, you are really here." Yagyu Xiaye said hello to Qingpu Setsuna who was in a daze under the tree.

Hearing Liusheng Xiaye's voice, Qing Pu turned around for a moment, and looked at Liusheng Xiaye with a very surprised expression.

"It's a surprise that I was able to find this place?" Yagyu Xia Ye also saw Qingpu Setsuna's expression, and asked.

Qing Pu didn't answer for a moment, but nodded, expressing that it was exactly what Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

"Because this is the place where you and I really know each other." Yagyu Xiaye said such a sentence to Qingpu Setsuna.

After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Qingpu was stunned for a moment.

If we met, we met when Yagyu Xiaye just transferred to another school. If we met alone, we also met alone when Yagyu Xiaye sent her mother home, and I gave Liusheng Xiaye noodles that night. Although she didn't do it herself.And later, when Radish and the school rooftop, Kiyoura Setsuna and Yagyu Xia Ye interacted more.

And under the cherry blossom tree, she and Liu Shengxia Ye had only appeared once before.

That was before Kiyoura Setsuna was going to confess to Ito Makoto, but in the end he found that the difference between Ito Makoto and Ito Makoto was too big. When Makoto Ito was about to use force, Yagyu Natsuya appeared to rescue her.

After dismissing Ito Makoto, Yagyu Natsuya also told Kiyoura Setsuna at that time that what she owed Ito Makoto was just a thank you, not other feelings.But after that incident, even if it was that thank you, there was no need for Kiyoura Setsuna to say it.

What Yagyu Xiaye said was right, although he had met Yagyu Xiaye before, but after that, Qingpu Setsuna really set his sights on Yagyu Xiaye.

The two people really knew each other after that, Qingpu Setsuna did not object to this.

Is it because of this that she came here?

"It turns out that Xia Ye still remembers this place."

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't be able to find it here."

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Kiyoura Setsuna very satisfied, and then asked Yagyu Xiaye.

"Xia Ye, what do you want from me?" Now it's lunch time, Yagyu Xia Ye is not with Gui Yanye or Xiyuan Temple World, but looking for her under the cherry blossom tree behind Sakakino Academy, There must be something.

"Setsuna, is your mother in a good mood recently?" Liu Shengxia Ye asked straight to the point.

Yagyu Xia Ye knew that Qingpu Setsuna was going to study abroad after the school festival, so he wanted to ask from Qingpu Setsuna whether Qingpu Mai's recent mood changes were due to this incident.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Although Yagyu Xia Ye has some guesses about the emotional changes of Kiyoura Mai, but still wants to know some other useful answers from Kiyoura Setsuna, so that he can complete the commission from Xiyuan Temple Pupa.

It's just that when Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, Qingpu Setsuna was a little flustered when faced with his question.

"Xia Ye, why...why do you ask this?" Qing Pu asked in a panic.

"Well, I just want to ask your mother if there is something wrong in her life that caused her problems at work. If that's the case, you can ask her to deal with the things in her life before worrying. It's about work." Yagyu Xiaye said to Qingpu Setsuna.

Qingpu Setsuna didn't answer first, but stopped for a while, and then said to Yagyu Xia Ye: "Xia Ye, my mother has indeed encountered some problems, but I believe she will take care of it, so you don't have to worry."

He didn't ask Liusheng Xiaye how he knew her mother's current situation. After answering Liusheng Xiaye's question, he said to Liusheng Xiaye: "Xia Ye, I hope this will be a happy college festival."

"Of course, this is the last academy festival before you leave after all."

"Then after you're done with the school festival, you can come to my house to cook and see you off."

"I have promised, and I will definitely do it."

"Well, let's wait for Xia Ye to come. Now I think you must be busy." After Qing Pu Shan finished speaking, he pointed at the back of Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

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