Although this location is behind Sakakino Academy, you can still see the location of the school playground. After Yagyu Xiaye turned around, she found that Gui Yanye had just walked over from a location within sight, and what Kiura Setsuna pointed to It should be Gui Yanye.

Yagyu Xiaye turned around and looked at Qingpu Setsuna again, and found that Qingpu Setsuna didn't look dissatisfied, but instead signaled to Liusheng Xiaye that Liusheng Xiaye could go there with peace of mind.

Yagyu Xiaye left, and only Qingpu Setsuna was alone under the cherry blossom tree in the school.


Gui Yanye was looking for Liusheng Xiaye mainly because she and her companions discovered some loopholes in the haunted house, and originally wanted to change it by herself, but someone suggested to listen to Liusheng Xiaye's opinion, so Gui Yanye started looking for Liushengxia night.

Fortunately, after Liusheng Xiaye and Gui Yanye went to the scene, they found that the things that needed to be changed were only minor problems, but Liusheng Xiaye still put forward some personal opinions, and some of them were adopted.

When it was almost done, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye went home together.

Since Guixin and Ito Yuki will be at Jingi Uzuki's house this week, they don't have to go to school, or rush back to cook for the two little lolis.

However, even so, Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxia Ye didn't hang out outside and went home directly.

The dinner was made by Gui Yanye, and Liu Sheng Xiaye did not go to the kitchen to help.

The question from last night was not mentioned again, so Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye had a relatively harmonious dinner this night, and there was no such thing as the two of them leaving the table early.

And at night, Gui Yanye didn't enter Liusheng Xiaye's room again.

Yesterday was to take photos of Liu Sheng Xia Yexin. If I go in today, Gui Yanye will be afraid that she will lose control of herself, especially when Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little girls who are in the way, are not at home. Down.

Therefore, tonight, both of them slept relatively peacefully.


On the second day, Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye went to Sakakino Academy together, but before entering the school, Yagyu Xiaye received a text message.

"Yan Ye, I have something to do, I'll go to the classroom later."

"Well, I will find someone to check the loopholes of the haunted house with me." Gui Yanye also had no objection to Liu Shengxia's departure at this time.

After bidding farewell to Gui Yanye, Liu Shengxia Ye walked to the place on the text message just now.

After arriving, Yagyu Xiaye found that there was already a man standing there, with a big backpack on his back, which should contain the things Yagyu Xiaye needed.

"Murai Akira?" Since there was no description of the contact person in the information, Liu Shengxia Ye could only ask directly.

The man with long hair covering his eyes was a little surprised when he heard Liu Shengxia Ye's voice. He didn't expect that the person who came to meet him was actually a student, and he was also a student from the school next door.

"Hello, I am, and you are the person Mr. Dongcheng asked me to help."

Judging from the fact that Akira Murai called Mr. Dongcheng Wei, he knew more or less about Dongcheng, so Yagyu Xiaye didn't talk too much about it, and said to him: "Since you were called by Dongcheng, So you brought everything I wanted?"

Yagyu Xiaye actually called Dongcheng's name directly, and the things in the backpack seemed to be bought by the high school student in front of him called Dongcheng, which made Murai Akira come to his senses all at once.

"Everything is in the backpack, where do I need to work?" Akira Murai asked Yagyu Xia Yedao.

"Come with me." After Yagyu Xiaye finished explaining to Murai Akira, he began to lead the way, and Murai Akira followed behind Yagyu Xiaye.

When the two came to the school gate, they did attract the attention of some classmates and the student union, but they didn't encounter any obstacles, because Liu Sheng Xia Ye explained that Akira Murai was invited by him to test the haunted house.

After a few days of publicity and yesterday's construction, Gui Yanye's haunted house in the fourth class of the first year has exploded in popularity again, and more people in Sakakino Academy know about it.

So after listening to Yagyu Xiaye's explanation, the students from the student union did not ask more about Akira Murai's affairs, because during the preparation of the college festival, some things cannot be solved by the students of the school by themselves, and they still need the help of people outside the school .

Yagyu Natsuya brought Murai Akira into Sakakino Academy safely.

After entering the school, instead of going to the fourth class of the first year to test the haunted house as Yagyu Xiaye said just now, he took Akira Murai to the small warehouse of Sakakino Academy.

"In here?" After yesterday's busy work, few people came to pick up materials in the small warehouse today, but the door was still open.

"Yes, can't you work in it?"

"It's so possible, even if I'm low, I can still work." Akira Murai was a little dissatisfied when Yagyu Xiaye suspected his professional skills, but he didn't overdo it.

"I hope what you said is true." Yagyu Xiaye still doesn't believe in Akira Murai's professional skills, and everything will be graded after Akira Murai completes his homework.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye took Murai Akira into the innermost small room of the small warehouse. After opening the door, he found that the pungent smell from yesterday had almost dissipated, which made Liu Sheng Xia Ye feel relieved.

However, Murai Akira's nose seemed to be a little sensitive. After sniffing lightly a few times in the small room, he looked at Liu Shengxia Ye with a bitter expression on his face, which made Liu Sheng Xia Ye panic.

"If you think about it more, I'll let you experience it for yourself." Under Yagyu Xiaye's warning, Akira Murai also nodded.

Afterwards, Akira Murai began to put the equipment in the backpack. Xia Ye Yagyu saw a familiar thing, but did not touch it.

"What do I need to do?" Murai Akira asked Yagyu Xiaye.

Because Akira Murai only brought the things Dongcheng asked him to buy, but Dongcheng didn't tell him what these things were used for, saying that someone would tell him when he arrived at Sakakino Academy.

"First of all, install the camera probe. It must be installed in a place that is not easy to be found, and it must be the same as the school's network." Yagyu Xiaye explained to Murai Ming.

Akira Murai was a little cautious when he took the equipment before, because these things have not yet become popular, so the price is still relatively expensive.Now that he knew Liu Shengxia Ye's request, he knew that Liu Sheng Xia Ye must know a thing or two about these things, so he didn't plan to be more careful.

Moreover, Yagyu Xiaye's request was not too difficult. After signaling to Yagyu Xiaye, Akira Murai started working, and Yagyu Xiaye watched from the side.


The level of professionals is really not covered. Soon Murai Akira installed the camera probe and connected it to the equipment he was working on. He said to Yagyu Xia Ye: "It has been installed, and you can use this equipment to Watch it, or you can enter a specific URL to watch it through your mobile phone."

Not just talking about it, Murai Akira actually practiced it on the working equipment for Yagyu Xiaye.

What I discovered was that I could see the images captured by the camera on the device, and now Yagyu Xia Ye and Akira Murai appeared in it.

Yagyu Xiaye walked to the device, flexibly pressed a few buttons, and then readjusted the shooting position of the camera.

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