This operation surprised Murai Akira. He really didn't expect that Yagyu Xiaye could be so proficient. You must know that this set was obtained with the help of Dongcheng's funds. Now Yagyu Xiaye is not so old. To be so proficient in a big high school made Akira Murai have to doubt his own professional level.

Fortunately, Yagyu Xiaye did not do anything to make Murai Akira self-doubt, but said to him: "Besides this matter, I have other things that need your help."

Akira Murai nodded. From the operation just now, Akira Murai has realized that as long as there are enough materials and equipment, Yagyu Xiaye can also be assembled.Then he still needs to be found, there must be something that Liu Shengxia Ye can't do and needs him to complete.

"What job?"

"This place has been connected to the school's network, but this is not enough. I need to be able to synchronize the camera's picture here to the school teacher's lecture screen at a specific time. The school's lecture screen can be controlled through the system. .”

"Are you asking me to hack into the school's system?" Murai Akira thought he had heard wrong, so he asked Yagyu Xia Ye.

It's just that Liu Shengxia Ye faced his question and just nodded to show that he heard correctly.

Therefore, Akira Murai could only shake his head and said, "I can't help you with this matter. This is an illegal matter. If you are caught, you will be punished by law."

"If you can't help me, it doesn't mean you can't do it." He didn't care about Akira Murai's help or not, but when Yagyu Xia Ye cared about Akira Murai's ability.

After hearing what Yagyu Xiaye said, Akira Murai did not refute, which meant that he could do it.

"If you help me, I guarantee that you will not accept legal sanctions, but if you don't help me today, I guarantee that some of the things you have done before will definitely become confessions in the police station. Based on you and Dongcheng It should be due to the knowledge of Dongcheng's ability." Liu Shengxiaye carried it out of Dongcheng directly.

After hearing what Yagyu Xiaye said, Akira Murai also fell silent.

It's just that Dongcheng went to check his words, and Murai Akira was not afraid at all, because based on his understanding of Dongcheng, Dongcheng had no knowledge of the Internet at all.However, now that Liu Shengxia Ye was on the side to assist Dongcheng, maybe he could really find out what he did before.

Although they are all drunks, but it is enough to go in and squat for a few years.

As a Murai Akira who had a great youth, he certainly didn't want such a thing to happen.

"Can you guarantee that no one will know about my invasion of this school, and you will not hand it over to the police?"

"Of course, as long as you do your job well."

"Well, I consider myself to be unlucky." Akira Murai also figured it out.

However, when Liu Shengxia Ye was watching, he didn't think so.

In the process of conquering the system, Akira Murai was very excited, and he didn't seem to be worried at all. After everything was settled, before he could report to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Liu Sheng Xia Ye first said: "It seems You still enjoy it."

Liu Shengxiaye's words made Murai Akira suppress the smile on his face all of a sudden, and changed into a mournful face and said to Liusheng Xiaye: "It's done, remember your promise."

"I won't forget, but it's best to try first."

"Try it, if you open all of them, your school will find something is wrong, and I will be arrested if I call the police." Akira Murai tried his best to prevent Yagyu Xia Ye from taking the test, because it is related to his future life.

"I didn't say that we were going to try it together. You just need to open one. If one is successful, you should be able to use all of them."

"Absolutely!" If you just try one, Murai's worry can be reduced a little, but the risk is still a little bit.

"Then let's try the class three a year." Liu Sheng Xia Ye told Murai Akira his choice.

The fourth class of the year has been transformed into a haunted house, so it is not convenient to demonstrate, so I can only choose the third class of the year that Yagyu Xia Ye is familiar with, and when the third class of the year arrived yesterday, I have not seen the preparation for the third class of the year. What program do they use in their classrooms.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Now Yagyu Xiaye is in charge here, and Akira Murai has to listen, so after Yagyu Xiaye finished speaking, Murai Akira can only start pressing keys on the device.

"Okay." Akira Murai finally pressed the Enter key and said to Yagyu Xia Ye.

It's just that although Akira Murai agreed, but because there is no monitor installed in the three shifts a year, the situation of the three shifts a year cannot be seen on the equipment.If he wanted to see if it really worked, Liu Shengxiaye could only go to the third class of the first year to see it for himself. When he was about to start, Akira Murai panicked, pulled Liusheng Xiaye and said, "Is it possible to see it here?" Arrived, but I guarantee that this setting can be run, and there is no need to go out to test it.”

After seeing Akira Murai's reaction, Yagyu Xiaye knew what he was worried about, and said to him: "Okay, since everything has been said, I will trust you. I have other things to go out now. Take you Give me the other things you came here, and then you can leave by yourself or go to Dongcheng after you finish the aftermath here."

After Akira Murai got the guarantee from Yagyu Xiaye here, he also felt relieved, took out the things in his backpack and handed it to Yagyu Xiaye, and then began to clean up the mess in the small room.


When Yagyu Xiaye passed Class Three of the first year, he found that there were many people gathered in the classroom, discussing something intensely.

"What happened?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked into the classroom of Class [-] of the first year.

Because of the relationship between Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna, the relationship between Yagyu Xiaye and the boys in the third class of the first year is a little bit bad, but it is still a bit popular among the girls.Moreover, it happened to be during the college festival, and the relationship between the two classes was not that bad, so Liu Shengxia's entry into the third class of the first year did not arouse the resentment of the students in the class.

"Just now our teaching projector suddenly turned on by itself. It was useless for us to turn it off by ourselves. When we were discussing whether to report to the teacher, it turned off by itself again, and now it is surrounded there." Immediately there were girls Explained to Yagyu Xiaye why the students of class three of the first year gathered together.

After hearing the news, Yagyu Xiaye felt confident. Akira Murai had no problems with the operation just now, so he didn't have to worry about malfunctioning when he needed to use it.

"It's settled now, what program is your class preparing for the school festival?" After looking at it, both Qingpu Seta and Xiyuanji World were not in the classroom, and the others didn't have the atmosphere of the coming school festival at all.

"I heard that the fourth class of the first year prepared a haunted house, or did you prepare it with Gui?"

"It shouldn't be a secret now, don't ask me, you can come and visit it then."

"I'm afraid we can't come." The girl actually refused Liu Shengxia Ye's proposal.

Liu Shengxia Ye was a little surprised. Could it be that the grievances between the two classes have not ended yet?


"Because our class is going to appease the people who are frightened by your show, let's open a coffee shop."

"Cafe, but you don't have any atmosphere here."

This preparation is good, but Liu Shengxia Ye is very surprised that no one has implemented it yet.

"The preparations will start soon, Yagyu-san, do you want to help us?"

"No, there is still a little thing that hasn't been dealt with in the fourth class of the year. You should be busy first. I will come over for a drink when I have time when it opens."

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