"Xia Ye, which day are you free tomorrow and the day after tomorrow?" The reason for asking this was because the first day of the academy festival was coming to an end, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye definitely didn't have extra time to accompany them.

"When is the Houye Festival?" Yagyu Xiaye asked instead of answering Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami's question first.

"Hou Ye Festival is the last night of the Academy Festival, Xia Ye, do you have any plans for that day?"

"Since the second night festival is the last day, then I only have time tomorrow." Today I have been with Gui Yanye for a whole day, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow, Liu Shengxia is planning to go shopping during the college festival.Because in addition to agreeing to Xiyuan Temple World's request for the Houye Festival, Yagyu Xiaye also agreed to other people.

Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami didn't ask who Yagyu Natsuya would be with during the Houye Festival, anyway, as long as Yagyu Natsuya had time.

"That summer night, can you accompany us to Guang's booth tomorrow?"

After hearing the two girls' request, Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little dazed, not understanding why they would make such a request.

You know, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami are friends of Kuroda Hikaru. Logically speaking, it is not a problem for them to come out of Kuroda Hikaru's bakery stall anytime. What about Tian Guang's booth?

"It's okay for the two of you to go by yourself."

"Before, we spent too much time on the basketball game, and the relationship with the light was much less, which made our relationship seem a little different from before."

"This college festival is an opportunity. Originally, we wanted the world and Setsuna to go together, but although Setsuna and the world don't have a program at this college festival, they don't have time."

The two women explained the reason for inviting Liu Sheng Xia Ye, and they were waiting for Liu Sheng Xia Ye to refuse or agree.

The reason why he wanted to invite Yagyu Xiaye was not just because he wanted to have the memories of Yagyu Xiaye during the academy festival.Mainly when I went to Kuroda Hikaru's bakery to help out last time, I saw Yagyu Xiaye's bakery skills at the bakery, and knew that Yagyu Xiaye must have a good impression in the eyes of Kuroda Hikaru's father.Now their relationship with Hikaru Kuroda has flaws, as long as Yagyu Xia Ye can say something nice in front of Hikaru Kuroda's father, then Hikaru Kuroda's father will worry about Hikaru Kuroda.

"Okay, then let's go to Kuroda's booth tomorrow." Of course, Yagyu Xia Ye would not refuse, because he had already promised Kuroda before that, and he would definitely go to her booth once during the college festival. Bakery stall.There is nothing wrong with being able to go with Kato Otome and the two daughters now, and maybe it can help their relationship reconcile as before.

Yagyu Natsuya agreed to their request, which made both Kato Otome and Ganroji Nanami a little happy.

"Thank you Xia Ye, and classmate Gui asked us to bring something, why didn't you have it?" The matter itself was settled, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami would of course ask about other things, such as video equipment.

I have said it to the world of Xiyuan Temple before, so it is no problem to explain it to Kato Otome and Nanami of Ganlu Temple now.

After knowing the function of the equipment and Gui Yanye's arrangement of haunted house souvenirs, the behavior of the two women is the same as that of Xiyuan Temple World.He directly took down the video equipment, and then asked if he could pay Gui Yanye to buy it.Because the video equipment will record all their previous conversations, this is what Kato Otome and Ganlu Temple Qihai don't want Gui Yanye to see.

Of course, you can't take money from Kato Otome and the two daughters, just let the two keep the arrangement of this souvenir secret and don't disclose it to others.

After reassuring Yagyu Xiaye, Kato Otome and Kato Otome also pulled Liusheng Xiaye to leave the haunted house.

"Xia Ye, are you going to spend the last night festival with Gui student?" Now the two girls are a little curious about who Liu Sheng will be with for the last night festival, because many things will happen in the last night festival of the college festival.Although they haven't experienced it personally, they have also heard many legends from senior seniors.

"No." Liu Shengxia Ye didn't want to say that she was with the world of Xiyuan Temple. Anyway, if they wanted to know, they would definitely be able to know during the Houye Festival.

It was not Gui Yanye, which surprised both Kato Otome and her daughter.

It seems that someone has made an appointment with Yagyu Xia Ye at the Houye Festival before them. If they had known this, they should have come earlier. After asking to go to Kuroda Hikari's booth together, maybe they can still make an appointment for the Houye Festival. .

But now Yagyu Xiaye's time has already been arranged, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami simply gave up, and did not ask in detail who Yagyu Xiaye was with for the after-night festival.


The three of Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked out of the haunted house together, and this time they met not only Gui Yanye, but also other partners.

"Student Ganluji, Kato-san, how do you feel about the haunted house?"

"Very good, fortunately we have Yagyu-san with us."

"It's enough to visit once. I don't think I can sleep well tonight."

"Thank you!"

With the affirmation of Kato Otome and Nanami Qihai of Ganlu Temple, Gui Yanye's confidence is even stronger.Gui Yanye was not the only one who was happy, the other students who participated in the haunted house program were also very happy. The first day of the haunted house should be very successful.

"You should clean up, Qihai and I won't bother you anymore." Seeing these people gathered together, Otome Kato knew that the visit to the haunted house was coming to an end, so she took Nanami of Ganluji away up.

Gui Yanye did not prevent the two women from leaving, and did not get the video equipment of Kato Otome and Ganlu Temple Qihai, which did not surprise Gui Yanye, because this kind of thing happened once in the morning.

This kind of thing should not happen tomorrow, because Liu Shengxia Yeming will not stay here like today.

"Let's tidy up first, and some people will go in to help the companions inside remove their makeup." After Kato Otome and Ganluji Qihai left, Gui Yanye began to arrange things for the rest of the day.

Gui Yanye didn't take part in the cleaning. She had her own things to do, which was to clean up those video equipment and memory cards and prepare to take them home.

"So much?" Liu Shengxia Ye looked at the paper with his name written on it, and was also a little startled.Although he stayed here all day today, Yagyu Xia Ye did not count exactly how many students had visited this haunted house.

Chapter Five Hundred and Ten Two Little Lolitas Make Up for Their Regrets

"It doesn't matter, I can confirm the contents by myself." Gui Yanye thought that Liu Shengxiaye was worried that there were too many memory cards, and it would take a lot of time to go back to read the contents at night, so she said that she confirmed it by herself.

"I'll help you, pack up and let's pick up Xinxin and Xiaozhi."

"Well, just wait for me."

After everyone cleaned up, they all went home separately. Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye walked out of the school together.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi went to her house with Jing Yi Uzuki last week, and today the three of them will go to school together on Monday, and Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye will pick them up again after school home's.

When Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye came to the school of the two little loli, not only the three little loli, but also Jing Yi Uzuki's mother was also there.

"Big brother!"

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi had just seen Liu Sheng Xia Ye coming, and they immediately threw themselves into Liu Sheng Xia Ye's arms.

Having gone through so many times, Gui Yanye no longer envies Liu Shengxia Ye for being treated like two little lolitas.And Jing Yi Uzuki saw the actions of the two little lolis Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, she was also very envious, but she couldn't step forward to do the same action as the two little lolis Gui Xin at this time, because it belonged to The time of Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolitas.

Ii Uzuki could only hold tightly to her mother's hand.

Jing Yi Uzuki's mother also felt her daughter's movements, as if she knew what her daughter was thinking, and carefully pulled Jing Yi Uzuki closer to her body.

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