After the two little girls got tired of Liu Shengxia Ye, they also threw themselves into Gui Yanye's arms, which surprised Gui Yanye.

And at this time Jingyi Uzuki and her daughter stepped forward, and said to Liu Shengxiaye: "Big brother, Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi are returned to you."

"Yagyu-kun, thank you for letting Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi come to our house." Jing Yi Uzuki's mother said to Yagyu Xiaye.

Because of Yagyu Xiaye's care, Jing Yi Uzuki did not encounter any bad things in the new place where he lived.It's just that it's always a little uncomfortable to leave the place where you have lived for a long time. Don't think about Yagyu Xia Ye. Fortunately, Uzuki Ii brought Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little loli back home.

And after having an accidental relationship with Yagyu Xiaye, Jingi Uzuki's mother no longer used the honorific name of Yagyu Xiaye, nor did she call Liusheng Xiaye the same name as Gui Yanye, so now using this is like a friendship between friends call.

"It's Xinxin and Xiaozhi who caused you trouble."

"We had a great time. Sister Yanye must come to our house next time." It was Jing Yi Uzuki who took the conversation, because Gui Yanye also walked to their mother and daughter at this time.

"Well, I will definitely go next time." Judging from the reactions of Jingyi Uzuki's mother and daughter, they should not have lied, so Gui Yanye was very happy.

Perhaps it was because he felt that staying with Yagyu Xiaye would be a bit of a drama stealer, so after confirming that Yagyu Xiaye and the two were going to take Gui Xin and Ito Zhi back immediately, they also offered to leave.

Jing Yi Uzuki was very reluctant, but finally went home with her mother, but before leaving, she kept yelling for Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye to go to their house together.

On the way home, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi kept talking about the interesting things about the two of them at Jingi Uzuki's house, and it could be seen that they had a good time there.

When they got home, Liu Shengxia Ye and his group saw the car in front of the house, Gui Yanye blocked the two little girls behind, and Liu Shengxia Ye blocked Gui Yanye in front.

"Mr. Liusheng, we are network operators, and we are here waiting to install the network for you." Someone saw the vigilance of Liusheng Xiaye and his party, so a person immediately came up to explain.

After hearing this person's words, Liu Shengxia Ye remembered that Dongcheng had mentioned that someone would come to pretend today, but he did not expect that he would be waiting at the door of the house at this time.

"Okay, I see, just wait a moment."

After talking to these people, Liu Shengxia Ye turned around and explained the identities of these people to the three daughters of Gui Yan and Ye, and then let the three of them enter the house, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye led the people from the network operator to walk behind.

After entering the room, I didn't see Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little lolitas. They should have entered the room after listening to Gui Yanye's words, but heard the movement in the kitchen, which proved that Gui Yanye was preparing today's dinner.

Although they came by car, only two staff members entered the house, and the rest were on standby outside.

Because Yagyu Xiaye is a special person, some preparations have been investigated before starting work, and the speed of installing the network must be much faster than that of ordinary users.

Half an hour later, a staff member reminded Liu Shengxia that he could try the Internet.

Tried to open a certain website, and found that there was no problem, Yagyu Xia Ye said that it was already ok.

"Mr. Yagyu, we have already installed the network for you. We will go back today. If you have any problems in the process of using it in the future, you can directly contact our headquarters for service." After the staff member finished speaking, he handed He gave Liu Sheng Xia Ye a business card.

After picking it up, Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked, "How much is the service fee this time, I..."

"No need, someone has already paid the service fee this time, and we will leave the follow-up service of the network to us."

It must have been made by Dong Cheng, Yagyu Xia Ye didn't say to pay again, after putting the business card in a box on the table, he thanked the staff.

These people didn't stay longer, and after confirming that the network installation was completed, they also left Gui's house.

Liu Sheng Xia Ye wanted to go out and remind Gui Yanye that he didn't need to prepare dinner for those staff, but he saw two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, sneaking into his room.

"Big Brother, what is this?"

"It seems that the computer mentioned in the TV, is it real?"

"It's true, but this will be used by your sister for work later, so don't let her break it." Liu Shengxia Ye looked at the two little lolitas looking at the computer with anticipation, and immediately reminded.

"Big brother, do you have everything on the Internet?" Gui Xin asked.

"what do you need?"

"Are there any cartoons from yesterday and the day before yesterday? When we were at Uzuki's house, we were all just playing and didn't have time to watch cartoons at all."

The two little lolis also mentioned this once on the way back, but at that time they just regretted it, but now after knowing the functions of the computer, they now want to make up for this regret.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yes, but dinner is coming soon." Gui Yanye will not have a long time to cook dinner, because the network operator has already spent a lot of time installing the network before.

"Big brother, just let us watch it for a while, and we won't open it when my sister comes to ask us to eat."

"Yes, big brother, if you don't agree, we will make a fuss about sleeping with you today, so that my sister can't work here."

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi are two little girls who even use threats. It seems that not seeing the cartoon is not a small loss for them.

"What you said is true?" Liu Shengxia Ye was a little interested in Gui Xin's threat.

I thought that after being separated for three days, the two little lolitas would stay in his room like they used to on the first night when they came back. If it is true that as long as they show cartoons to them, it will stop making trouble, what about Liu Sheng? It is also a good thing for Xia Ye.

"It's true!" Seeing that the plan had worked, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, nodded vigorously.

"Okay, I'll just trust you this time." Liu Shengxia Ye finally agreed to the request of the two little lolitas.

I opened the browser pre-installed on the computer, because I knew what cartoons the two little lolitas liked to watch, so Yagyu Natsuya entered the search keywords without asking, and then jumped out of the entry and waited for Yagyu Natsuha s Choice.

On the official website of the animation company, Yagyu Xia Ye found Guixin and Ito Yuki to watch the animation, clicked on it and found that the child really had the previous replay video.

Because I don't know when the two little lolitas disconnected, they can only make their own choices, but what Yagyu Xiaye didn't expect was that when he saw all the previous replays, the two little lolitas I actually planned to start watching from the first episode.

"Aren't you leaving behind only those that you didn't watch at Uzuki's house?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked.

"Yes, but it's okay to watch it again, anyway, it's the few episodes we left behind."

"Yes, big brother, do you want to watch it with us? It's really very good."

Faced with the invitation of the two little lolitas, Liu Shengxiaye quickly shook his head. It is okay to accompany the two little lolitas to watch cartoons when they meet occasionally. Unable to do so, he said: "Just watch it like this. After watching one episode, it will automatically play the next episode. Don't move around. I have something to do when I go out."

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