"Understood, we are very good!" Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, assured Liu Shengxia Ye.

After nodding to the two little lolitas, Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked out of his room, smelled the aroma of food after coming out, so he went to the kitchen first.

Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye approaching, Gui Yanye took the initiative to come out and said, "Xia Ye, there is still a while tonight, have those staff left? Xinxin and Xiaozhi are not causing trouble, right?"

"I left when the network was secure, so I don't have to prepare dinner for those people. Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi are watching TV in my room right now."

"In Xia Ye's room? But isn't there a TV in the living room?"

"When they were playing at Uzuki's house, they left the TV on for those days. They just knew that it could be replayed online, so they watched it there first. Don't worry, I have already reminded them, and there will be no problems. of."

Gui Yanye nodded, after all, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, still listened to Liu Shengxia Ye's words very much.

"But today's dinner may be a bit too much." Because I was not sure when the network installation would be ready before, Gui Yanye made part of the dinner, and now Liu Shengxiaye said that those staff members have left, so it is not necessary Is there any left?

"Don't worry, I think after three days of separation, Xiaoxin and Xiaozhi will definitely miss your food, and I can eat more."

"Well, Xia Ye, you should go and watch Xinxin and Xiaozhi first. I will ask you to eat after dinner is ready."


After Liu Shengxia came back from the kitchen, he originally wanted to go to Gui Yanye's room, but after seeing the package brought back from school on the living room sofa, he gave up the idea of ​​going to the room and took the package. to his room.

Yagyu Xia Ye entered the room and did not disturb Gui Xin and Ito Zhi. It seems that the two little girls are really obsessed with cartoons.

Now that Gui Xin and Ito Yuki are occupying the computer, of course Yagyu Xiaye cannot check if there are any videos in the memory card, and if there is anything that needs to be deleted.

However, it is still possible to separate the memory cards that have not been separated from the video equipment, so that Gui Yanye can save a little time when he works later.

After Liu Shengxia Ye finished separating all the memory cards, Gui Yanye's voice also sounded outside the door.

"Xia Ye, be careful, Xiao Zhi, dinner is ready, it's time for you to eat."

Gui Yanye pushed the door open and entered, and saw Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little girls sitting in front of the computer very politely, while Liu Shengxia Ye on the other side was in front of the separated video equipment and memory card.

"Sister, is the meal ready?"

"so fast."

The two little lolitas also want to make sure that Gui Yanye's dinner is really ready, because they feel that the time has passed a little bit, and they want to watch some more cartoons.

"You guys have watched a lot, now go to eat obediently." Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked to Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, Xia Luoli, and pointed to the grayed out icons on the computer screen, indicating that those were all The cartoon they just watched before.

The two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, also took a closer look, and found that they had really watched a lot of episodes, and Gui Yanye said with certainty that dinner was ready, so Gui Xin and Ito Zhi give up.

The two little lolitas walked in front, while Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye walked behind.

"Xia Ye, I said that I did those things myself."

"I just want to save you a little time. Even if it's for the school festival program, you can't tire yourself out."

Gui Yanye's concern from Liu Shengxia Ye was very helpful, but he made it clear once again that she would come alone to check the video later, and Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't need to help her.

Faced with Gui Yanye's insistence, Liu Shengxia Ye had no choice but to nod in agreement.

During the meal, Liu Shengxia Ye was not disappointed.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, who had been away from home for several days, when the two little girls ate Gui Yanye's food again, they never said that Gui Yanye's food was not as good as Liu Shengxiaye's. Very satisfied.

Chapter Five hundred and twelve: Being Alone

During the meal, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little lolitas, told the story of Jingi Uzuki's house again, not caring at all that Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye didn't want to hear it.

But the two didn't intend to interrupt the two little lolis. For so long, they have no real peers to accompany them except each other, so now seeing that they can have such a good friendship with Jingyi Uzuki, Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye are very happy to see.

After dinner, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, immediately ran to Yagyu Xia Ye's room, ready to finish watching the cartoons they hadn't finished watching before.

However, Gui Yanye, who had been paying attention to the two little lolitas for a long time, followed behind, and when he saw that they were about to move the mouse and click to play, he quickly stopped them.

"You two little fellows are a little too courageous. You actually want to use this computer without Xia Ye."

"Sister, we want to watch cartoons."

"That's right, we'll just watch it for a while, sister, haven't you washed the dishes yet? We won't watch it after you wash it, and I'll let you work." Liu Shengxia said to the two little girls before, and then The computer is for Gui Yanye to use for work.

"No, you can't move this computer anymore, I'm going to work now." Gui Yanye said to the two little girls.

"What about the bowl?"

"It's best if you guys want to wash it yourself."

"We want to watch cartoons."

It's a pity that Gui Yanye didn't agree to the request of the two little lolitas, and sat directly in front of the computer, and then put the memory card that Yagyu Xiaye separated on the table, ready to start reading the video inside.

"Sister, you used to wash the dishes." The two little lolis were unhappy, because if Gui Yanye didn't get out of the way, they wouldn't be able to watch cartoons.

"When Xia Ye went out to answer the phone, he said that he would wash today's dishes, so you should stop watching cartoons." Gui Yanye finally gave her reason for coming here first.

Hearing that this was the reason, the two little lolis didn't say anything, they could only sit and watch Gui Yanye operate the computer.

Because I operated it last night, it doesn't feel strange to use it today, but the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, think it is very fresh.

After the video came out, before Gui Yanye even started to say anything, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, began to comment on the video.

"Is this a haunted house?"

"Sister, is this your program at your school?"

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