Before the academy festival started, Gui Yanye mentioned such things at home, but the two little lolis didn't pay attention at that time, and now they think about it after seeing these videos.

Gui Yanye didn't speak, but nodded to show that she was right, because she still had to spend her mind on the video screen.Although I said that it is best to burn according to the original picture, but Gui Yanye still needs to make sure that there is really a video in the memory card.

"The haunted house in this video is not scary at all."

"There are people going to haunted houses together, it's really not fun at all."

"There are still people who confess in it, sister, your school is really different."

While Gui Yanye was checking the video, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, began to comment continuously. When they saw someone confessing, they also started to question Gui Yanye.

And Gui Yanye didn't expect such a situation, after reading it, I decided whether to cut it or not.

"Sister, this is your program at the academy festival, have you visited with your big brother?"

"Sister, did you confess the same confession as this person in the haunted house? Did big brother agree?"

Seeing that Gui Yanye didn't answer them immediately, the two little girls continued to ask.

There must be some things about visiting the haunted house with Yagyu Xiaye, but Yagyu Xiaye did not make a confession in the haunted house.However, after watching the videos of her and Liu Shengxia Ye last night, Gui Yanye felt that it should be regarded as a relatively intimate act.

But of course Gui Yanye would not tell the two little lolis about this kind of thing, and said to them: "Don't ask me about Xia Ye and me, just sit aside."

"Sister, just tell us if you and your big brother have ever been to a haunted house together."

"I've been there, are you satisfied now, you can sit quietly." In the end, Gui Yanye could only answer one of the questions.

Even if they got an answer, the two Xia Luoli were quite satisfied, so they didn't continue to question Gui Yanye, but prepared to ask Liu Sheng Xiaye when he returned to the room.

In this way, the three of them continued to watch the recorded video.


When Gui Yanye watched most of it, Liu Shengxia Ye walked into his room from the outside.

Seeing Liu Shengxia Ye coming in, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, ran to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's side immediately, but before they asked the questions they had left before, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said first: "Be careful!" , Xiao Zhi, you should go to take a shower and sleep now, or else you won’t have the energy to study tomorrow.”

When Liu Shengxia Ye said this, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, yawned at the same time, which proved that watching videos with Gui Yanye was almost their limit.

And Gui Yanye also said at this time: "Be careful, Xiao Zhi, you should listen to Xia Ye first."

"Big brother, we want to watch cartoons." The two little lolitas asked Liu Shengxia Ye.

"I'll show you after the college festival, should you be obedient now?"

"Okay, let's just be obedient." Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little girls, nodded in agreement after Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, but asked again before going out that they must use the computer to watch cartoons in the future.

"Xia Ye, thank you, I will meditate a lot after the two of them are gone." Although when the two little lolis Gui Xin and Ito Zhi left, she and Yagyu Xia Ye were alone in the same room However, in this way, Gui Yanye can check the contents of the memory card with peace of mind.

"They should have rested, and you too, Yan Ye. It's fine if you can't finish it today. There's no need to send out these souvenirs the day after the college festival ends."

"I see, just wait until I finish reading some memory cards, or do you need to use a computer in Xia Ye?"

"No need, I'll just use paper and pen later." Liu Shengxia Ye really needed to write something, and there was actually no difference between using a computer and paper and pen, so Gui Yanye was asked to continue using the computer.

Author's message:

The author is obsessed with Onmyoji, and probably will leave after he becomes a bhikkhuni.

Stuck in Big Tengu

Ma Dan, Onmyoji is already at level [-], stuck in Chapter [-], the big tengu can't cut it, two more nights, if it really doesn't work, uninstall the game and come back to update.

Spicy Chicken Salted Fish King, Spicy Chicken Head Wu, none of which are used for six-star imperial souls, nor birds, and their faces are all black.

In the future, this kind of game is not going to be anal, even if Naigong is invited to dub it again.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing that Liu Shengxia Ye really took out the pen and paper, Gui Yanye did not continue to let Liu Sheng Xia Ye come over to use the computer, but grabbed the earphone from one side and put it on his head.

When Gui Xin was around before, Gui Yanye's voice was released, but now Liusheng Xiaye obviously needed a quiet environment, Gui Yanye didn't want to disturb Liusheng Xiaye.Moreover, she also needs a quiet environment. She can't read all the memory cards tonight, but Gui Yanye still feels that she needs to read most of them or read them at a later time.

Because if she left early, maybe Liu Shengxia Ye would help her read the rest after she left.

So, after that, Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxiaye were busy with their own affairs.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, the two little girls, came to Yagyu Xia Ye's room in a daze after taking a bath. Seeing that Gui Yanye was still watching the videos in the memory card, he knew that they wanted to watch cartoons today. Impossible.Moreover, Liu Shengxia Ye was also concentrating on his affairs, and they did not bother Liu Sheng Xia Ye.

Seeing that neither of them noticed them, they climbed directly onto Liu Shengxia Ye's bed, and then covered them with the quilt.


Gui Yanye was stunned, he couldn't hold on anymore, he turned on his cell phone, and found that it was almost twelve o'clock, and looked behind Liu Shengxia Ye, who was still writing something quietly.

After taking off the earphones, Gui Yanye began to sort the memory cards and put the unread ones aside, then stood up and walked to Liu Sheng Xia Ye's side and said, "Xia Ye, I'm going first, you also want to go." go to bed early."

After hearing Gui Yanye's words, Liu Shengxiaye stopped writing and nodded to Gui Yanye, expressing his understanding.

Not wanting to disturb Liu Sheng Xia Ye, Gui Yanye walked out of the room after receiving Liu Sheng Xia Ye's response, without clearly seeing the strange shape of the quilt on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's bed.

After Gui Yanye left, Liu Shengxia Ye continued to write.

Having written almost everything that should be written, Yagyu Xiaye sat up straight and stretched, then went out of the room to take a shower.

After returning home and turning off the computer, when Liu Sheng Xia Ye was about to go to bed, he finally found something wrong with the bed. After he lifted the quilt, he found two little girls wrapped in pajamas and hugged each other on his bed.

The two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, should have fallen asleep by now. Yagyu Xia Ye originally wanted to wake up the two little lolis and go back to their room, but when he thought about the time now, it was too late. It was too late, and such an idea was cancelled.

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