Kuroda Hikaru does not have the craftsmanship of Yagyu Xiaye in making western cakes, but her basic skills are very solid. The preparation of materials before the start, and the portioning of western cakes after the finished product, Kuroda Hikari can do the same as Yagyu Xiaye. Yagyu Xiaye shared most of the time, allowing Liusheng Xiaye to make more western cakes.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

With Kuroda Hikaru's help, Yagyu Xiaye's speed of making western cakes has been further improved. He only cares about making, and Kuroda Hikaru and Kato Otome will help Yagyu Xiaye with other things.

Because Yagyu Xia Ye limited the quantity of purchases before, and with the assistance of three beautiful girls, these people still abide by the agreement, almost everyone bought three copies, only some girls couldn't eat it alone, So only one can be purchased.

Although the cakes made by Yagyu Xiaye are good, Kuroda Hikaru’s booth is only one of the booths at the Academy Festival, and the people who bought it didn’t go around to promote anything, so apart from the people who are queuing now, it’s really Not too many people came to continue to buy western cakes, so the production volume of Yagyu Xia Ye suddenly decreased.

In the end, when everyone bought the western cakes, Yagyu Xiaye also stopped making western cakes.

"Yagyu-san, you are really amazing. I think you and Kuroda-san should jointly set up a big booth at the next academy festival. The booth here is really too small for you." Finally When I bought the cakes, the students in Class [-] of the first year did not leave immediately after buying the cakes, but told Liu Sheng Xiaye his suggestion.

He also didn't expect that Liu Shengxia Ye was such a versatile person. Yesterday, the haunted house in the fourth class of the year was already popular today, and the bakery stall today would be popular tomorrow.

"Thank you, this kind of experience only needs to be done once." Yagyu Xiaye thanked this classmate, but he had no intention of having it again at the next academy festival.

If Gui Yanye still wants to do a haunted house show next year, this year's experience is enough, and there is no need for Liusheng Xiaye to help her as much as this year.And Hikaru Kuroda's craftsmanship can't stay at the level it is today. When the craftsmanship improves, there will be no need for Yagyu Xiaye to make western cakes by himself like today.

"I'm optimistic about you guys. Are you still here tomorrow, Liu Yu?"

"No, I'll probably clean up the booth early tomorrow." Before Yagyu Xiaye could reply, Kuroda Hikaru responded to the classmate's words in this way.

After getting the answer from the stall owner Hikaru Kuroda, the student left immediately, saying that he would come back tomorrow.

"Xia Ye, thank you for coming to help me." After thanking Yagyu Xia Ye, Kuroda Hikaru said to Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami: "Otome, Nanami, thank you for coming today."

"We are good friends, Xia Ye is the main person who helps."

"That's right, if you want to thank you, just thank Xia Ye. Xia Ye won't come tomorrow, and Qihai and I will still come to help you." Kato Otome said to Kuroda Hikaru.

When the three of them had finished talking, Yagyu Xia Ye asked, "Student Kuroda, can you make us cakes now?"

After hearing Yagyu Xia Ye's words, Kuroda Hikaru realized that it was already past lunch time.Yagyu Xiaye came to the bakery stand before lunch, but she was always making cakes and had no time for lunch.Of course, not only Yagyu Natsuya, Kuroda Hikaru himself, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami are not eating lunch now.

"Sorry, I'll make it right now." Kuroda Hikaru stood in her place, and asked Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami when it started, "Do you also want to eat the western cakes I made?"

Kuroda thought that Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami would dislike the cakes she made after seeing the strength of Yagyu Xiaye before, but fortunately, Ganroji Nanami did not give her such an answer, and Shi smiled and said, "You are really funny, we come to your bakery stand, of course we eat the cakes you made."

It's not that they don't want to eat the cakes made by Yagyu Xiaye, but today the two of them are here to mend their relationship with Hikaru Kuroda, and the cakes made by Hikaru Kuroda are completely delicious as long as they don't compare with those made by Yagyu Xiaye The presence.Because anyway, Kuroda Hikaru's house is Kaixi Bakery.

Because of this, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami had never eaten the western cakes made by Yagyu Xiaye today, just because they were afraid of the comparison.

"Okay, then I'm confident." Receiving encouragement from her friends, Hikaru Kuroda immediately followed her own method and steps to make western cakes.


"Xia Ye, thank you for coming with us." On the other side of the booth, Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami thanked Yagyu Xia Ye.

If the two of them came alone, they wouldn't be able to help Kuroda Hikaru at all, so their relationship with Kuroda Hikaru might not be able to recover.

Now with the external force of Yagyu Xiaye, it perfectly solved the problems that Hikari Kuroda had encountered before, and also provided a lot of time for the two of them and Hikari Kuroda. The emotional rift between them and Hikari Kuroda had been repaired now. It's almost there.

"You're welcome. In fact, I promised Kuroda-san to come here to taste the cakes she made. Of course it would be better to drop by with you." Yagyu Xiaye said to Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami.

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye's words, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami were both a little surprised.Because when Liu Shengxia Ye was invited to the haunted house of Class [-] yesterday, Liu Sheng Xia Ye did not tell this matter.Of course, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami would definitely not blame Yagyu Xiaye, anyway, Yagyu Xiaye helped them a lot today.

It was just making cakes for four people, so Hikari Kuroda didn't spend too much time this time.

However, when the three of Liu Sheng Xia Ye saw the final cake, they were stunned because there were more than three servings.

"Student Kuroda, although we missed lunch for a long time, we can't finish it." Yagyu Xia Ye asked Kuroda Hikaru, and Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami also looked at their friends .

"These are for the world and Setsuna. Of course, Gui will have to trouble Xia Ye to bring you over." Kuroda Hikaru explained the extra cakes.

"Because Xia Ye is Gui's deskmate, so we can see each other often?"


After Kato Otome and Kuroda Hikaru had a question and answer, they said to Kuroda Hikaru: "Let Xia Ye take the share of the world and Setsuna too."


"Because Xia Ye has a much higher chance of seeing the world and Setsuna now than we do. If you bring them to me, you may not be able to find them." Kato Otome gave the answer.

Chapter five hundred and eighteen: Your name

After listening to Kato Otome's words, Kanroji Nanami also nodded vigorously, saying that what Kato Otome said was correct.

And Hikaru Kuroda was also a little surprised. During this period of time, she was busy with the bakery at home. She didn't care much about the relationship between her friends Saiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna, so she didn't know their current situation. relationship status.

"Then Liuyu, you can take all three of them later. If you don't eat them before tonight, you won't be able to eat them tomorrow." Kuroda Hikaru finally decided to ask Liusheng Xiaye to bring the three pastries to his family. Owner.

"Okay!" When it came to this point, Liu Shengxia Ye could only agree.However, in my heart, I was a little bit unsure.

There is no difficulty in Gui Yanye's western cakes, because setting up Gui Yanye's cakes at any place in the school during the day will always come back home at night, and it is fine to leave it to her at that time.

As for Xiyuan Temple World and Qingpu Seta, although they met in school yesterday, Liu Shengxiaye has no way to directly know where these two people are in the school. After all, Liu Shengxiaye is not a fortuneteller.

It seems that finding Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna in the school can only rely on luck, but for now, let's eat the cakes that Kuroda Hikaru made for him and Kato Otome, after all, it is lunch time It's been a long time.

The cakes made by Hikaru Kuroda are not as delicious as Yagyu Xiaye, but neither Yagyu Xiaye nor Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami have said that Kuroda Hikaru's cakes are not good.Because, when eating the cakes, all three of them could feel the emotion that Hikaru Kuroda poured into the cakes, and the food made with such emotional input would not be so bad.

"Guang, your cooking skills have improved again!"

"Yes, much better than before."

Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami were the most surprised, because in the past when their relationship was very good, they ate the cakes Kuroda Hikaru brought to school every now and then, but they never tasted like this once.

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