After hearing the comments from the two friends, Hikaru Kuroda was very happy, but he didn't show it completely. Instead, he looked at Xia Ye Yagyu, wanting to know the evaluation of her current bakery skills from Xia Ye Liu.

"Otome and Qihai are right. Kuroda-san, you did a great job this time. Don't forget how you feel now. Your future achievements will definitely surpass mine." Yagyu Xiaye also commented.

Liu Shengxia Ye did not lie, because Liu Sheng Xia Ye's identity limited his depth on the road of making western cakes in the future.But Hikaru Kuroda is different. It can be said that Hikaru Kuroda will inherit the bakery in the future. Now that his level has improved, it is only a matter of time before he surpasses Yagyu Xiaye.

"I will not surpass Yagyu, no matter what." Kuroda Hikaru responded to Yagyu Xia Ye's evaluation.

This is mainly because of what Hikari Kuroda her father said to her.

The last time Yagyu Xia Ye came to the bakery to help, Kuroda Hikaru saw the level of Yagyu Xia Ye's bakery cooking, and finally asked her father, her father said that some people are born with extraordinary talents, such people are not It cannot be surpassed by experience and time.

Moreover, this time's super performance was mainly because the waiting objects were Liu Shengxia Ye and her two friends.Otherwise, the cakes made by Hikaru Kuroda could only be the same as before Yagyu Xiaye came to the cake stall.

Regarding Kuroda Hikaru's humility, Yagyu Xia Ye just smiled, and did not argue with Kuroda Hikaru any more, but started eating western cakes again.


After a very late lunch, Yagyu Xiaye left Kuroda Hikaru's confectionery stall with three servings of western cakes, but Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami did not leave with Yagyu Xiaye. Let Hikaru Kuroda spend the time after the school festival today.

There was nothing to explain. After Yagyu Xiaye left the bakery stall, he began to search for traces of Xiyuan Temple World and Qingpu Seta in the school.

However, it may be because Yagyu Xiaye has a strong consciousness, so although Yagyu Xiaye searched many places, he did not see the world of Xiyuan Temple and Kiyoura Setsuna.

"Student, it seems that you are very troubled." When Liu Sheng Xia Ye was about to take a break and search hard, he heard a female voice asking beside him.

And what the voice said was not wrong, so Liu Shengxia Ye followed the voice to find the speaker.

I saw that it was a simple booth with the word divination written on the top position, and the girl sitting in the booth was actually wearing a red and white maiden costume.

"There are cosplays?" This was the first time Yagyu Xiaye saw someone dressed like this in Sakakino Academy, so he sat in front of the booth out of curiosity.

After being called cosplay by Yagyu Xiaye, the female booth was a little embarrassed, but she immediately explained: "Now I am a divination master, so I have to dress more formally, not cosplay."

"Is it really the shrine maiden?"

"I can solve your problems that are bothering you now. I don't know if you believe this classmate?" Instead of answering Liu Shengxia Ye's question, he asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye instead.

Hearing such grand words, Liu Shengxia Ye also felt a little interesting, and said: "I want to find two people now, but I have no idea at all. If you can help me find them now, I will definitely repay you after the academy festival." yours."

"Sorry, I can't help you find them directly." The witch refused.

"Then what you said just now can help me solve the problems that bother me. Isn't that contradictory?"

"I said it can't be direct, but I can provide you with the clues you need." The witch handed out a pen and paper and put it in front of Yagyu Xia Ye, and said, "Now write your name on it, and I can To give you clues."

Liu Shengxia Ye picked up the pen, and asked without writing, "Do you need the name of the person I'm looking for?"

"No, all you need is your name." The witch said affirmatively.

After the witch said so, Yagyu Xiaye didn't ask again. After writing his name on the paper, he pushed the pen and paper back in front of the witch.

The witch tore off the page with the name on it, folded it twice, and pressed it down with a pen.

"I can give you the clues you need now." The witch said to Yagyu Xia Ye confidently.

Chapter five hundred and nineteenth mother and daughter go abroad together

After playing tricks like this twice, Liu Shengxia Ye certainly wouldn't believe it, so he asked: "Then tell me where I can find the person I want to find."

"Of course it's where you want to go." Yagyu Xiaye didn't understand Miko's words, but it felt amazing.

"Can you be more specific? The person I'm looking for is of course where I will go. If you do that, I can actually sit in your place."

"If you have time, Yagyu-san, you can come in and sit down."

"Forget it, you still answer my question, if you can't answer, I will leave first."

"Liuyu, the people you're looking for are actually waiting for you, you just need to figure it out and you'll be able to find them."

Liu Shengxia Ye was also a little surprised to be able to say their words, and couldn't help asking: "I now believe that you have the ability of a witch, so can you tell me where I should look for it?"

Hearing Liu Shengxia Ye said that she believed her, the witch nodded in satisfaction, and then said: "Go and see where you are related, maybe you will gain something."

After getting the answer from the witch, Yagyu Xiaye also left the witch's booth, but the answer of the witch made Yagyu Xiaye suddenly not know where to go to find the world of Xiyuan Temple and Kiyoura Setsuna.Because although they haven't visited all corners of Sakakino Academy now, there are really many related places.

In the end, when there was no other way, Yagyu Xiaye planned to go to the roof to see the entire layout of Sakakino Academy.


The preferred location is of course the rooftop that Liu Shengxiaye applied for. When Liusheng Xiaye came to the rooftop, he found that the person he was looking for happened to be on the rooftop, and both of them were there.

"World, Setsuna, why are you all on this rooftop?" Yagyu Xiaye walked directly to Xiyuan Temple World and Qingpu Setsuna.

Xiyuan Temple World and Kiyoura Setsuna were also very surprised by Liu Shengxiaye's sudden arrival on the rooftop, because they thought that Liusheng Xiaye would be somewhere else in the school instead of appearing on the school's rooftop today. .

"Xia Ye, why did you come here?" Qing Pu Shan asked.

"I saw that you didn't have lunch at noon, so I brought you something to eat." Yagyu Xia Ye took out two of the western cakes brought from Kuroda Hikaru and handed them to Kiyoura Setsuna and Xiyuan Temple World.

Seeing what Yagyu Xiaye handed over, Kiyoura Setsuna and Xiyuan Temple World were a little puzzled, but they still took it.

Yagyu Xia Ye was right. Kiyoura Setsuna was leaving Japan after the school festival, so she planned to chat with her friend Saiyuanji World for a while during the school festival, but she didn't expect to have lunch during the chat. .

After opening the things that Yagyu Xiaye brought, he found that they were western cakes.

Could it be that Liu Shengxia Ye made it himself?With this suspicion, the two picked up a piece of western cake and put it in their mouths. The taste surprised both of them.

The two of them had eaten cakes made by Liu Shengxia himself before, but this time the cakes were a little different from those made by Liu Sheng Xiaye.

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