"Ito Yuki."

"My name is Jingyi Uzuki." The three little lolis did not wait for Gui Yanye or Yagyu Xiaye to introduce them, and took the initiative to tell Kuroda Hikaru their names.

In this case, of course Hikaru Kuroda couldn't understand, so Gui Yanye introduced their identities again, just like on a tram.

After listening to Gui Yanye's introduction, Kuroda Hikaru knew the identities of these three little lolitas, and also knew their relationship with Yagyu Xia Ye, and then said to the three little lolitas: "Thank you for agreeing with the western style I made. Cake, but my cooking skills are not as good as your big brother's."

When Hikaru Kuroda didn't expect, the three little lolitas were actually I agreed with her words safely.

"Although the powerful big sister is powerful, the big brother is even more powerful."

"Yes, it's not that big sister's cakes are also delicious."

"I haven't eaten it yet." In the end, it was poor Ii Uzuki, because she had never eaten either Yagyu Natsuya's Western Cakes or Ii Uzuki's Western Cakes.

Such blunt words did not make Kuroda angry, but said to the three little girls: "Then follow me in now, how about I buy you cakes for free?"

"Okay, I was looking forward to it last night."

"Well, I really want to eat again."

The two little girls, Guixin and Ito Zhi, immediately agreed to Kuroda Hikaru's invitation, but Uzuki Ii looked at Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye.

After seeing Jingi Uzuki's actions, Kuroda Hikaru also looked at Yagyu Xiaye.

Because Hikaru Kuroda knew that although Uzuki Jingi was looking at Yagyu Xiaye and Gui Yanye, it was Yagyu Xiaye who could make the decision.If Yagyu Natsuya refuses Uzuki Ii to follow her into the academy festival and go to her booth, then Gui Xin and Yuki Ito, who had promised her before, would not go either.

"You can go, but you can't make trouble, you know?" Liu Shengxia Ye explained to the three little lolitas.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The three little lolitas can be taken away by Hikaru Kuroda, and Xia Ye Liusheng is a bit liberated from the school, because Gui Yanye is going to supervise the haunted house of Class [-] of the first year today. If the three little lolitas stay in the haunted house, It must not be able to satisfy them.

Now staying by Kuroda Hikaru's side, although it's just a stall, is much better than staying in a haunted house.

As for the fact that Liu Shengxia Ye personally brought the two little lolitas, she was denied by the three little lolitas on the way here.

In their words, with Yanagi Natsuya by their side, although they would feel safe, they would be a little cautious when walking around, which was not in line with their original intention of coming to the Sakakino Academy Festival.

"Student Kuroda, be careful and I will ask you to be careful. Don't worry, the haunted house will end earlier today, and I will come to pick them up then." Now Yagyu Xia Ye agreed that Kuroda would take Gui Xinsan away. There is no need for Gui Yanye to stop her, because if she does, it will leave a bad impression in front of Kuroda Hikaru and the three little girls.

"Big brother, big sister, let's go first with the powerful big sister." Hearing that both Gui Yanye and Liu Shengxia Ye agreed, the three little girls of Guixin were very excited. He pulled Kuroda Hikaru into Sakakino Academy.

After watching the four of them walk into the school, Liu Sheng Xia Ye asked, "Do you regret it?"

"No, if they are forced to stay by my side, they will definitely be dissatisfied." Gui Yanye first denied this, and then asked: "Xia Ye, Kuroda has changed a lot now, why don't you Are the cakes she made yesterday really delicious?"

Yesterday, Kuroda Hikaru asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye to bring her western cakes, but Gui Yanye did not eat them.

At night, I thought there was nothing wrong with not eating, but the attitude of Gui Xin's three little girls just now made Gui Yanye start to take a skeptical attitude.

If it's not a good food, it was praised by two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

"Anyway, today's haunted house will be closed early, you can try it, and then you will understand."

"Is that so?" Liu Sheng Xia Ye said so, and Gui Yanye decided to try it in the afternoon, but now Gui Yanye still has something to do. "I'm going to get busy with the haunted house first, Xia Ye, you can go shopping by yourself."

"Well, I see, just send me a message when the haunted house ends."

"We'll take care of it ourselves!" Gui Yanye said to Liu Shengxia Ye when he was rushing to the fourth class of the first year.

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye entered the school, he also went in afterwards, but he didn't go to watch other programs at the academy festival as Gui Yanye said.

Because Liu Shengxia Ye had already taken time out to watch those programs yesterday, so it would be meaningless to watch them again today.

Today, Yagyu Xiaye mainly has two things to do.

The first is to agree to the invitation to dance at the Xiyuan Temple World Post Night Festival, and the second is what Yagyu Xia Ye wants to confirm now.


The sports warehouse of Sakakino Academy was still very lively before the school festival started. After all, there were many event props in it, and many students came to pick them up.

And even though it was the last day of the academy festival, the time to return the props hadn't come yet, so the sports warehouse seemed very deserted.Fortunately, the school opened the door of the sports warehouse, because there are not many people, so there is no need to send a teacher to guard it, and the college festival is a festival for the students, if it is not necessary, the teachers are not very happy. Will come to school.

Therefore, Yagyu Xia Ye was able to easily enter the sports warehouse.

There was no one outside the sports warehouse, but Yagyu Xia Ye's goal was not to be on the periphery, and he walked carefully to the small room in the sports warehouse.

You can't see people from the outside, but you can know that there are people inside through the sound.

"Cheng, don't do this first, we have something to do later."

"Taisuke, I can't wait now, can't I come first?"

"No, after we finish what we have done today, our future life will be much richer. Don't you want to be more interesting?"

The two people talking inside were a pair of gay guys from Sakakino Academy, Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong.

Perhaps it was Makoto Ito who was touched by the later life mentioned by Taisuke Sawayong, so Makoto Ito did not make any more troubles, but said to Taisuke Zeyong: "Taisuke, you'd better call to confirm now, to avoid all our arrangements. It's all gone."

"I'll call now, you can go and see if the props we put up are still there." After finishing the instructions to Ito Makoto, Yagyu Xiaye heard the sound of the phone key.

Knowing that their plan would continue as usual, Liu Sheng Xiaye also left the small warehouse with satisfaction.Because it is not yet the time for the two gay guys to implement the plan, and it is not the time for Liu Shengxia Ye to try the plan, so Liu Sheng Xia Ye plans to go out and take a look, and some things should be sent out.


After leaving the small warehouse, Yagyu Xiaye began to wander around the school, not to experience other programs of the school festival again, but to confirm the goal.

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