During this process, Liu Shengxia Ye also met Gui Xin's three little girls.

It seemed that they had already left from Kuroda Hikaru's booth, and after seeing a pair of girls following the three little lolitas, Yagyu Xia Ye had no intention of going with the three little lolitas.After asking the girl who was traveling with him, Liu Shengxia Ye separated from Gui Xin's three little girls.

Finally, Yagyu Xia Ye found the person he wanted to confirm on the playground.

"Okay, now you help him go to the infirmary to get medicine, and then go home today, if you don't rest well, there may be hidden dangers." It seems that there was an accident just now. After the accident happened, the student explained what to do next after finishing the emergency treatment.

"Thank you, Teacher Zeyong!" The student who was dealt with thanked Miki Zeyong very gratefully.

Although Taisuke Zeyong's current reputation in school is very bad, but this does not affect Miki Zeyong. On the contrary, it is because of Miki Zeyong that Taisuke Zeyong can continue to be arrogant until now.

"Teacher Zeyong is really a person who can't stay idle." Yagyu Xia Ye walked to Miki Zeyong and said, because he also met Miki Zeyong in school yesterday.

"As a teacher, I am not as relaxed as Yagyu-san, who is a student. The three little girls who came to visit the academy festival today are very cute. You are really surprising, Yagyu-san." Miki Zeyong saw that it was Yagyu Natsu Ye, did not speak to Liu Shengxia Ye in the tone of a teacher.

Author's message:

ps: Unloading Onmyoji, I robbed train tickets for the Chinese New Year for many days but failed to get them, so sad.

Chapter Five hundred and twentieth: Cheng Jun, you are the most important

Being able to say such words already means that the three little lolitas, Meiji Zeyong and Gui Xin, have met each other, and they also know the true identities of the three little lolitas.

As for the accident, it should be the fact that Gui Xin is Gui Yanye's younger sister, and Ito Yuki is Ito Makoto's younger sister.

"It's not surprising, they are just themselves, not someone else's." Yagyu Xia Ye didn't want to explain anything, if Ze Yong Miki wanted to use the relationship between Ito Yuki and him to make Yagyu If Xia Ye let go of the words against Taisuke Zeyong and Makoto Ito, it would definitely disappoint Miki Zeyong.

Of course, Miki Zeyong understood the meaning of Yagyu Xiaye's words, so she put away her previous plans and asked, "What did you prepare for today, Yagyu?"

The first day was spent at Gui Yanye's haunted house, but yesterday he was almost at Kuroda Hikaru's stall since noon. Today, neither of these two places has been visited by Liu Sheng Xia Ye, maybe it was Liu Sheng Xia Ye has plans for his own show.

Of course, I didn't see Yagyu Xiaye's program on the college festival program list, but Miki Zeyong believed that if Yagyu Xiaye wanted to make a show, it would be very simple.

"I can't say yet, it's not a show that everyone likes. Mr. Zeyong, are you going to perform on stage today?"

The reason why Yagyu Xia Ye asked this was because Miki Sarawong had changed out of her custom-made clothes today, and what she was wearing now looked like a custom-made one, and she must have worn it like this for a show.

"I participated in a program that not everyone likes, but I can't let go of this program." Miki Sawanaga answered Yagyu Xiaye's question.

"I hope Mr. Zeyong's program will be well received!"

"Each each other!"

After saying goodbye to Miki Zeyong, Yagyu Xia Ye continued to wander around at the academy festival.


After solving the problem of lunch at a certain stall, Liu Sheng Xiaye also started to act after checking the time.

First of all, he had to find a mobile phone, because Yagyu Xiaye's mobile phone number Zeyong Miki knew, if he used his own phone to send the message, then the previous conversation with Zeyong Miki would be in vain.

Because the mobile phone is still a relatively personal thing, in the end Yagyu Xiaye had to buy a mobile phone with money from a certain first-year student.

After transferring a file, Yagyu Xia Ye started to create a new inbox.

After finishing the draft, Xia Ye Liusheng clicked send.


Miki Sawyong is now going to find her younger brother and Makoto Ito to compare the words to be used in the performance, but she did not see her younger brother Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito at the place agreed before.

And at this moment, Miki Zeyong's message rang.

I thought it was from either Taisuke Sawayong or Makoto Ito, but when he saw the incoming number, Miki Sawayong confirmed that it was an unfamiliar number.

However, Miki Zeyong, who didn't want to miss a clue, opened the received text message.

"Teacher Zeyong, I hope that after you listen to the recording below, you still have the face to stay in the school."

This is an obviously threatening message, so Miki Zeyong is a little confused. Although she sometimes overdoes some things in physical education class, she thinks she has not yet reached the point where she is sent a threatening text message with hatred .

So the reason why she hates herself so much is related to her younger brother Taisuke Zeyong?

Before the relationship with Ito Makoto was exposed, Zeyong Taisuke angered some people in Sakakino Academy, but those guys all looked at Zeyong Miki's face and didn't care about Zeyong Taisuke.But after knowing the relationship between him and Makoto Ito, those people began to target Taisuke Zeyong openly.

The text message said there was a recording, but Miki Sarawaga pressed down, and finally the recording pattern came out.

Because the text message was threatening, Ze Yong Miki still found a place where there was no noise around, and then pressed the play button.

The prelude was so long that Miki Zeyong wondered if the person who sent her the message was playing tricks on her.

When Ze Yong Miki was impatient, finally a voice came out.

"Taisuke, are you alright?"

"Well, Makoto, you are the best!"

Miki Zeyong was very familiar with the voices of the two in the recording, it was her brother and Makoto Ito, and the conversation at the beginning made Miki Zeyong's face turn cold.This bunch of gay guys actually did that kind of thing in school, and they were even recorded.

Moreover, this kind of "flirting" between the two lasted for a long time.

"Taisuke, do you think your older sister will agree to our proposal?"

"Believe me, my sister will definitely agree for me."

Miki Zeyong didn't know what the two were talking about at all, because Taisuke Zeyong didn't tell her anything other than the show, so she was eager to know what the two of them were discussing.

"What if you still don't agree when you get here?"

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