"Senior, our equipment has been returned, we should leave here early, as for other things, we have not encountered at all."

"Yes, senior, we are just here to return the equipment."

After being called by the juniors of the first grade, the second grader also immediately said: "Indeed, we are only here to return the equipment. Now go back and see the bonfire party at the Houye Festival."

"it is good!"

The second-year student and his juniors immediately left the small warehouse of Sakakino Academy, and Yagyu Xiaye also left with him, and had no intention of staying in the small warehouse.

After Yagyu Xia Ye left, many people who came to return the things heard Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito's cries for help, but they immediately recognized who it was, and did not choose to rescue those two people in order to avoid suspicion.


Yagyu Xiaye returned to the playground of Sakakino Academy, but he didn’t go to the campfire, nor did he go to the Kuroda Hikaru’s booth, because Gui Xin’s three little girls were still there. It’s possible that Yagyu Xiaye passed Lost freedom.

Yagyu Xiaye still felt a little surprised to see Xiyuanji World, Gui Yanye, Kato Otome and Ganluji Nanami dancing together at the bonfire position.

Judging from the rhythm of the music, the dance of this section is about to end, and the effect of that thing is about to start.

Yagyu Xia Ye found a relatively quiet place, took out his mobile phone, and found one of the application software on the interface.

In the software, after entering a command code, Liu Sheng Xia Ye closed the phone.

At this time, in every classroom in Sakakino Academy, the projectors that played the courseware started working automatically.

"How is this going?"

"Why does the projector turn on by itself?"

"There is no one to open it at all. Do you want to report it to the teacher?"

"No, the projectors in all the classrooms are probably working now."

The classes that are connected together have already communicated with each other. After knowing that they are all in this state, they also want to see what kind of moths these working projectors will make.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the projector curtain was lowered, the light bulb also lit up.

The first thing these students could think of was that the school system was wrong, but when the picture appeared on the screen, one counted as one, and they all stayed where they were.

Because it was Sawayong Taisuke and Ito Makoto who appeared, and the location was the small warehouse of Sakakino Academy.

What is even more unacceptable to some girls is that Taisuke Sawa and Makoto Ito on the screen have almost taken off their clothes, and now they are constantly groping for each other.

"This is so explosive!"

"Yes, it's very powerful. I didn't expect it to be such a program."

"It's dirty, but I like it!"



Faced with the sudden appearance on the show, different people expressed different opinions.Although some people can't accept such things as being gay physically and mentally, it doesn't mean that they don't want to watch this good show. Even some girls who said they were perverts secretly lifted their fingers and looked at the curtain on the screen.

In the picture, Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawayong didn't even know that their scene was being broadcast live. They just wanted to solve their needs quickly, otherwise their bodies would definitely explode.

Seeing that the main scene was about to enter, except for some old drivers, most of the students left the classroom and did not want to watch the next scene.

It's just that after these people left the classroom, they still couldn't let go of this scene.

Because the students outside the classroom can actually receive the push of this video on their mobile phones. Even if the mobile phone is closed, they can’t see the picture but can hear the sound. Many people who really don’t like this video have to give up the battery of their mobile phones. take it off.

There are also some guys who must have gay attributes in their bodies, because they walked into the dark corners of the school with their mobile phones.

"Is this a live broadcast?"

"I don't know where it is?"

"Do you still want to observe it?"

"Go away, you guy is still watching here, you must be a gay."

"No, no, no, I just have the talent of an artist. I want to write about this incident. It's definitely hot enough."

"Just know what's going on, why watch the video?"

"Do you know the details?"

"It turns out that the butter writers on the Internet are you guys. It's really disgusting, but can you give me a copy after writing it?"


There were a lot of people discussing inside and outside the classroom, and Yagyu Xiaye took the opportunity to come to the playground.

Seeing Qingpu Setsuna and Kuroda Hikaru unloading the battery, and Gui Xin's three little girls looking at their mobile phones very curiously.

"Xia Ye, have you removed the battery of your mobile phone?" Seeing Yagyu Xia Ye's arrival, the three little lolis immediately walked up to Yagyu Xia Ye's side and surrounded them, while Qingpu Setsuna asked Yagyu Xia Ye after removing the battery. .

"My phone is fine." Yagyu Xia Ye turned on his phone to Kuroda Hikaru and Kiyoura Setsuna, and it showed that it was working normally, and there were no unsightly videos.

Kuroda Hikaru and Kiyoura Setsuna were a little surprised to see that there was no problem with Yagyu Xia Ye's mobile phone, because all the mobile phones around them that could play videos had received the video push.

"Xia Ye, please remove the battery of your mobile phone, don't let..."

At this time, the four Gui Yanye and others who were still dancing by the bonfire walked to the booth of Kuroda Hikaru, and Xiyuan Temple World reminded Yagyu Xia Ye to remove the battery, and at the same time showed their own mobile phones. Cell phones are separated from the battery.

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