"World, Xia Ye's phone is fine, there is no need to remove the battery." Qingpu Setsuna replaced Yagyu Xia Ye to answer the question.

Hearing that Liusheng Xiaye's cell phone was fine, Xiyuan Temple World and Gui Yanye looked at Liusheng Xiaye at the same time, but there was no truth to be seen from Liusheng Xiaye's expression, and Liusheng Xiaye did not want to explain What do you mean.

"I think we should go back today. The teachers of the school will definitely have to deal with this matter later." Gui Yanye proposed to leave Sakakino Academy first.

What Gui Yanye said was right. You could hear someone calling the school teacher on the playground, and some girls just chose to hug tightly.

The mobile phone can accept video push and automatic playback, but this does not affect the call, you only need to remove the battery after the call.

Now Sakakano Academy has caused a certain sensation because of this live video, and it is a wise choice to leave at this time.

"There is nothing wrong with leaving now, Setsuna will you go with me?" Xiyuan Temple World asked Qingpu Setsuna.

Kato Otome and Kanroji Nanami came to Kuroda Hikari and said, "Then let's escort Hikari home. After all, all the things on the stall were brought from Hikari's home, and she brought them alone. not going home."

"Thank you, Nanami and Otome." Kuroda Hikaru was also very happy to get the help of two friends.

The two groups of people have been arranged, and the rest is that Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye went home with the three little girls.

"Sister Setsuna, you are a powerful big sister, we will go back first."

"Sister Shijie, Sister Otome, Xiaoxin and I went back together."

Jing Yi Uzuki stood beside Liu Sheng Xia Ye and Gui Yan Ye, while Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, went out to say goodbye to the girls.

Although the two little lolis knew the four of them, they each focused on different people, so they said goodbye separately.

"Well, let's meet again next time we have time."

After everyone agreed, the group left.


Jing Yi Uzuki was going to Gui Yanye's house tonight, so her mother didn't go to Sakakino Academy to pick her up.

While in the car, the three little lolis were chirping about fun things in Sakakino Academy.Obviously they acted together, but they still decided to tell it again, so as to share other people's experiences.

"Xia Ye, did you do it?" Gui Yanye, who was sitting next to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, suddenly asked.

Gui Yanye didn't explain what was going on, but Liu Shengxia Ye knew about it and didn't deny it, and replied, "Yes."

After hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's answer, Gui Yanye didn't speak any more.

No matter what purpose Liu Shengxia Ye arranged for this matter, Gui Yanye, who knows the truth, is supportive, and after knowing part of Liu Sheng Xia Ye's identity, he is not afraid that Liu Sheng Xia Ye's doing so will bring him harm. What trouble.

"The hands of the world are very soft." Instead of continuing the previous topic, Gui Yanye talked about the world of Xiyuan Temple.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Gui Yanye's sudden change of topic made Liu Sheng Xia Ye feel a little out of rhythm, and he replied in a daze, "Really?"

When dancing with Xiyuan Temple World, Yagyu Xia Ye really didn't seriously feel whether Xiyuan Temple World's hands are soft or not, because neither of them can dance, so Yagyu Xia Ye can only use more energy It is above the synchronization with the world dance steps of Saiyuanji.

However, after being brought up by Gui Yanye, it seems that he is really a little soft.If I can feel it again, I will definitely be able to perfectly respond to the topic that Gui Yanye opened up.

Gui Yanye was very satisfied with Liu Shengxia Ye's reaction. In fact, this was the conclusion she came to after dancing several dances with Xiyuan Temple World.

"Is student Qingpu going abroad after the college festival?" Gui Yanye brought the topic to Qingpu Setsuna again.

This is what Gui Yanye knew from Xiyuan Temple World.

Unlike the mother and daughter in Xiyuan Temple World, Gui Manami rarely talked with Gui Yanye about the company, so Gui Yanye didn't know about Qingpu Wu's abnormal situation in the company during this time, let alone that it was all because of Qingpu Setsuna. And produced.

Originally, Gui Yanye should be happy about Qing Pu's instant departure.But she felt a sense of loneliness in the world of Xiyuan Temple. She didn't have a deep relationship with Kiyoura Setsuna, but she knew that Yagyu Xiaye and Kiyoura Setsuna came to play relatively closely.

If Yagyu Xia Ye felt as lonely about Qingpu Setsuna's going abroad as she was in the world of Saiyuan Temple, Gui Yanye didn't know whether she should be happy or not.

"Yes, it is estimated that she will leave this week, and I will go to see her off then."

"give her?"

"Yes, it was agreed before going abroad."

After hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Gui Yanye felt even more strange. Could it be that Liu Sheng Xia Ye knew that Qingpu Setsuna would definitely go abroad, and even made a promise?

"Didn't I let Xinxin and Xiaozhi stay in Radish for a day last time? That time Qingpu Setsuna took care of them and I owed me a favor, and the way to repay the favor was to cook a meal for her."

"So it was chosen when she was going to go abroad?" Although he was answering Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Gui Yanye had already looked at Gui Xin and Ito Zhi.

"Sister, yes."

"Big Brother promised."

Gui Xin and Yi Teng Zhi stood by Liu Sheng Xia Ye and helped Liu Sheng Xia Ye explain that he was not lying.

With the help of the two little girls, Gui Yanye believed it, and lamented that the influence of that care is still continuing.

You know, since the last time they accepted the care of Qingpu Setsuna, the two little lolis didn't like some of her guidance methods very much.Although after Liu Shengxia Ye's adjustment, both sides did not continue to argue.

However, Gui Yanye was still a little unconvinced towards Qingpu Setsuna.Fortunately, Qingpu Setsuna is about to go abroad, and this influence on the two little lolitas will be gradually eliminated over time.

"I will take good care of them." Gui Yanye thought that Qingpu Setsuna would go out on Sunday, because Yagyu Xiaye only said that it would be within this week, and did not specify which day.

"Big brother, we're going to have your dinner tonight." Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little girls, made a request to Liu Shengxiaye, and Jing Yi Uzuki, who will be staying at Gui's house tonight, also looked forward to it. Watching Yagyu Summer Night.

The reason for such a request was firstly because they felt that the response to Gui Yanye's words had helped Liusheng Xiaye, and secondly because they felt jealous that Liusheng Xiaye would cook for others.

According to their understanding, Liu Shengxia Ye belonged to them and could not be taken away by others without their consent.

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