Among them are Yagyu's summer night dishes.

If it was in the past, Gui Yanye would definitely stop him when he heard his sister and Ito Zhi made such a request, but this time Gui Yanye did not.

Because Gui Yanye felt that Qingpu Setsuna should enjoy being behind her.

"Okay, let's go shopping together before going home." Liu Sheng Xia Ye agreed to the request of the two little lolis.


The three little girls were very happy, and they stopped talking about what happened at Sakakino Academy today, but started discussing what ingredients to buy next, so that Yagyu Xiaye could cook their favorite dishes.


Gui family.

Although Jing Yi Uzuki moved in tonight, the two little girls, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, still didn't get the computer to play.Not only because Gui Yanye needed to use the computer to check the video, but also because the agreement between Liu Shengxiaye and them had not yet come, so the three little girls could only watch TV in the living room.

As for homework, I have been approved to do it after dinner.

Liu Shengxia Ye cooks in the kitchen alone, since he promised the three little girls, he must be careful.

However, when Yagyu was cooking in the summer night, he also learned the time when Qingpu Setsuna's mother and daughter went abroad.

Just this Friday, the day after tomorrow, it was Kiyoura Setsuna who told Yagyu Xiaye through Kiyoura Mai's cell phone.

After replying to the materials and asking Qingpu Setsuna to prepare, Yagyu Xiaye put it aside.


"I might not go to school on Friday." At the dinner table, Liu Sheng Xia Ye said to Gui Yanye.

The reason for this is that he wants Gui Yanye to formally ask him for leave.He promised Gui Yanye that he would study in Sakakino Academy, and he has been insisting on it since he returned from Sacred Maple Academy.

"Is student Qingpu going abroad on Friday?" Gui Yanye didn't expect this.

"Well, so I'm going over there."

"Then I will pick up Xinxin and Xiaozhi after school, so you don't have to worry about Xia Ye."

"Big brother, sister, Xiao Zhi and I can actually come back by ourselves." Gui Xin expressed a different opinion at this point, thinking that she and Ito Zhi do not need to be picked up.

"It's still early. You will be sent home alone after you enter middle school. Don't cry then." Gui Yanye said to the two little girls.

The two little lolis who have not been allowed to go home alone are not too disappointed, because now they are also enjoying the moment of going home with Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye.

After dinner, the three little lolitas went to do their homework, Gui Yanye undertook to clean up tonight's dinner, and Yagyu Xia Yeshi went to use the computer first.

Instead of checking the videos in the video equipment for Gui Yanye, there are other things to do when using the computer.

He took out the notebook he wrote and painted a few nights ago, opened the computer document in front of him, and started typing on it.

Prepare something you wrote before and send it to someone who needs it.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After Liu Sheng Xia Ye finished all this, Gui Yanye came into the room, saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye sitting next to the computer, Gui Yanye asked: "Xia Ye, do you still use the computer?"

"No need, I've already done everything I need to do. You may not be able to check all of them today. Tomorrow I'll take some of them out and burn them, so that those who went to the haunted house first can get their videos."

"I'll just do these things myself, and it's okay for them to get them later."

After Gui Yanye said this, Liu Shengxia Ye didn't say anything more, he took out the book he wanted to read and went to the other side, while Gui Yanye sat in his seat and began to check the video.


The next day, Yagyu Xia Ye made a lunch for three people and gave it to the three little girls, and then sent them to their school with Gui Yanye, and then went to Sakakino Academy.

On the tram, they met the students of Sakakino Academy, Gui Yanye and Yagyu Xiaye, the topics they heard were all about the last big drama of the school festival last night.

Because of the standard attitude, those girls didn't come to Gui Yanye's side to discuss with Gui Yanye, because Liu Shengxia Ye was still there.

"Xia Ye, what do you think will happen to them?"

"I don't know, let's see how the school handles it."

"Xia Ye, this..."

"It has nothing to do with you." When Gui Yanye wanted to continue asking, Liu Shengxia Ye blocked Gui Yanye.

With this attitude, Gui Yanye knew what she wanted to know, so she didn't ask Liu Shengxia Ye any more.


After arriving at Sakakino Academy, the students were still discussing what happened yesterday.

Yagyu Xia Ye and Gui Yanye did not go to the classroom together, because someone from the student union told him that Miki Zeyong was looking for him.

I didn't meet Miki Sawaaga in the staff room, but on the rooftop of Sakakino Academy.

"After you applied for this rooftop, you have never held an activity. This does not meet the regulations of the club."

"Teacher Zeyong, did you come to me today to talk about this matter?"

The list of Liu Shengxiaye and club members was filled on the application form, but all those on the application form had never gathered in this club activity room once.

The most typical thing is that Gui Yanye never came up once.

"I have submitted my resignation report, and I will not be a teacher here from today on."

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