This result made Liu Shengxia Ye a little surprised, but he still said, "Why did you leave when you did a good job?"

Yagyu Xiaye's words made Miki Zeyong stare into his eyes for a long time, but he didn't see anything in the end.

"What I want to say is, please stop troubling me, Yagyu-san."

"I can guarantee it!" Liu Sheng Xia Ye immediately gave the answer.

The fact that Zeyong Miki could say such a thing meant that she had already made a certain decision, and Yagyu Xia Ye had no intention of continuing, so she agreed to Zeyong Miki's request.

"Thank you!"

Miki Zeyong left the rooftop after she finished speaking, and Xia Ye Yagyu also went to class.


When get out of class was over at noon, everyone in Sakakino Academy knew this information.

The school's physical education teacher Miki Sawaaga resigned voluntarily, while the students Taisuke Sawayong and Makoto Ito were expelled from school because of the indecent incident last night. The school communicated with the family.

Both results are effective today.

After hearing this news, there were more topics that could be discussed in the school. Even Yagyu Xia Ye received a message.

It's from Moeko Ito.

However, Xia Ye Yagyu read the content of the text message, and it seemed that Moko Ito, who didn't know the situation, could send it, but Miki Sawanaga's tone.

So Yagyu Xiaye also replied to the same promise as Miki Zeyong.

Yagyu Natsuya knew that this promise was what Miki Sawanaga wanted, and Moko Ito didn't care much about Makoto Ito's life, and she was more concerned with her daughter Yuki Ito.

Gui Yanye was dragged by her friend to eat in the cafeteria, and Liu Shengxia Ye climbed up to the rooftop that she had only visited in the morning.

There was only one person on the roof, not Qingpu Seta who had been there a few days ago, but Xiyuan Temple World.

"Aren't you a little disappointed?" Seeing Liu Sheng Xia Ye arrived on the rooftop, Xiyuan Temple World was not as reserved as Qingpu Setsuna, but patted the side of her very generously, and asked Liu Sheng Xia Ye to go and sit down.

"Did Setsuna go to the cafeteria today?" Yagyu Xiaye thought that Qingpu Setsuna was planning to get together with her friends in the school before going abroad, so he didn't come to the school rooftop today.

"No, Setsuna hasn't come to school today. He should be preparing to go abroad, the plane on Saturday morning."

Saiyuanji World talked about Qingpu Setsuna's state today, and then revealed that Qingpu Setsuna went abroad.

Yesterday Yagyu Xiaye just received a message saying that Yagyu Xiaye would go to Kiyoura Setsuna's house to cook on Friday and tomorrow, but I don't know the exact departure time.

"It's really vigorous and resolute."

"Shun is such a character, and she won't come back if she hasn't learned enough of what she wants to learn abroad. I really hope she can come back soon after learning."

"Can't bear it?"

"It's just a brief separation. I believe we will have more time together in the future. I made extra bento today in Xia Ye. Please eat it for me." Xiyuan Temple World took out another The bento was passed to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"Thank you." Yagyu Xiaye took the lunch box and thanked Xiyuan Temple World.

When the two were about to eat, Xiyuan Temple World asked, "Xia Ye, what are your plans after graduating from Sakakino Academy?"

"I'm going to help my sister with something. Continuing to go to school doesn't mean much to me." Liu Sheng Xia Ye didn't say that he was helping the family, but that he was helping his sister.

"It turns out that Xia Ye thinks the same way, so there is no problem with Gui and I's decision."

"What did you decide?"

"This is a secret between me and Gui. If you want to know Xia Ye, you can ask Gui."

Hearing what Xiyuan Temple World said, Liu Shengxia also smiled helplessly.

Since the world of Xiyuan Temple didn't intend to tell him this secret, and Liu Shengxiaye couldn't ask Gui Yanye to tell him, it seems that he can only find out when the time comes.

"What is Xia Ye going to do for Setsuna?" After packing up the lunch box, Xiyuan Temple World changed the topic.

"Do what she wants to eat, after all, I don't know what Setsuna likes."

"That's great, one can eat the meals you specially made before leaving, and the other can eat the meals you cooked every day. Now that Setsuna has learned to leave, I want to eat her for a summer night. You The bento I made didn’t work, what a failure.” Saiyuanji World expressed its envy for Kiyoura Setsuna and Gui Yanye in a failed tone.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Kiyoura Setsuna was learning cooking with Saiyuanji World at Radish, Yagyu Xiaye could cook exactly the same dishes as Kiyoura Setsuna, and there were two servings.One is for Qingpu Setsuna, so that Qingpu Setsuna can know the difference, and the other is for Xiyuanji World.

After Kiyoura Mai came back, Kiyoura Setsuna left Radish, and Yagyu Xiaye did not continue to make bento to bring to school.

Liu Shengxia Ye could now tell that the envy of the Xiyuan Temple world was sincere, but he hadn't made any promises to the Xiyuan Temple world at this time.

"After all, I agreed to Setsuna. I live in Yan Ye's house and I can't make clothes to stretch out my hands, but I can open my mouth when I eat." Liu Sheng Xia Ye gave an explanation.

"Actually, Radish can also live in people." Xiyuan Temple World seemed a little unwilling to say, and she also knew that it was impossible for Liu Shengxiaye to move out of Gui Yanye's house and live in Radish.

Of course, Yagyu Xiaye did not agree with Xiyuanji World's proposal, but stood up from his seat and said, "Thank you, World. Your bento is really good."

Speaking of which, Yagyu Xiaye only ate the bento from Saiyuanji World and Kiyoura Setsuna.

The purpose of eating Kiyoura Setsuna's bento is to find out the shortcomings in the bento and tell Kiyoura Setsuna, but the bento of Saiyuanji World is different.

Not long after I transferred to another school, I ate the bento prepared by Makoto Ito at that time, and I ate it for a long time.Gui Yanye's current level of cooking can also make good bento, but in order to care about the relationship between her and Yagyu Xiaye, so she didn't make bento to bring to school.

Of course, this is because Yagyu Xiaye didn't ask for it, and if there is a request, it may be different.

"What do you want tomorrow?"

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