"I'm going to Setsuna tomorrow, so I can't come to school."

Yagyu Xiaye's words silenced the world of Xiyuan Temple for a while, and then he said: "It seems that my cooking level is still far inferior to yours in Setsuna's heart. Otherwise, why would I invite you to her house."

The good friend of Saiyuanji World didn't receive the invitation, so Kuroda Hikaru and Kato Otome probably didn't receive the invitation either, that is to say, only Yagyu Xiaye will send Kiyoura Setsuna and her daughter abroad tomorrow.

Yagyu Xia Ye did not ask this question, but said to Xiyuan Temple World: "Can I ask you for the lunch in the future."

"Of course there is no problem." No reward was mentioned, but Xiyuan Temple World was still very happy.

At this time, the bell for the afternoon class rang, Yagyu Xiaye and Xiyuan Temple World were ready to go downstairs to class together.

From the beginning to the end, the world of Xiyuan Temple did not mention what happened between Ito Makoto and Qingpu Chan yesterday, because she could see things a little more clearly than Gui Yanye.In addition to Miki Sawanaga's voluntary resignation, which made Saiyuanji World feel a little regretful, Makoto Ito and Taisuke Sawainaga's gay couple, whether it is Saiyuanji World itself or the students in Class [-] of the year, have long thought about it. Get them out of school.


Nothing in the afternoon.

Liu Shengxia Ye and Gui Yanye went to pick up the two little girls home, and Jing Yi Uzuki was brought back by her mother, but she seemed a little reluctant.

On the way home, Gui Yanye should have already found a store for recording discs, and took the memory card in the video equipment of the students who participated in the haunted house on the first day to the store, and then asked the clerk to burn it.

Hearing that there are more follow-ups, and that Gui Yanye is a student of Sakakino Academy, the store manager did not ask Gui Yanye to pay a deposit, but said that he can come to the store to pick up the disc at this time tomorrow.

After thanking the store manager, Gui Yanye went out, went home with Liu Shengxiaye and the two little girls.

Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolitas, also know that Liu Shengxia is going to Qingpu Setsuna's house tomorrow. If tomorrow is not Friday, Gui Xin wants to send Qingpu Setsuna off in person.

The first is that the relationship between her and Qingpu Setsuna is really good, and she is willing to send Qingpu Setsuna if she has the opportunity.The second is to know that Liu Sheng Xia Ye will make food according to Qingpu Setsuna's preferences, which is a more attractive existence for Gui Xin.

However, in the end, neither Liusheng Xiaye nor Gui Yanye rejected her request to go to Qingpu Setsuna's house together with Liusheng Xiaye.

"Brother, we also want to have a customized dinner."

"This can't work, because there are not so many ingredients." Standing in the kitchen, Liu Shengxia Ye said helplessly to the two little girls.It's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. If there is no food, Liu Shengxia Ye can't conjure out of thin air the two little lolis, Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, who like to eat.

"Be careful, Xiao Zhi, you guys go and finish your homework now, don't disturb Xia Ye here." After seeing Gui Xin and Ito Zhi, two little lolitas following Liu Sheng Xia Ye to the kitchen, Gui Yanye also knew in his heart The plan of the two little lolis was broken, so he immediately stepped forward to stop their request to Liu Shengxia Ye.

It seems that tonight I can only eat the existing ingredients, but the two little lolis did not give up.

"Big brother must cook us a customized dinner when he comes back."

"No, twice!"

"I see. I'll ask for your opinions when I get back. Go do your homework now." Yagyu Xia Ye promised Gui Xin and Ito Zhi two little girls.

The two little girls who got the promise left the kitchen obediently, and Gui Yanye asked at this time: "Xia Ye, do you need my help?"

"No need, go and do your business. I'll call you when the meal is over." Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked to the door of the kitchen and after speaking to Gui Yanye, he stretched out his hand and gave the kitchen staff a hand. He pulled it to close it, worried that Gui Yanye would not be able to resist coming in to help him finish making dinner tonight.

"Well, then I'll go first." Gui Yanye said to Liu Shengxia Ye through the door.

After that, Gui Yanye did not go back to her room, but opened the door and entered Liu Shengxia Ye's room.

Although I have been using Yagyu Xiaye's computer for several days, I haven't finished watching the videos in the memory card.Although it is said that the original flavor is the best, but if there is really something restricted in it, it is better not to burn it.

Fortunately, after checking for so long, except for her own video, which was a bit too much, others are relatively well-behaved.

I hope that all the inspections can be completed today, so that it won't delay Liu Shengxia Ye, Gui Yanye, who was thinking like this, immediately turned on the computer.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The next day, Liu Sheng Xia Ye still got up early and finished what he needed to do before, but he didn't send the two little girls to school with Gui Yanye.

Originally, Liu Shengxia Ye wanted to go to Qingpu Shana's house immediately after Gui Yanye's three daughters left, but Qing Pu Wu sent a message to ask Liu Shengxia Ye to go to her house in the afternoon.

Now that Qingpu Mai has said so, then Yagyu Xia Ye has time to go to the Alipay company.

When I was going to sleep last night, Katsura Manami sent a message, saying that it was something he sent yesterday, and there were some things I didn't understand very well.

He wanted Yagyu Xiaye to go to the Alipay company on the weekend, but instead of going to Qingpu Mai now, he could go to the Alipay company first.

Thinking that the Qingpu mother and daughter were going to the airport tomorrow, they drove the car that Hiratsuka Jing had sent.


By the time Liu Shengxia arrived at the Alipay company, it happened to be time for lunch.

Originally, Katsura Manami and Nishizonoji Yuko were only called over the phone, but I didn't expect that not only Moeko Ito, but also the important team of Alipay's operation would follow.

"What are you guys planning to do?" Yagyu Xiaye was very surprised, looking at Xiyuanji pupa and Katsura Manami a little displeased.

"Mr. Yagyu, we asked for this. If you have any objections, you can get angry with us after class."

"Yes, Mr. Yagyu please finish the class for us!"

"Class?" Yagyu Xiaye looked at Xiyuanji Pupa and Katsura Manami even more puzzled after hearing what the operation team said.

On the other hand, Xienji Puguko and Katsura Manami did not answer Yagyu Natsuya's question, but looked at Ito Moeko, who seemed to want Ito Moeko to explain to Yagyu Natsuya.

"It's about the suggestions you sent yesterday, Mr. Liusheng. After reading it with the operation team, I didn't understand some of them very well. I originally wanted you to come over to explain it at the weekend, but after knowing that you will come today, we will I came to ask you for advice together, and I asked you to teach us." Moeko Ito explained why she brought people from the operation team here.

Judging from the expressions of Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Katsura Manami, Moeko Ito was not lying. She and her team did have a problem and wanted to ask Yagyu Xiaye for advice.

"Xia Ye, you haven't had lunch, have you eaten your meal before talking about class, or..."

"No need, let's go and settle the problems you need to solve first. Where is the meeting room?" Now Liu Shengxia also understands that these people are really trying to make Alipay develop, and now Liu Shengxia Ye It also means no lunch.

"Okay, we'll take you there." Hearing that Lisuheng Xiaye agreed, everyone in the operation department was very happy, and they walked ahead together to lead the way for Liu Shengxiaye.

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