It was a young man with relatively long hair. After rolling down the car window, he said very familiarly: "Hi, how can I help you?"

"You should get out of the car and apologize, then come with me to see if my car is damaged."

After hearing Liu Shengxia Ye's words, the young man laughed straight away, put a piece of chewing gum into his mouth, and said: "I think my car should be driven to the repair shop, but I still want to thank you for driving away those troublemakers behind." A disgusting pursuer."

"Did you come to me on purpose?"

"No, it's just a coincidence."

"It's very dangerous for you to do this. If I wasn't the one sitting in the car, something might happen today."

"Even if our car is scrapped, there is no problem with your car. If you really want to claim, I can buy you a drink."

"No, it's best to change your attitude towards life."

"I'd rather die than drag racing!" the gum man said the same thing as a manifesto.

This is a man like a lunatic, Yagyu Xiaye doesn't want to have more interaction with such a person, and after getting off the car, he can see clearly that Hiratsuka Shizuka's car, whether it is the front of the car or the parking space, has no collision. The problem, on the contrary, is that the chewing gum man's car has a large dent in the rear, and it is necessary to go to the repair shop.

Yagyu Xia Ye was reincarnated and was about to board the car when he heard the words from the gum man.

"My name is Han, a driver, can you tell me the name?"

"Yusheng Xiaye, I hope you can live longer." After Liusheng Xiaye finished speaking, he got into the car and waited for Han to drive away.

"Of course!"

After knowing the name of Liu Shengxia Ye, Han also had no intention of continuing to be stuck in the traffic jam. He started the car and drove forward, and at the same speed as before, he quickly left Liu Shengxia Ye behind. .

I wish I had heard it.

Liu Sheng Xiaye didn't plan to go racing with Han in anger, but continued to drive slowly to Qingpu's house.


When Yagyu drove to Qingpu Dance House in the summer night, it was time to prepare dinner.

He rang the doorbell, and when he came out to open the door, Kiyoura danced.

Handing Liu Sheng Xia Ye a change of indoor shoes, he said to Liu Sheng Xia Ye, "Xia Ye, you seem to be a bit late in coming, the heating is turned on at home, you should take off your clothes first."

After Yagyu Xiaye finished changing his shoes, Qingpu started to take off his coat for Yagyu Xiaye.

It has to be said that Qingpu Wu really cares about her daughter Qingpu Setsu, which can be seen from the installation of the heating at home.

Liusheng Xiaye also accepted Qingpu Mai's service naturally, and at this time Qingpu Setsuna who heard the sound outside also appeared, just in time to see the incomparably harmonious scene of her mother Qingpu Mai and Liusheng Xiaye.

"Xia Ye, you are here. I heard the sound of turning off the engine just now. Did you drive here?"

When Yagyu Xiaye was surprised, Qingpu Setsuna didn't feel strange or puzzled by the situation.And when he was at home, Qingpu Setsuna called Yagyu Xiaye by name, but at school, they were all called Yagyu classmates.

Seeing Qingpu Susuna come out, Qingpu Wu took Yagyu Xiaye's clothes and quickly hung them up, and then said: "You guys talk first, I'll go to the kitchen to prepare."

"Today's dinner is made by me." Yagyu Xiaye reminded Qingpu Mai who was about to enter the kitchen.

"I'm just going to prepare the materials."

After Yagyu Xia Ye and Qing Seta sat down in the living room, Qing Pu Seta said first: "Xia Ye, thank you for coming, you must know that you are the one who wants to make changes in school."

After returning from Sacred Maple Academy, both Kiyoura Setsuna and Xiyuan Temple World knew what Yagyu Xiaye said in Class [-] of the first year.So today Liu Sheng Xia Ye was able to come to the house to cook a farewell dinner for her when she was in school, which greatly benefited Qing Pu Seta.

"It's impossible to change your nerves all the time, and this is something I promised you, so you should do it." At this time, Liu Shengxia Ye was finally able to confirm that there were only Qingpu mother and daughter and him in Qingpu's family, so Asked: "Didn't the world let them come?"

"No, I still have to meet them after I return from my studies anyway, so I don't worry about our friendship at all." Qingpu Setsuna is very confident in her friendship with Xiyuanji Shijie and others. "Just now my mother said that Xia Ye, you are slow, is it because you are driving here?"

"Yes, I encountered some minor situations on the road."

"Can Xia Ye really be able to drive on the road?" When it was confirmed that it was Yagyu Xia Ye who was driving, Qingpu suddenly began to worry whether Liu Sheng Xia Ye would have problems driving at this age.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"No problem, there are always special circumstances." Liu Shengxiaye believed that Qing Pu Wu must have told her daughter Qingpu Setsuna about his situation, but Qingpu Setsuna never asked Liu Shengxia Ye to confirm. That's all.

After listening to Yagyu Xiaye personally about the special circumstances, Qingpu Setsuna also made a silent decision in his heart.

"Xia Ye, sit down for a while, and I'll go clean up."

Now Qingpu Mai is preparing materials in the kitchen, Yagyu Xiaye doesn't know what Qingpu Setsuna is going to pack.It's just that Qingpu Setsuna didn't take the initiative to speak out, and Yagyu Xiaye didn't ask either.

"I'll go to the kitchen to have a look too." When Qingpu Setsuna was about to leave the living room, Yagyu Xiaye also stood up after finishing speaking.


After entering the kitchen, she saw Mai Qingpu was seriously preparing the ingredients for dinner. After looking at it, it was all that Yagyu Xiaye could cook by herself.

"I'll come." Liu Sheng Xia Ye walked to Qing Pu Wu's side and said.

Today Yagyu Xiaye came to fulfill the promise he had made with Kiyoura Setsuna, so even the preparation of the ingredients in the kitchen should be done by Yagyu Xiaye.However, in order to alleviate the ambiguous atmosphere between her and Yagyu Xiaye, Qing Pu Wu came to the kitchen alone first.

"Didn't Setsuna follow in?" Seeing that Yagyu Xia Ye was also packing up the ingredients, Qingpu Wu asked.

"I said I went to pack up. It should be to pack up the things to take abroad. And as I said, I'm here to cook, so you should go and rest, Mai."

After Yagyu Xia Ye finished speaking, she saw Qingpu Mai really stopped cleaning up, but she didn't intend to leave the kitchen.

Yagyu Xiaye, who was packing up the ingredients, felt someone reach out from behind and put his hand on his chest, and the person behind also kowtowed his head on his shoulder, smelling the fragrance, Yagyu Xiaye knew it was Qingpu Wu.

How dare Qingpu dance be so bold?

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