When Yagyu Xiaye opened his mouth to remind Qingpu Setsuna that he might come in at any time, Kiyoura Mai first sniffed Yagyu Xiaye's neck, and said, "Puppa and Manami didn't squeeze you dry, did they?"

Or maybe, telling Yagyu Xia Ye to come to her house this afternoon is to save the morning time for Xiyuan Temple Pupa and Katsura Manami.

However, now that Liu Sheng Xia Ye smelled the scent that the two people still couldn't part, Qingpu Wu felt a little disappointed.

If Xiyuanji Yuzi and Akure Manami are lingering because they haven't been together for a long time with Yanagi Natsuya, then there really isn't much left for Kiyoura Mai.

"Mai, you are leaving tomorrow, Pupa and Manami know how to measure."

In the previous lingering in the company lounge, the three of Yagyu Xiaye were relatively restrained and not too absurd.As a result, both parties were quite satisfied and left without any regrets.

"Really?" After listening to Liu Shengxia Ye's words, Qingpu Wu stuck out her tongue on Liu Sheng Xia Ye's neck and licked it, causing Liu Sheng Xia Ye to lower her head involuntarily.

They didn't kiss each other, Qingpu Wu kissed Liu Shengxia Ye's face and then backed away from Liu Sheng Xia Ye's body.

"I believe it now." Qingpu Wu said to Liu Shengxia Ye with a chuckle, because Liu Shengxia Ye's reaction just now gave her the most satisfactory answer. "I'd better go out first, maybe Setsu will really come over later."

After confirming the current situation of Yagyu Xia Ye, Kiyoura Mai was worried that Setsuna came in again.

Qingpu Wu was able to go out at this time, which also satisfied Liu Shengxiaye. When she wanted to raise her hand to wipe the place where Qingpu Wu kissed on her face just now, Qingpu Wu said: "Don't be so careful, I will At home, I have no makeup at all, I don’t wear any lipstick or anything.”

Thinking that Qingpu Wu would not lie, Yagyu Xia Ye put down his hands and continued to pack the ingredients.

Seeing that Liu Sheng Xia Ye had no further action, Qing Pu Wu also left the kitchen.


In the following time, Qing Pu Wu's mother and daughter both kept their promise and handed over their kitchen completely to Yagyu Xia Ye.

"It's ready." After finishing the last dish, Yagyu Xiaye shouted to the outside of the kitchen.

"Here we come." It was the voice of Qingpu Setsuna.

When Yagyu Xiaye was cooking, the kitchen staff were pushed away, followed by Qingpu's voice.

"It smells so good, how much have you cooked in Xia Ye?"

"I've used up almost all the ones you bought, and if you're not here in the future, it will still be wasted."

"Well, I'll help take it out." When Qing Pu set up his hand to take the food that Liu Shengxia Ye handed over, he saw Liu Sheng Xia Ye's face, and then her own face suddenly It turns red, I don't know if it's shame or anger.

"I'll go outside to clean up the table first, and my mother will be here soon." After saying this, Qingpu left the kitchen in an instant, leaving Liusheng Xiaye, who was holding the dishes in his hand, a little confused.

Fortunately, Qingpu Wu came over later.

"Is there something wrong with Setsuna? Or is there something on my face? I ran out just now."

Qing Pu Wu stared at Liu Sheng Xia Ye's face for a while, and then said: "Xia Ye, there is nothing on your face, probably because Setsuna didn't want to go abroad after seeing the food you cooked, I'll take it out .”

The food was taken away from Yagyu Xiaye's hand, and then it was Yagyu Xiaye and Kiyoura Mai who served the dishes. When they got to the table, Qingpu Setsuna didn't meet Yagyu Xiaye's eyes.


"Setsuna, is the food not delicious?" Yagyu Xiaye looked at the absent-minded Qingpu Setsuna and asked worriedly. You must know that Qingpu Setsuna was full of expectations for this meal before, why did he wait for the meal? But it was such a reaction.

"No, the food you cooked in Xia Ye is delicious, there is nothing wrong with it." While saying this, Qing Pu Setsuna immediately put the food in his mouth, but Yagyu Xia Ye still felt it, for a moment Qing Pu's eyes stayed on his face for a moment.

"Shi Mo, now that I know Xia Ye's level, don't you want to go abroad?" Qing Pu Wu asked from the side.

Also without looking at her mother Qingpu Mai, Qingpu Setsuna lowered her head and said: "I have already made a decision to go abroad, and it will not change."

Qingpu Setsuna's abnormal reaction made Yagyu Xiaye always a little worried, so he said, "Setsuna, why don't you check after dinner, if there is really something, it is okay to postpone going abroad."

Author's message:

ps: Departed from Hangzhou in the morning on the 22nd and arrived home on the 24th. I didn’t sleep for five hours in the car.When I woke up the next day, the power went out immediately, and the traffic was also used up, so I had to open the gas pack.The one that came out today was posted at the house of my cousin in the next village.The two villages are separated by a ditch, but they have telecom broadband, but our side does not.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"No need, I'm fine." Kiyoura Setsuna rejected Yagyu Natsuya's proposal to go for a checkup, speeding up his meal, and filled his stomach before Yagyu Natsuya and Kiyoura Mai.

"I'm full!" Holding his own bowl, Qingpu walked towards the kitchen in an instant.She didn't hear the sound of washing dishes in the kitchen, but saw Qingpu Setsuna come out of the kitchen again, and instead of returning to the dining table, she went directly back to her own room.

Therefore, only Yagyu Xiaye and Qingpu Mai were left at the dining table.

"Is there something wrong with my food?" Qingpu Setsuna's behavior made Liusheng Xiaye a little suspicious. You must know that before Qingpu Setsuna, he was looking forward to Liusheng Xiaye coming to cook a special meal for him.

"No, it's delicious. Maybe it's because Setsuna thinks that he won't be able to eat it again when he's studying abroad, so he feels a little unhappy." Qingpu Wu picked up a chopsticks of vegetables for Liu Shengxia Ye and put them in his bowl.

"Thank you!"


After the meal, Qingpu Mai did not let Yagyu Xiaye clean up the mess with her, Qingpu Setsuna also came out of her room at this time.

"Xia Ye, let me show you your room tonight."

Qingpu Wu nodded to Liusheng Xiaye, and Liusheng Xiaye thought that Qingpu mother and daughter would leave tomorrow, so they could just rest here, and then send their mother and daughter to the airport tomorrow.

When Liu Shengxia came to the room, he saw that everything in the room seemed to have been tidied up just now, and seemed to have been tidied up for a long time.

"This is?"

"My mother's room has been with me since my mother came back, so I just need to clean it up briefly. I'll boil water for you first, and I'll tell you to take a bath later."

After Qingpu Wusha left the room, Liu Sheng Xia Ye carefully looked at the layout of the room, and it was indeed like Qingpu Wusha.

I didn't see anything about work in the room, or it was all placed in the company, or it was in Qingpu Setsuna's room.

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