Bang! !

The tall figure on the bed raised his arm, and smashed the sneak attacker to the ground, making violent vibrations and noises.

The two pirates on duty outside looked at each other, shook their heads, touched each other with wine glasses, and drank slowly.

"Damn it, is it still far behind?"

The figure that was smashed on the ground cursed in a low voice and got up from the ground.

The tall figure on the bed has already sat up. He has the iconic white beard like a crescent moon. There is only one such symbol in the world.

"Gu la la la la, boy, don't waste your efforts, my head is not so easy to be taken off."

The figure just now was naturally Ace who joined the Whitebeard Pirates. He sat on the edge of the bed and handed the thing he was carrying to Whitebeard.

Exactly a bottle of Barceló.

Ace shook his head: "Here's this bottle of wine for you. It's exactly what that guy said. With my current body, I'm still far from challenging you. Even he himself said that there is a big gap between you and me."

"Gu la la la la, don't underestimate yourself kid, your era is in the future... Gudong, Gudong... It's a good bottle of wine, who is that guy you're talking about?"

Ace scratched his head, his eyes seemed to see an unknown distance, and he thought of this guy who was both a teacher and a friend with them.

That was the goal he had been pursuing all these years, but the gap seemed to be huge.

"Father, you must recognize him. Although he is a navy, he is also the most dazzling figure in these years. No one can hide his brilliance."

The white beard wiped his mouth, laughed and said, "Gu la la, if it's that navy boy, then it makes sense. Speaking of which, if I didn't know that he is a real human being, I would have thought he was wearing human skin. monster.

Gu la la la la, I have never seen such a powerful guy at his age, even no one in their navy can do it, and even a perverted old guy like Garp is far inferior to him at this age. "

"Yeah, even the old man Grandpa praised him like that."

"It's normal, your grandpa...wait a're old Garp's grandpa?" White Beard reacted, his eyes widened.

"Hey, Dad, didn't I tell you?"

"Gu la la la la, coo la la la, it seems that I really made a profit. I didn't expect you to be Karp's grandson. Well, no, no, you are my son, it's not that I am better than Karp for nothing. That old guy is a generation down."

Ace couldn't help being speechless: "Hey, Dad, what kind of mess are you paying attention to?"

He was silent for a long time, and then made up his mind: "Actually... I came to you today because I have something important to explain to you."

"Just say what you want, you are my son, no matter what you have, it's all daddy's business, daddy will always be your support when you go out and make a living!" White Beard patted Ace on the shoulder.

"I... I am actually not grandpa's grandson, but I was entrusted to him by myself many years ago.

... The person who entrusted me to the old man is my biological father, Gold Roger! "

Whitebeard took another big gulp, and the bottle was only half empty, which shows how much he drinks.

You can skip food, but you have to drink wine. This is the portrayal of most pirates.

"Really, it's really surprising. Gu la la, it turns out that this is the case. Your personality is not very similar to Roger's."

Ace turned his head, and he looked directly at Whitebeard, with dim flames dancing in his eyes: "You are considered enemies, aren't you going to drive me away?"

Whitebeard shook his head, not paying attention to Ace's words just now: "You said there was something important, but I thought it was something, and I was entangled in such a trivial matter."

Listen Ace, it doesn't matter who you were born to.Because everyone is a child of the sea, understand?

So go ahead and use my name to go to the sea, gooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooohood "

Hearing what Whitebeard said, Ace, who was illuminated by the light, looked a little surprised. He froze there, unable to believe such an answer.

Ace looked at the white beard, and after a long time, he also laughed along with the white beard, and the entanglement when he came had already dissipated.

In the room, hearty laughter came from an old and a young couple.

On the outer deck, the two pirates on duty looked at each other, drank the wine in their glasses, and laughed.

Noon the next day.

The time is pushed forward a little bit, and at this time the preparations for the banquet have already begun on the ship, and the protagonist of the banquet is Ace.

A lot of people are busy, and the people from the original second team are all gathered together.

At this time, beside Ace, sat a simple-looking fat man with fluffy curly black hair. He was biting a cherry pie with his toothless mouth, and he seemed to be enjoying himself.

Ace looked at him and asked, "Hey, Tiki, you are a veteran of the second team, right? Do you have any objections to me being the team leader? You should know that you could have become the team leader long ago."

Tichi was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Hahahaha, it's okay, Ace, don't worry about me, I don't have that kind of ambition, it's more suitable for me to be a soldier, and you can be the leader. Captain Ace , This title is very good, thief hahahaha."

Other team members laughed and echoed: "Yes, Ace, if you are the captain, no one will be unconvinced.

Teach is a notoriously unambitious guy on our ship. He joined Dad's ship earlier than most, but he never wanted to be the captain.

Even the old man said about him, but he still did his own thing and never fought for it. "

Tiki scratched his head and smiled honestly.

"Thief hahahaha, you know, if I have cherry pie every day, that would be the most satisfying thing for me."

Ace couldn't help shaking his head: "Tichi, your character is really not suitable to be a pirate, but don't worry, I will have cherry pies you can't finish in the future."

"Then thank you Captain Ace!"

Even Tiki, the oldest member of the second team, has no objections, let alone the others, and Ace himself no longer refuses, and officially becomes the captain of the second team of the Whitebeard Pirates.

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