To paraphrase a common saying, the wheel of history rolls forward.

Of course, it may also be an arrangement from an irresistible force in the dark.


(Continue with [-]D today, but I have to work overtime to be sure about the update time below, I will send it first, and I ask for support~

Thank you for the 1000 coin reward from Natsume's friend account, thank you for your support. )

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

In the new world, Baldigo, the island of white soil, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

The headquarters base of the Revolutionary Army that the navy and cp departments have been looking for for many years is located here, but neither cp nor the navy knows about it.

For the navy and cp departments, the new world is still an unconquered place, and even if they search for it, there is no way to make a big splash.

I'm afraid no one would have imagined that the revolutionary army would build its headquarters in a barren land even more desolate than a deserted island.

The island of white soil, Baldigo Island, except for a piece of white soil, is a land of yellow sand all over the sky. Surviving in such a place is really a test of people's willpower.

However, although this is the headquarters, there are not many people staying here.

This place is more like a place where information is concentrated. Usually only senior cadres and a small number of soldiers will come and go here.

Most of the Revolutionary Army soldiers are still scattered all over the world, waiting for various orders from the headquarters to act.

Moreover, many soldiers were actually developed locally, fully borrowing the strength of the local people.

The headquarters is responsible for building a strategic position, gathering intelligence, formulating various strategies, and so on.

Hidden in a hidden rocky valley on the island is the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army.

It doesn't look luxurious at all, and it follows the tradition of the Revolutionary Army.

There are people coming and going on the facade of the building, and everyone is in a dark hurry, passing by with documents in their hands from time to time, busy and orderly.

A room located on the second floor, this is the staff of the Revolutionary Army.

There is no chief of staff now, only a deputy chief of staff presides over all the work here.

This is a young man with short blond curly hair and a noble hat with goggles on his head. He is also well dressed and has a kind of noble elegance.

It was Sabo who was rescued by the dragon.

The chief of staff of the staff department is vacant, and Sabo presides over the work as the deputy chief of staff. In fact, he can officially take over this post after a period of time.

But no one is unconvinced.

The Revolutionary Army has always been a meritocracy. If Sabo didn't have this ability, even if the dragon helped him up, he wouldn't be able to do it for long.

I have to say that the Kingdom of Goya is really outstanding. If a Karp comes out, a dragon will be fine.

Even the three brothers Luffy performed extraordinary one by one. Although Ace was not born in the Zagoya Kingdom, he was sent there to grow up as soon as he was born.

Sabo, who seemed to be the weakest of the three brothers, was quite proficient in two-color domineering at the age of seventeen, and his position in the revolutionary army was not difficult to imagine.

"Chief of Staff Saab, this is the information just sent over."

A man ran in from the outside in a hurry, and handed a stack of documents to Sabo.

Sabo didn't raise his head, he took the information and said in a deep voice, "I see, thank you, you can go down first."

After opening the information, his expression became a little serious, and he picked up the pen placed beside him and began to outline the opposite sides, writing something from time to time.

Half a day later, he put down his pen, picked up the stack of information and went out directly, heading for Long's office.

The distance between the two offices is not far, and Sabo came to Long's office and knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Mr. Long."

Sabo pushed the door and walked in, and handed the information in his hand to Long, "Please take a look at this information. This is the information sent by Karas."

"It's Sabo, give it to me."

Long nodded and took the documents.

The only sound left in the room was the sound of documents being turned over. After a long time, Long read all the documents, thought for a while and raised his head, "No problem, just follow your way of thinking, Sabo, you wait to contact Karas, wait until the world Acting at the beginning of the meeting, let his Northern Army prepare in advance, make sure the operation is foolproof."

Sabo said, "With the prudence of Mr. Callas, there will definitely be no problem, then I will notify them."

"Wait Sabo."

Long stopped him, and asked in a low voice, "Have you not remembered the past recently?"

Sabo's expression darkened, and then he said a little excitedly, "The memory of the past is still hazy, but recently I feel that some pictures seem to have a vague impression, and they are about people."

"Oh what to say"

Long was a little surprised. He didn't expect things to turn around. Sabo, the little guy who came down after him, had already given him many surprises. The only troublesome thing was that he couldn't remember the past.

Now it seems that the situation has improved somewhat, which is undoubtedly a good thing.

"It's just that when I saw the news in the newspaper, I felt that the two were more familiar. I had a faint feeling that I had contacted them before, but I was not sure."

Sabo scratched his head, a little embarrassed.

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