A Day in the Pirate World
Page 1058
Nami nodded: "Bermel, I've decided. Luffy and the others are very reliable partners. Although they are pirates in name, they are actually more like explorers. You know my dream is to draw A map of the world.
Now that I've grown up, it's obvious that I can't realize my dream if I stay in Donghai. "
There is one more thing that Nami kept hidden in her heart, that is, Bermel gave her and Nuo Qigao all the good times of her youth.
Nuo Qigao has been in the navy a long time ago, and now it's his turn.
Only when he goes to sea by himself can Bermer really have his own life.
She has been looking for opportunities to go to sea again, otherwise she would not take the risk of stealing the map of the great route from Bucky's ship.
Although Luffy and the others are pirates, they can be found through the past few days of getting along, and they are definitely reliable and good partners.
Now, the opportunity is in front of her eyes, no matter what her considerations are, she should not give up.
The look in Bellemel's eyes was a bit complicated. As Nami's adoptive mother, how could she not understand Nami's thoughts.
But, it's true... it's time to let go.
When a child grows up, he always wants to go out and make a living. She can't be a hindrance to the child, on the contrary, she has to be her help.
She sighed faintly: "I respect your idea, Nami, the chicks must see the wider sky before they can really grow up.
If your talent dream is only confined to the East China Sea, you will be too wronged. Go out and see a more exciting world, that is the sky that belongs to you. "
Nami's expression was also a little sad, after all, after going to sea this time, it was different from before, and she didn't know when she would see Bermer again.
As if thinking of something, Nami suddenly clapped her palms.
"By the way, Bermer, how are you and Uncle Cinderell?"
Bellmel's smoking action suddenly froze, and his expression became a little unnatural.
Although she is the mother of two children, she is still like a blank sheet of paper in terms of feelings.
She twitched for a long time before saying: "Cinderell proposed to me a few days ago before you came back, and I haven't agreed yet..."
Nami's big eyes suddenly widened!
(Thanks to the boss of zzzzzzz for the 3 and 3 rewards. Thank you very much. The author said before that the ten thousand rewards plus updates means that 5 updates will be added, and it will be added after the debts on hand are paid off.
Today is the second day of [-]D, the achievement has been achieved, and we will continue tomorrow. Thank you for your support.
Finally, the convention~~)
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------
“什么,求婚?!竟然还答应了,卧槽!可以啊,厉害厉害,恭喜恭喜。” 办公室内,莫森先是一脸懵逼,然后才高兴起来。 高兴中还带着一点心酸酸的感觉,就像是一个老父亲的儿子终于有出息可以成家立业的那种。 咳……这种感觉不能让电话虫那头的辛德瑞尔知道,要不然可能会直接找自己真人k。 再说,人家辛德瑞尔也不容易,快四十岁了终于拥有了自己完满爱情。 只是,有些可惜哪位村子里的警察健助老哥了。 “可以啊,老辛,没想到你这个闷骚的家伙还有这样的勇气,而且还真让你成功了。 虽然抽烟喝酒,但贝尔梅尔是个好女人,你要好好珍惜。没说的,你结婚我肯定会去。” 莫森的话音落下,突然觉得自己说得话哪里有些不对,一时又想不起来。 电话虫那头的声音继续传过来。 “别……千万别!” 辛德瑞尔赶紧阻止莫森,作为海军第四大将的莫森肯定工作繁忙,而且:“我们没有打算举行婚礼仪式,只是请一些亲近的人一起吃个饭见证一下。 时间就定在明天,你过来也赶不及,我们商量了一下觉得这件事还是要告知你一声。 在这之后可能我会休假几天,陪着贝尔梅尔去外面的世界看一看。” “那是应该的,咱们可是朋友,而且我现在可是海军大将,这事你要不告诉我小心给你小鞋穿。” 莫森的笑着对辛德瑞尔打趣,也确实为这两个人高兴。“不过,你们竟然还搞旅游结婚?可以啊,没看出来你还这么时髦。 只是没有婚礼的话贝尔梅尔不会有什么意见吗? 这毕竟是一个女人一辈子的大事情,哦,男人也算,你看看你现在都已经快四十岁了,好不容易有人要,我还以为你会风光大办一场呢。 而且,到时候我去给你做证婚人,保证让你倍有面儿。” 莫森虽然是关心的话,还是忍不住习惯性的扎心一下。 尤其是跟辛德瑞尔这个家伙……算了,反正他跟谁都是这样,这些年没有被人打死纯属是自己有些实力。 辛德瑞尔那头沉默了一下,不用说是用力压下想要顺着电话线过来找莫森k的冲动。 混蛋家伙,不会说话就不能少说两句? 什么四十岁没人要,男人四十一枝花! “这件事就是贝尔梅尔提出来的,她这些年要培养两个女儿确实很辛苦,而且我们也不需要那些仪式之类的东西,正好可以趁这一次机会出去散散心。” “哈哈哈,开个玩笑,你们能这样想那当然不错。” 莫森笑着,昔日的好朋友能够有这样的幸福生活他自然很开心,话音一转:“不过,虽然婚礼仪式不举办了,我的礼金也不能少。 这样吧,我前段时间收藏了一把良快刀50工,就当做随礼了,人去不去无所谓,礼金一定要到,我会让人给你送去的。” “不不不,我打电话可不是这意思,这怎么……”辛德瑞尔下意识的就要拒绝。 莫森直接打断了他接下里的话:“你就不要跟我客气了,法兰卡那个家伙也是个不省心的,这辈子估计都要打光棍了。 这件事你比他强,结婚毕竟是一辈子的大事,你知道一把良快刀对我来说不算什么,是朋友就不用跟我客气,这事就这么定了。” 辛德瑞尔沉默良久,声音才继续从电话虫里传了过来。 “莫森……谢谢!” 莫森咧嘴一笑,对着声筒道:“好了,好了,大男人就不用搞得那么煽情了,没什么事我挂了。” 咔叽…… 声筒扣在电话虫身上,电话挂断。 莫森脸上的笑容不减,看来辛德瑞尔留在东海反而是一件好事,你看这不是找到了一个可以携手一生的人? 反而回到海军本部的法兰卡,都四十多了还是光棍一条,看样子还将继续光下去…… ——也不知道这个世界的风气还是海军中如此,很多人竟然只有工作完全没有自己的生活。 结婚更是不在考虑范围。 莫森表示这是一种非常错误的做法,工作当然要做,但生活也不能放下才是。 尤其是以这个世界的各种情况来说,如果都不结婚,恐怕用不了几代,人口就会锐减到一个可怕的地步。 如果不是有底层的平民支撑着最基本的人口基数,那这个世界势必会变得荒废。 不过…… 跟我又有什么关系呢?! 管天管地还能给人强行配对不成? 都是战国老头,赤犬黄猿青雉这些老家伙没有起到良好的带头作用。 你看看人家大妈,这才是正确的打开方式啊…… 呃,貌似这位打开的洞太大了一些。 莫森把这些想法抛开一边,笑容满面的从自己办公室出去,正好碰到了刚回来的小副官艾恩。 “长官,什么事这么高兴?” “嘿,是艾恩啊。” 莫森站定,笑着跟他解释一下缘由,“是我还在东海支部基地时候的长官,他刚刚打来电话,说是要结婚了,要知道他今年可是快要40岁了,现在终于有人要,你说我能不开心吗?” “结婚?” 艾恩愣了一下,才笑着道:“那确实是一件大喜事,长官你是要去给人家做伴郎吗?” “不是,不是,就我现在说实话谁敢请去做伴郎,那得多大的心啊。 我这一块去一下子就把全场的风头给抢了,这婚还结不结了?那不是过去砸人家场子吗? 艾恩你说是不是这个理?” 莫森臭屁的样子让人很想在他脸上踩一脚又一脚,但看到他脸这种想法又会被打消下去——毕竟这样完美的脸确实下不去手。 艾恩给了莫森一个白眼,没有接他的话茬,免得等会又臭屁个没完没了,虽然她知道长官说的是事实。 长得又好看实力又强大又有钱有地位,确实可以为所欲为! 走到哪儿必然都是焦点。 “那你这是准备去哪儿?” “当然是去找战国老头,看看人家不到四十就结婚了。我得去找他聊一聊,他虽然已经77了,但错过了午后还有黄昏啊,最美不过夕阳红,所以我要多去找他念叨念叨。” 艾恩:“……” 战国元帅有你这样的家伙念叨可真是……倒了八辈子的霉。 不过算了,反正海军元帅办公室是第四大将与卡普中将的办公地点已经成为海军常识了——主要是也管不了。 “哈哈哈,艾恩你去忙吧。” 莫森冲艾恩摆摆手,朝着战国办公室走去,还没走到战国的办公室门口的时候声音已经传了过去。 “战国老头,我告诉你一个好消息……” …… …… “啊咧?!” “结婚?!” 黄金梅里号上,路飞看着娜美一脸吃惊,“那是什么东西?能不能吃?” 作为一个常识基本为零的家伙,路飞的无知与某些方面白痴一点都不让人意外。999小说更新最快 电脑端: 他从小到大的生活中根本就没有遇见过这样的情况,不懂结婚所代表的含义完全正常。毕竟脑子一根筋的路飞心中只有变强,或者是成为海贼王的男人这样的事情。 “笨蛋!” 娜美一拳头砸在路飞头上,敲凶道:“你就知道吃吃吃,结婚的意思就是说贝尔梅尔跟辛德瑞尔大叔他们两个以后会成为夫妻生活在一起。 不过,确实会举行小型的宴会。” 路飞挠头,还是一知半解,但娜美最后的话已经让他兴奋起来。 宴会=好多肉!! 这样的公式路飞还是会换算的。 唰!! 一道黑影跨过路飞出现在娜美身边,看那黑色西装小黄毛的样子不用说都知道是谁了。 “娜美酱,这样的时刻不如来一个好事成双,实不相瞒,在下也想找一个漂亮的dy携手度过一生呢。” 山治的手里不知道从哪里变出了一支玫瑰,半跪在娜美面前,眼睛里全都是红心。 嘭!嘭! 两拳过后,山治步了路飞的后尘,被娜美锤翻在地。 她才是这艘船上最凶残的大boss,三大战力在她面前全都是弟弟。 “你在想屁吃?” “啊,阿伟死了!凶起来的娜美酱也是如此的迷人。”山治躺在地上仍旧色心不改。 娜美额头一阵黑线,决定不去理会这个家伙。 一声嘲讽在一旁响起:“哼,真是个色厨子!” 山治立即炸毛,头上谁?” “嗯?!” 鼻腔哼了一声,索隆也怒气勃发,看着山治道:“卷眉毛色厨子,你是想挨揍吗?” “要不是看在你受伤在先,我早就教训你一顿了,绿藻头!” “开玩笑,即使受伤也能砍了你,色厨子!” “……” 娜美心累,这一刻她深刻的感觉自己成为这样一艘船的航海士,所做的决定是不是有些草率了? 不知道现在退群还来不来得及? 全船除了她这个温柔可爱机智的美少女,竟然就没有一个正常人了吗? 这样下去,感觉早晚要扑gai啊! 还好乌索普接下来的话又把正题给扯了回来:“所以,娜美你是要邀请我们参加你养母的婚宴吗?” “宾果,回答正确但是没有奖励。” 娜美吐了吐舌头,“不过,这些不是主要问题,主要问题是将要跟贝尔梅尔结婚的辛德瑞尔大叔是海军东海支部77基地的上校长官。” “啊咧?!”惊叫x3。 除了路飞之外,其他三人明显都听说过这个名头,所以才会这幅样子。 只有路飞这个常识方面的白痴啥都不懂:“海军上校,那有什么关系?是不是跟我们之前遇见的那个混蛋蒙卡上校一样,让我来揍飞他吧!嘻哈哈……” 嘭!! “哎呦,混蛋娜美,为什么又要打我?” 山治所在的海上餐厅巴拉蒂见过不止一次辛德瑞尔,除了娜美恐怕是这些人当中最熟悉他的一个。 所以小黄毛就给路飞这个白痴做出了解释。 “这位辛德瑞尔上校可是了不得的海军,他不仅实力强大,而且非常负责也非常受这一带居民的尊敬。 他还是现任海军第四大将莫森以前的同僚,听说两人关系莫逆,如果不是这位上校执意留在东海,恐怕早就去往海军本部成为大人物了。” “咦?他竟然也认识莫森大叔吗?” 路飞满脸惊奇,自动过滤掉山治其他的话,只记住这个名字。 这个名字所代表的家伙是他记忆中最不能忘记的几个人之一。 这下轮到其他人吃惊了。 “莫森……大叔?喂,路飞,你认识这个现今世界上最出名的海军传奇吗?” 路飞咧嘴一笑:“嗯,这就是我之前跟索隆说的那个一刀斩开大海的家伙,他曾经教导过我一段时间修行,我知道的霸气知识也都是他告诉我的。” “啊咧咧?!” “纳尼?!!” “什么?!!” “咦,我没有跟你们说过这件事情吗?”路飞挠挠头,一脸惊讶。 “完全没有啊混蛋!!”怒吼声x3。 “嘻嘻嘻,嘻嘻,那是我忘了!” 路飞咧开嘴,笑得像是一个智障儿童。 “可是,海军大将为什么会教导你呢?” “那是因为我爷爷,爷爷他让莫森大叔教导我,想要把我培养成一个海军。 但是,我才不会成为海军呢,我可是发誓要成为海贼,而且一定要成为海贼王才行。嘻嘻嘻嘻!” 似乎是想到了什么场景,路飞笑得越发的开心了。 但他的话又让人无限沉思。 不光刚才的问题没有得到解决,反而更加迷糊——话说你这个白痴的爷爷又是谁?为什么可以指挥莫森来教导你? 这方面的知识娜美知道的最多,尤其是在诺琪高成为了海军之后,之前她休假回家的时候两人还聊起不少事情。 她眼睛一转,一下子瞪得滚圆:“你爷爷是不是海军中将,英雄卡普?!” “咦,娜美你认识我爷爷吗?原来爷爷这么出名,不过我不知道他是不是什么中将,只知道他是一个海军老兵。” 娜美三人有些无力吐槽,怪不得路飞这个混蛋会这么厉害。 有这样的爷爷,又有海军大将教导不厉害才怪了。 不过,这样厉害的海军爷爷以及老师的教导,路飞不光没有成为海军,反而做了海贼,想想还真是…… 有趣啊。 —————————— (又加班了,先来一更4k多送上,等下不确定有没有,明天继续万字。 感谢迷茫书友的qq端打赏,有时候qq端打赏会看不到,请多多包涵。 最后,求个票票。)
-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------
Donghai Rogge Town.
In the past two years, Rogge Town has become more and more prosperous, because this is the last supply station leading to the great air route, and the transportation advantages cannot be ignored.
This is also the hometown of Roger the Pirate King, and it is also the place where he was executed, which also brings a different legendary color to this town.
However, in the past two years, few pirates in the East China Sea dared to come here to pay their respects to the deeds of One Piece.
Anyone who dares to appear here arrogantly is either already cold or thrown into a naval prison.
That's why this town has become more prosperous. There are more merchant ships than before. If the towns located on the main waterway can guarantee the safety of merchant ships, it will be difficult for them to become depressed.
Not to mention the town of Rogge, which is a strategic transportation hub.
Rogge Town Naval Base, the most famous in the past two years is the three female captains, because for the pirate level in the East China Sea, they only need to go out, and most of the pirates who dare to make trouble here are solved by them .
Regardless of the young age of the three captains, they are much stronger than ordinary navy pirates.
And because the appearance and temperament of the three of them are much better than ordinary people, they are very sought after by the townspeople in Rogge Town, and there is even a faint title of the three golden flowers of the navy that is secretly circulated.
The naval base in Rogue Town is different from other places. The base here is not far away from the town, and it is even on the street.
It looks like an army base from the outside, but it actually looks more like a police station.
The location facing the street makes this base appear smaller than other naval bases, but it also greatly shortens the distance between the Navy and the townspeople—at least it is much closer to the people.
All in all, there are pros and cons to each.
Port of Rogue Town.
Luffy's 5-member group officially landed here. They had attended Bermel's wedding banquet before. Under Nami's careful preparation, they finally didn't let Luffy make any big troubles.
——She dared not tell Uncle Cinderell that he has become a pirate now.
Afterwards, the Golden Merry rushed all the way to Rogge Town. After the last resupply from here, the next stop was to prepare to go to Reverse Mountain to enter the great route.
Moreover, because Aaron and his gang have long since disappeared, Luffy did not carry any rewards at this time.
The five people at this time were very excited, ready to have a good adventure here.
Luffy played wild, Zoro and Sanji took the top laner and mid laner, Usopp resisted the pressure on the bottom road, and Nami wandered around.
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