This wave of arrangements, thieves are safe!

"Hey, I'm going to the execution platform. When I get here, I must visit the place where One Piece was executed." When he came to the entrance of the town, Luffy couldn't wait to start acting alone.

"Hey, Luffy, wait a minute, the meeting place hasn't been determined yet."

Usopp's voice sounded behind Luffy, but at this time Luffy's eyes were full of excitement and he didn't hear it at all.

"Oh, there's really nothing to do with this guy."

"I don't care about that guy. Before entering the great route, I have to go shopping first. At least I need to buy more clothes. I always feel that there are not enough clothes." Nami looked at the town and licked her lips.

Sanji ordered to go to the weapon shop to pick up her saber today. The soldier thought for a while and answered.

"I see, you go down and get busy."

Keno waved her hand to let the soldiers go down, while she headed towards the fourth floor by herself.

Over there is the base chief's office, and she just needs to report some information.

"That guy Bucky the Clown dared to appear in Rogge Town, how brave he is.

It's just that my swordsman's ability to deal with his fruit is completely useless, damn it, otherwise I could have caught him directly. "

The murmuring voice echoed in the corridor and slowly dissipated.



"This knife looks so familiar, I think I've seen it somewhere... wait a minute, this... Sure enough, this is one of the 50 craftsmen of Liang Kuai Dao, the third-generation ghost, boss, are you really willing to sell it for 5 Baileys?" take it?"

In the weapon shop in Rogge Town, a navy girl with short blue hair and square eyes was flipping through a booklet, looking at the knife a little obsessively on her face.

In front of her was Zoro who was looking carefully with a knife.

The inertia of the world really cannot be controlled at all. Sauron lost his way decisively and completely after entering the town of Rogge.

But fate is so wonderful sometimes.

If he hadn't lost his way, he might not have met this navy captain who looked exactly like Guina.

When he first saw this navy captain, Sauron was taken aback. He really thought that Kuina had come back from the dead.

Later, under the leadership of Dashiqi, he came to this weapon shop that was said to have been open for 200 years, and it was here that Sauron met the third generation of ghosts.

Hearing Da Siqi's words, the owner of the weapon shop almost broke out in cold sweat.

Although the knives of the Onitsu series are well-known and sharp and easy to use, but...they are all demon knives.

From the first generation Onitoru with the supreme sword to the second generation Onitoru with the [-]-work sword, and the third-generation Onitoru with the fifty-work sword in Sauron's hand, there is almost no one who owns each sword. It ends well.

Up to now, no one outside knows who still has the famous knives of the Onitsu series.

He also wants to dispose of the one here as soon as possible, otherwise it won't be piled up with some garbage and only sold for 5 Baileys.

However, now that Da Siqi has recognized the knife, the owner of the weapons shop decided to tell the story after much deliberation. It is one thing to dispose of the knife. to see.

After hearing the shopkeeper's explanation, Sauron raised the long knife in his hand, the corners of his mouth were split open, and he didn't intend to give up at all.

On the contrary, his smile has already expressed his attitude: "No, I can feel the sharp breath of its blade, I like this knife very much, it is it."

The shopkeeper in the ground panicked and said: "Stupid... idiot, I have already said that this knife will not be sold. This is a demon knife. Wearing it will bring bad luck to the owner. In other words, if you die because of it, it is the same Did I kill you?"

Sauron's gaze never left the blade of the knife. Hearing the owner's words, he replied, "That's all right. My luck or its curse. Let's try which one is stronger."

After the words fell, he threw the three-generation ghost in his hand into the air under the horrified eyes of the shopkeeper and Dashiqi, and let the knife fall freely from above.

Sauron stretched out his left arm, which was tied with a dark green turban, just below the falling of the third generation of ghosts.

The purple-black blade of Sandai Onitsu spun and fell in mid-air, attracting the eyes of the shopkeeper and Dashiqi. Only Sauron looked straight ahead, not caring about the extremely sharp long knife at all.

His arms were steady, without a trace of trembling.

It seems that there is no worry at all.

The long knife reached its apex and was ready to fall.

It seemed like a long time, but it was just a few blinks of an eye.

The third generation of ghosts had already slid freely from the air, the back of the knife touched Sauron's arm in the intertwined light and shadow, and then the long knife fell to the ground... the tip of the knife was down, until it had no handle.

——This is indeed an extremely sharp knife, worthy of the name of the demon knife!

Sauron retracted his arm, put the long knife into the sheath, and tilted his mouth: "Hey, compared to the curse of this knife, it seems that I have better luck, so I will accept it."

Then, as expected, the owner of the shop gave Sauron his treasure of the shop - the quick knife [Yue Zou].

To make up for the guilt he felt about Sauron before.

After the matter of buying a knife was settled, Sauron and the dazed Dashiqi separated from the weapon shop. Dashiqi returned to the naval base, while Sauron wandered further into the town...

Uh, probably inwards?

Who cares anyway!

After the three knives were ready, Sauron's long-lost sense of security returned to him, and he didn't care about where he went.

Go wherever you want - Roronoa Mon Solon Do!

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