It's a pity that he met a captain with such a terrifying ability, the nemesis of all powerful people! "

Some of the four of them knew Blackbeard before, and some were newcomers to Blackbeard's ship, but without exception, they had all seen Blackbeard's terrifying ability.

Because of this, they will appear to be confident, even if they know the strength of Ace, they don't worry, because the victory will belong to their captain in the end!

This, no one will question.

Fan Oka put the gun on his shoulder with one hand, and fiddled with the scope on his eyes with the other hand: "The so-called capable people will become useless once they are deprived of their abilities. In addition, he has a strong basic ability. From this point of view, 'Fire Fist' Ace is worthy of being the captain of the second team on the Whitebeard ship.

However, fate will eventually go in the direction that has been predicted. It is sometimes unpredictable, but in the end it will go in the established direction.

At a fork in the road of fate, I choose to stand as the captain! "

"Ahem... It seems that this is a sure-fire choice." Poison Q looked like he was going to die, as if he was about to burp in the next moment, and he gasped for breath even to say a word.

"Weihahahaha, you are really treacherous, Fan Oka, the captain's ability is invincible!"

Bashas is not only the No. [-] captain and helmsman on the Blackbeard ship in the future, but he is also a chatterbox under his extremely strong appearance.

Half of the daily life of the Blackbeard Pirates is full of him beeping.

Lafayette is a relatively quiet guy. He propped the long sword with an umbrella-shaped hilt on the ground in his hand, and rarely expressed his opinion: "It's not because the captain is strong, but because the captain is him, his ability is the best." powerful."

The tone was a bit of a mouthful, but to sum it up, although the ability was terrifying, it was even more terrifying because it was Blackbeard who possessed this ability.

The average age of the Blackbeard Pirates belongs to a very young pirate gang. Among these people, only Lafayette and Blackbeard are very close in age, both around forty.

The others, although they looked older, were actually in their twenties.

It can also be known from their conversation that although Blackbeard is an unscrupulous guy for his superior position, he is indeed very prestigious.

At least these people are convinced of him.

Bashas laughed and glanced at Lafayette. What he revealed at that moment was: I didn't expect you, a silent guy, to be able to lick. I, the 'champion' Bashas, ​​would like to call you the strongest!

It's a pity that the white-faced and slender Lafitte had already turned his gaze to the battlefield, and failed to capture the reverence in his eyes.




A fist hit his stomach, sending Ace flying nearly ten meters away.

Looking at Ace's battle, he looked like he was fine.

Blackbeard frowned first, then grinned, looked at Ace and said, "Is the armed color domineering? The thief hahahaha, hahaha, what a terrifying talent, Ace, who has already mastered the armed color at such a young age.

Hey Ace, be my partner!

I believe that if we join forces, we will definitely suppress others and dominate the world. Come over to my ship and you will be the deputy captain! "

It can be seen that Blackbeard admires Ace more.

In this world, Blackbeard Tiki is a true pirate.

He is cunning and forbearing, and he can bend and stretch. He has great ambitions and also has the strength and bearing to match his ambitions.

No wonder it can replace Whitebeard later.

Ace patted his abdomen lightly with his hand, looked at Blackbeard, with a mocking expression on the corner of his mouth: "Don't be paranoid, Tiki!

I came here today to arrest you and make amends to Dad, not to be your companion.

It's really funny for a person who killed his companion to say such a thing. "

"I'm sure you'll change your mind, because power is everything!"

Blackbeard had already expected Ace's refusal. Such a proud guy would never submit to a person easily. Only the crushing of strength can make him realize the gap correctly.

He believed that Ace would change his mind, and if not, then...

"Ace, you're going to make the right choice, right? Thief hahahaha."

【Dark Water】

The dark matter twisted and spun to form a huge vortex in Blackbeard's hand, and the powerful gravitational force emanated from his palm, as if it had become the center of the entire world.

Ace's body went towards Blackbeard's hand uncontrollably.

In fact, any power has its strengths and weaknesses, even the dark fruit in the hands of Blackbeard. Although such a gravitational force is huge, it is not completely irresistible.

But, why do you have to resist?

The so-called touching a person with a devil fruit ability will make the opponent lose their ability, so if you don't let him touch it, you will be fine!

These Ace thought very clearly.

Ace's body flew towards Blackbeard, and he didn't look flustered. In terms of talent, whether it's combat talent or cultivation talent, Ace is the top in the world.

Coupled with the fact that he got the Shao Shao fruit, it can be said to be like a tiger with wings added. These are the confidences that he dared to go to sea to chase Blackbeard alone.

Even though he has now witnessed part of Blackbeard's strength, Ace has no fear in his heart.

He was in mid-air, and fiery 'flame guns' appeared out of thin air in the hands of both hands.

In other words, the javelin is more appropriate. The front end of the flame javelin is extremely sharp and slender, which is an expression of the extreme concentration of the flame.

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