If the flame javelin can be compressed even thinner, it will become a kind of ability similar to rays in the end.

The two javelins exuded astonishing heat, and before Blackbeard could react at all, the two spears arrived at him like arrows leaving the string.

【God fire Shiranui dance no misery】


【Shenhuo Shiranui fire sharp gun】

chi chi~

Bang! !

Neither of their attacks failed, but neither of them was fully effective. Naturally, this was because both of them possessed two-color arrogance, and their attacks were resisted by the armed colors.

After standing upright again, Blackbeard's expression seemed much restrained compared to his arrogance just now.

This guy, Ace, is stronger than he imagined, and he deserves more energy to deal with it.

He watched Ace open his mouth again, revealing a few missing teeth: "Captain Ace, I'm going to get serious!"

"Come here, Tiki, I will definitely arrest you and atone for your father's sin. The crime of killing your companions will never be easily let go." Ace confronted.

A terrifying dark aura gushed out from Blackbeard's body continuously, and his whole body seemed to be completely immersed in the dark matter, and all the aura about him seemed to disappear.

This kind of gravitational force can not only swallow up the power of light, etc., but is blocked by this dark matter, and even Ace's knowledge color doesn't work much.

The pitch-black black matter spread out, and the area hundreds of meters behind Blackbeard was filled with dense black smoke-like dark matter. These dark matter seemed to contain an unknown horror.

And such a black beard looks like a terrifying demon king who came out of the depths of hell.

Opposite Blackbeard, Ace didn't dare to be careless, those dark substances gave him huge pressure all the time, a long-lost sense of danger gushed out from the bottom of his heart.

He now somewhat understands what his father said about the ominous premonition before he left. It is obvious that his father has already vaguely known the strength of Tiqi, but he is not sure.

Ace's body was like a black beard, and the blazing white flames crazily occupied all the space around him as if he didn't need money, and an extremely hot breath was released from around him.

Seen from a close distance, Ace seems to have turned into the sun in the sky, and his eyes can be blinded if he looks at it for a long time.

But Blackbeard was standing a few meters away from Ace, his eyes narrowed, and he looked at Ace as if he was completely unaffected.

A look of excitement flashed across his face, and Blackbeard let out his signature laugh again: "Thief hahaha, Ace, this is the first time I have fully used my ability, let's feel the horror of this ability!

You are the sun and I am the darkness.Come on, see if the sun illuminates everything or the darkness swallows everything, thief hahahahahahahaha. "

The corner of Ace's mouth pulled upwards: "I'm afraid you won't succeed!"

【Dark erosion】

【Yandi Sun Star】

The world of the entire island seemed to have two completely different appearances at this moment, one side was full of radiant flames, and the other side was boundless darkness and black as ink.

There was a clear distinction between the darkness and the flames, and in the middle of them were two people who stood motionless like gods.

They looked at each other, and there seemed to be invisible electric waves in their eyes.

That's not a glance, but the determination of both of them to defeat each other!

At this moment, both of them seemed to give up their defenses, and only wanted to use their most powerful moves to defeat each other.

The moves of the two people collided, like the sun and darkness colliding together.

The entire sky seemed to be paused, everything became like a black and white TV, and the whole world was only black and white.

After that, the feeling slowly faded away...

An invisible wave swept across the entire island in an instant, and the peaks closest to the two were instantly destroyed by the shock wave. In the center of the battlefield, the sky seemed to be completely torn apart.

Half of it is dazzling light, no one can look directly at it.

The other half was completely dark, unable to see anything inside.

There was no roar of sound, because all sounds seemed to be absorbed into the boundless darkness, and the light seemed not to be violent except for the moment when it burst out, which was also eliminated by those darkness.

This is the ability that has been made the most terrifying by Blackbeard, it really is so terrifying!

Don't know how long.

At the very center of the battle, the fire light became much dimmer, and the darkness seemed less intense than before.

The two people who were fighting were panting violently at this time, and there were still many dried blood marks on the corners of Ace's mouth. His face was pale, and his figure was still a little unstable.And Blackbeard looked the same as before except for the slight sweat on his forehead.

You can already tell the difference!

This guy who has been hiding in the Whitebeard Pirates for more than [-] years, no one knows where his real strength is, and the only Shanks who knows his strength is still an outsider.

But now, as soon as Blackbeard shows his minions, people can feel how deep he is hiding. It seems that in the past, everyone underestimated this honest and honest fat man who seemed to be indiscriminate.

Blackbeard looked at Ace, and said again: "In the face of darkness, everything is powerless, even with a powerful ability like yours.

However, I feel more and more sorry for you, Ace, I will invite you one last time to be my companion! "

"Hmph, if you surrender to power, you will be a man for nothing." Ace sneered, even though he looks a little embarrassed now, "I will never let my life leave regrets and regrets, this is what I have posted since I was a child Oath, so you get it? Idiot."

"Innocent and cute, you must know that only by surviving can you have everything in this world!

What a pity, Ace. ...then die in the dark. "Blackbeard can sense Ace's insistence, so the invitation is unnecessary.

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