"Okay, I'll wait!"

Chapter 1521: In [-] of the Haiyuan calendar, Jianshu made great progress

time flies.

There are only more than 15 chapters, and it has been [-] years since Mawson joined the navy, unlike some of the powerful protagonists in some awesome books, it has only been three years since the book was finished.

He has been invincible in three years. Mo Sen still needs to work hard on this point. He can only touch the ceiling in 15 years. Invincible still has a long way to go.

More than a month has passed since Mawson returned to the Navy headquarters from the New World in the blink of an eye.

Like a lot of people, most of the time, they don’t have much idea about the passage of time, until some specific moment, such as their birthday, they suddenly realize that they are no longer young, or they suddenly find that the white hair on the sideburns of their parents does not know when they climbed up. Fa, at that moment you realize that time is so firm that it will not stop for anyone.

It just goes by.

But for this world, the year 1521 of the Haiyuan calendar came quietly without any magnificence or other extraordinary omens.

Only the celebration customs in some places at the beginning of the new year tell the people here that the new year is approaching quietly, but the days will still not change any more than before-except for the aging age.

Marin Fanduo has new changes compared to the past.

In a few months, a new navy headquarters rose from the ruins of the original one. The navy in the headquarters turned into an infrastructure madman, and many people got strange skills that they hadn't noticed before.

Among them, Mason also played a lot of roles.

The lever he proposed, bah, is that the reinforced concrete structure is also applied. The matter of how to make out the cement and what type to use is naturally the responsibility of the science team, and Mo Sen is only responsible for proposing.

Now he can't even type the essential codes of the past, let alone things about architecture.

Mo Sen is not worried about this at all. Looking at the history of the navy and the world government, it is difficult for them to research some things that promote people's livelihood, but creativity is not covered in order to maintain their own rule and majesty.

For example, even black technology like the Gate of Justice can be produced, and things like reinforced concrete are just a piece of cake for the naval scientific troops.

In fact, except for the building on Chris Grand Square that symbolizes the headquarters of the Navy, the floors in other places are not high, and 3-5 floors are the most common.It does not use too much cement, and the original ruins can also be recycled.

The most important thing is that each floor is generally higher according to the height of people in this world, and some even have to go to more than ten meters on one floor.

Of course, such a building requires a lot of materials.

After all, there is still a group of giants in this world, and the giants in the navy also account for a large proportion, especially because the giants are generally relatively powerful, and there are few low-level soldiers.

Admiralty Headquarters also has houses dedicated to giants.

As the impact of Whitebeard's death on the world gradually diminished, coupled with the large-scale suppression of the navy, the turbulent situation in the world became a little more stable, but the pirates who went to sea still could not be eradicated.

As long as the desperate system of this world does not change, pirates will never die.Even if the system changes, in terms of the geographical environment of this world, those who choose to go to sea to become pirates will not disappear.

The system may change, and even the Draco's rule may be overthrown, but some people's ambition will not disappear, but the number will undoubtedly be much smaller.

For most people, there is a stable living environment, and how many people are willing to escape death at sea?

Not so with the ambitious.

The reduction of pirates has a series of impacts.

For example, the lives of many ordinary people will be improved, and the tasks of the Navy will be reduced accordingly. At least people will become more relaxed.

However, the navy at this stage is in a state of being loose and tight, and everyone understands the truth.

Holy Land Mary Joa.

Most of the time here is just a look, except for Fisher Tiger once, nothing has changed here for hundreds of years.

This is the center of the world, not only the Tianlongren world government is here, but also the headquarters of the cp department is here, and it is also the place where cp0 works.

The office of cp0 follows the usual style of the Tianlong people and the world government, luxurious and magnificent, and looks quite majestic, which does not match their own style.

As the headquarters of CP, it is naturally very busy here, and every day there are large and small orders and shady secrets happening here.

Other government agencies and the navy also have regular contacts.

But today, there is a rare guest who is common but very rare here.

A red dog general in a blood red suit with a rose in his chest pocket walked in with extraordinary momentum.

Akainu didn't have any intention of sitting down. He stood in the middle of the office hall, with his arms folded on his chest, looking down at the guy in the white mask.

"Let's talk about it, those mystifying fellows of the Five Old Stars insisted on letting me come here to talk about something, you are really as shameless as always."

Who is Akainu? I'm afraid there are few people in the navy who are more arrogant than him and take face so seriously.

It would be fine if Wulaoxing summoned him, but this time he said Wulaoxing wanted to see him and actually let him come to cp0's office, of course he has the right to be upset.

The leader of a cp0 is not qualified to be visited by an admiral of the navy.

The corner of the mouth of the cp0 leader wearing a white mask twitched fiercely, and he was also displeased with Akainu's attitude, but he didn't say much. After all, this was an order from the five old stars.

In this regard, CP will never discount, they will strictly follow the above requirements, unlike the navy, which often has its own set of rules.

He went straight to the point: "My people discovered Barrett's trail. Only a few people know about this matter. The navy has not received any news, so..."

"That's why Wu Laoxing asked me to come here. What's their purpose?" Akainu took a deep breath on the cigar in his mouth and asked.

He didn't believe that Wu Laoxing would be so kind, even if Wu Laoxing supported him to become the admiral of the navy at the beginning, he felt the same way.

This thought has not changed until now.

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