It's true that he wants to be an admiral of the navy, but it doesn't mean he's in the same league as these people.

At least not with this guy in front of him who never showed his true colors.

"There is no purpose. Master Wu Laoxing thinks that only you can be qualified for the position of marshal who retired from the Warring States Period."

The masked man leaned back on the seat, his voice was distorted through the mask, "Only your style can lead the navy to become stronger, don't you think so too?"

Akainu was silent.

The masked man said this in his heart. He really felt that it would be better for the navy if he became the admiral of the navy. He believed that under his leadership and governance, the navy would be stronger than it is now.

Seeing that Akainu didn't speak, the masked man didn't care.He picked up a document from the desktop, stood up and walked around the desk to hand the document to Akainu.

"This is the information about Barrett's whereabouts. I believe that with this information, it will not be difficult for you to find him. The rest is up to you. I wish you an early promotion to the admiral of the navy. I won't keep you. Go slowly. deliver."

This is the masked man's displeasure counterattack to Akainu's attitude when he came in at the beginning. As the leader of cp0, his status is not bad compared with Sengoku. If it wasn't for the order of the five old stars, he would not be so good-tempered towards Akainu.

What about the admiral?

Although their CP is the dog of the Tianlong people, who in this world is not the dog of the Tianlong people?

Red Gouzi: "..."

I always feel that there is something wrong with the eyes of this masked man, which makes Akainu want to give him a warning from [Devil Dog].

But rationality prevented Akainu from doing such impulsive things, he snorted coldly, took the documents and turned and walked out of the office.



"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect him to be such a dog. He looks thick and his acting skills are all set."

Mo Sen crossed his legs and looked at Kalifa opposite, he must have nothing good to say.

The matter still has to start three days ago. Akainu returned from Marie Gioia and looked the same as before.

After that, he handled his official duties as before, and set sail with a warship after finishing the processing.

There's nothing noteworthy about this, because Akainu has done this behavior a few times in the past, but it's a bit unusual not to show up for three days.

In fact, from the second day onwards, the headquarters and the Navy of the New World felt a little ready to move. Needless to say, Mo Sen, even other senior generals could know something.

The reason why Mo Sen said this now is because Akainu didn't hide it at all, and went straight to a certain place in the New World with the mobilized navy.

"Sir, since this is the case, isn't General Akainu..." Kalifa asked hesitantly.

"Hey hey hey~"

Mo Sen smirked, "Do you know why, sir, I have not moved at all for three days? Do you know why the Mawson has not moved for three days? Do you know why Kuzan has not been seen for three days?"

His face was full of 'ask me, I know the answers to all these questions' expression.

Needless to say, there must be many secrets that cannot be ignored.

"Why?" Khalifa already understood the character of the officer Mosen very well, and she asked very cooperatively.

Mo Sen smiled cheaply: "Hey~ Please, please, I will tell you."

Khalifa has black lines all over her head, but she is still very face-saving.

"Please, sir."

"It's useless to beg me!" Mo Sen vividly explained that there is always only the cheapest but not the cheapest.

Now the little secretary Kalifa couldn't help but roll her eyes because of her admiration for Mo Sen.

"Yo ha ha, just kidding, just kidding."

Mo Sen didn't continue to be cheap. Although there is no limit to being cheap, people can bear it. He was afraid that the little secretary would run away again.

"Do you know why Lu Qi and the others haven't come back yet? As a member of the original CP9, you must know more about CP than I do. Lu Qi is the best among you, let alone, so..."

Khalifa's eyes lit up, and she answered excitedly: "So, you are the one who deliberately let Lu Qi and the others spread false news, sir."

"Do not."

Mo Sen shook his head, "The news is true, Red Dog is an admiral no matter what, even if his behavior is extreme, all he does is for the development of the Navy, I can't cheat him in this respect.

Besides, cp0 is not all for nothing, and it is not so easy to deceive them with fake news. "

In this regard, it is impossible for Mo Sen to cheat the red dog. This is a matter of principle. If the navy is engaged in this way, it will be messed up.

Even if Mo Sen didn't have a big picture, he wouldn't do such a stupid thing.

"What's that like?" Khalifa was a little confused.

If the matter is not false, why would Mo Sen help Akainu and tell him such news.

"It's actually very simple. I have found Barrett's traces long ago, not only Barrett's traces, but also Redfield's me.

However, in order not to let Akainu get the news first, I told Akainu the news about one of them, and then Kuzan took my Mawson to arrest the other person.

It was Barrett's news that Akainu got, and it was Laidfield who Kuzan went to arrest.Not only Kuzan, but also on the Mawson, Yixiao Enilu and Xunquan followed, the four of them teamed up, even now I have no other choice but to run away, and that old guy who is about to turn [-] years old in Redfield can't even think about it escape. "

Mo Sen paused at this point, and continued under Kalifa's admiring eyes: "As for Akainu, Barrett is at his peak, unless the leader of cp0 personally helps Akainu arrest him , It is not so easy to stop Barrett who wants to seize the heyday."

You know, the only ones in the navy who really understand Yixiao's strength are Mo Sen.

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