And the time fruit in front of him is naturally also a kind.

It goes without saying that time is terrifying. If such a fruit ability can appear, then what kind of ability can the person who owns this fruit develop in the end.

It is like the ultimate ability of the fruit of surgery, which can artificially create an immortal person through surgery.

So what if you control the time!

If it is developed to the depths, will it also live forever?

No one knows such an answer.

There used to be a dark fruit, and even Mo Sen didn't expect to be exchanged for such a fruit.

It's hard to say whether it's a loss or a gain. The key is who to give such fruit ability to. This is a big problem.

Mawson has a headache.

Sabo obviously understands this kind of distress of happiness. After all, the revolutionary army has experienced such distress many times in the past year or so, but those are all the problems of the dragon leader, so he doesn't need to worry too much.

Shaking his head and driving these thoughts out of his mind, Sabo said apologetically, "This should have been a fruit ability that was given to General Mo Sen a long time ago, and it is very embarrassing to delay it until now."

"It's okay. If it's such a fruit, it doesn't matter if it takes a little longer. But the news about the Zhenzhen fruit still has no clue?"

Since Whitebeard's death, the navy has never given up on the search for the fruit's ability, but they know that there is no news about it.

And Mo Sen secretly asked the Revolutionary Army to inquire about the news of this fruit, and it is still the same until now.

Sabo shook his head: "It is impossible to hide the ability of the Zhenzhen Fruit, unless no one gets it. If someone gets it, whether it is auctioned or used for personal use, there will be news."

Mo Sen pouted, of course he knew this.

The key point is that sometimes the place where the devil fruit appears is really too random, especially after a person dies, it may appear anywhere in the world at that moment.

If it appears on a deserted island that no one has ever discovered, then you have to be lucky to find it.

"Okay, let's not mention this, let's talk about the recent movements of your revolutionary army."

Mo Sen changed the subject, "By the way, after a while, is your revolutionary army going to do some big things?"

Sabo's body, which was sitting peacefully, shook, and his surprised expression flashed, and then he continued to return to his original state, and said calmly: "Mr. Mosen was joking, the Revolutionary Army has not made any big moves recently."

"Tch, dishonesty." Mo Sen sneered, "Don't worry, I don't intend to take action against your revolutionary army, otherwise you can develop steadily until now, and I wrote Mo in reverse.

I know exactly where your headquarters is, but I don't mean to expose it. "

Sabo was really shocked now.

The news revealed by Mo Sen is too shocking. You must know that neither Cp nor the navy has given up the search for the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army in recent years. Unexpectedly, Mo Sen, who is the admiral of the navy, even knew about it.

At this moment, Sabo wondered whether Mo Sen was an undercover agent placed by the dragon leader in the navy.

"But why?" Sabo asked in a daze.

He really didn't understand that as an admiral, even if Mo Sen was different from other navies, he was still a navy, and he should naturally stand on the opposite side of the revolutionary army.

Mo Sen frowned: "How should I explain it to you? Let me use a vulgar metaphor. The world is ruled by a group of people who look like shit, and they say shit is delicious, so many dog ​​lickers echoed that Shit smells delicious. At this time, someone stood up and told people that shit is not good to eat and should not be eaten, and they should resist these people who make people eat shit.

As a person with vested interests, I can't do it mainly because I am lazy, but I still have to pay respect to those who do it, at least not to hold back.

I describe it this way, can you understand? "

Sabo understood.

This is why the leader of the dragon often sighs that he cannot pull Mo Sen into the ranks of the Revolutionary Army. He even said more than once that if Mo Sen is willing to join the Revolutionary Army, he can abdicate.

"Okay, okay, let's not talk about this, I don't care what you want to do, anyway, I'm not in the Navy headquarters during this time, and I can't take care of so many messy things."

Mo Sen finally got to the point, "I mainly want to ask, did the monster king Ivankov come to New World to attend your meeting?"

This is Mo Sen. He got inspiration through some hints in the dark, and suddenly thought of such a character in this world.

Don't use it in vain, use it in vain.

Sabo understood that Mo Sen was far more terrifying than he imagined, and he knew too much about the Revolutionary Army.

The Shemale King arrived in Baltigo, the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army secretly. There are no more people who know the news, but Mo Sen knows it.

It seems that their headquarters, Baldigo, is really no secret to Mo Sen.

He didn't deny it, and it didn't make any sense: "I don't know what Mr. Mosen wants to find Ivankov?"

"Don't worry, it's not a bad thing. I won't do anything to him. Otherwise, he would be gone when I pushed into the city. I need to borrow him to help me with a small matter. For him It's the easiest thing."

However, the more Mo Sen said this, the more Sabo felt that it was not that simple.

After all, it is true that Mo Sen has to make a big event every time he plays, but he is not qualified to refuse such a thing.

Sabo said: "Then I will contact Ivankov later and ask his wishes."

"What is there to ask? Do I still need to go to the headquarters of the Revolutionary Army to invite him? If I dare to go, do you dare to receive him?" Mo Sen rolled his eyes.

Sabo: ""

What you said is very reasonable, they really dare not.

Although the dragon leader is powerful, Mo Sen can be said to be recognized as the strongest in the world at this time. If he really appeared in Baltigo, it would be a big deal.

The matter is settled in this way, and Saab's report must be reported, but it is only a process.

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