A moment of silence for Ivankov, I hope he can get along with Mr. Mawson.

Sabo didn't stay on the ship for too long, and his identity was rather sensitive, especially now that he was in a special sensitive period.

Although the appearance of Barrett, the big melon, has brought the world's attention together, the world government and CP0 have not relaxed their investigations into the death of the Celestial Dragons.

Even the big bear who followed Mo Sen to the new world, Sabo could only take a second look, and it was impossible to talk to him.

He has to go back and pass back a lot of news he learned from Mo Sen today.

Mo Sen's words also reminded Sabo that although their plan was thorough, there were some omissions.

Otherwise, Mo Sen wouldn't know.

Moreover, it seems that Mo Sen has also revealed some things, for example, he will be in the new world for a period of time, and this period of time may last until the end of the World Conference.

This is not just a matter of the lack of a general in the navy, but also involves all aspects.

For example, among the recognized senior generals of the Mawson line in the navy, apart from Ain, there are very few people stationed in the navy headquarters at this time.

Sabo didn't know if this was a coincidence, but if they acted, the difficulty would undoubtedly decrease in a straight line.

Otherwise, if Mo Sen and Yixiao, the two general-level fighters, are also in the Navy headquarters, it will be really big.

After Sabo leaves.

Not long after, Xun quietly appeared in Mo Sen's office.

He still had that dull face, holding the dead wood in his arms, as if he was afraid that someone would accidentally snatch the knife away.

Xun's eyes will only have a different look when he looks at the knife in his arms and Mo Sen who is sitting.

To be reasonable, Mo Sen is actually younger than Xun, but in his eyes, Mo Sen is a character like a brother and a father, and he is the closest person in this world, none of them.

Mo Sen beckoned and let Xun go to his desk.

He pouted his mouth to gesture to the quaint wooden box on the table, and said, "Xun, open it, and eat the contents."

Regarding Mo Sen's words, Xun never asked why, only carried out.

He opened the wooden box, revealing a mysterious spiral-patterned fruit with a milky white halo, which looked like a peach.

Xun's eyes fluctuated slightly, but without hesitation, he took out the fruit from the box and bit it without hesitation.

at once

Xun, who was originally dull and rarely had any other unnecessary expressions, suddenly turned into a bitter face, looking at the fruit in his hand, he didn't know whether to continue to eat or not to eat.

"Xun, you have to eat all of them. This kind of fruit can't be wasted." Mo Sen laughed immeasurably.

After listening to Mo Sen's words, with a bitter face, Xun put the remaining fruit into his mouth desperately, chewed it twice, and swallowed it all.

"Difficult, eat!"


Mo Sen burst out laughing, even Xun, who had always been like a log, found the devil fruit unpalatable, which shows that it has really reached a certain level of unpalatable.

Just like he ate the whole fruit back then, everyone he met later treated him in the same way.

Can't I enjoy happiness alone and forget everyone?

Me, Mawson!He is a peerless good man who is blessed and enjoys any good deeds and will never forget the people around him.

"Remember, Xun, develop this fruit ability well. I will sort out my thoughts on the development of this fruit ability for you later. Don't use this fruit ability in front of others, understand?"

This is the result of Mo Sen's deliberation, and it is Mo Sen's hole card for himself.

He didn't know that as his strength continued to improve, whether Im and Wu Laoxing, the Tianlongren, would be afraid or even want to deal with him.

There is absolutely no harm in making an early plan. With Yi Xun's swordsmanship and the fruit of time, it won't take long, and this will be another general-level combat power.

At that time, even if it was only him and Xun, there would be no place in this world that was impossible to break into.

Others may leave him for various reasons, and Mo Sen can be sure that there are only two people who will not betray him at all, looking for Hancock.

Even Ain and Mo Sen are not [-]% sure.

After listening to Mo Sen's words, Xun nodded heavily: "Yes!"

Starting today, he is called Time Swordsman Xun!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sun is warm and the breeze is not dry.

When the sea is calm, there is also a kind of quiet beauty.

Coupled with the sound of laughter in the wind for a long time, the quiet sea has a little lively atmosphere. A pirate ship was blown by the sea wind and appeared on the sea surface, pulling out a long white wave behind it.

This pirate ship looks ordinary, but its reputation has become louder in the whole world. The symbol of the white skull pirate flag with a straw hat on a black background has long been known.The full text of 噺81 is the fastest んttps:/x八1zщ/

And now, more and more fame has been broadcast.

The deck of the Sonny is covered with a layer of turf, and this banquet is being held at this time.

At the banquet, all the people from the straw hat gang were present.

Sanji was setting up a rack with grilled meat and squid or something.

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