Not only him, but all the pirates firmly believed.

Because they were also impressed by the captain's charm half a year ago and joined the pirates.

As he slowly drank half a glass of wine, the wide tavern hall was already filled with people in various clothes.

The gentle captain Lore gently knocked on the counter, and the quiet voice attracted everyone's attention.

"Everyone, we have been preparing for half a year, and today is our harvest day. You have worked hard for the past six months."

He bowed his head slightly to the various pirates who were sitting there.

"The boss is too polite!"

"Whatever the captain said, this is what we should do."


The people sitting below expressed their fear of being a man, and it could be seen that they respected this man very much.

Lore pressed his hands together, and the scene became quiet again.

"Now we start to arrange the operation. We have placed the weapons in the designated positions. After the operation starts and guides people to get the weapons, all our people will gather except those who need to be guided."

"After the assembly is complete, the captains will bring their own people to act according to the plan."

"Once the signal to evacuate is received, all of them must withdraw regardless of whether they have completed their respective tasks or not."

"I don't want to lose any of my crew."

"Do you understand?"

Below is a jumble of responses.

"Understood the captain!"

"Don't worry boss, we won't make fun of our lives."

"It's really heartwarming care, boss, haha."

Lore waved his hand, and a clean and gentle voice sounded in the dimly lit room: "Those who pursue their dreams will have good luck, so let's go, I'll wait for your good news."

After everyone had left, the same voice echoed in the empty room.

"I don't know how many people will survive, but your sacrifice is worth it..."

The subsequent sound gradually became inaudible, and if you listen carefully, it seems to be the whisper of a demon.



The gate of the entrance and exit of the g-3 fortress opened, and the fleet of three warships led by Mo Sen passed through the gate one by one and stopped at the dock in the base.

After each return voyage, there will be a logistics force to overhaul the ship to ensure that there will be no problems in the next voyage.

During this time, Mawson began to officially carry out missions with the fleet.

The old man Garp was in charge of the base, while he took the soldiers in the base out to patrol.

In fact, except for him as the chief, the soldiers of the fleet basically did not change much.

Although the new world is a broken sieve, for the naval fortress, not every one really has endless pirates and endless battles.

Pirates are not fools, and fools can't survive in the new world.

Even the powerful Four Emperor Pirates will not clash with the navy without incident.

Except for the lone lunatic who is full of crazy thoughts such as suicide.

No pirate will appear outside the naval fortress for no reason.

Mo Sen's current patrol is to familiarize himself with the specific route. If you don't experience things like sailing, you will never know what you will encounter at sea.

Not to mention the new world where the magnetic field is extremely unstable.

This piece of sea area is now his own territory, of course he must be familiar with himself first.

After all, no one knows how long they will stay at the base in the future.

"Your Excellency Major General, Lieutenant General Karp invites you to his office."

The messenger sent a message.

"Okay, I'll go right now!"

In the base chief's office, Mo Sen's figure just appeared at the door.

The old man Garp's voice came over: "Boy Mosen, come here, there is a riot in the Scandinavian Kingdom, and a distress message has just been sent."

Chapter 3000 Outbreak

Mo Sen went straight to the desk, took a cup and poured the black tea made by Karp.

Drink it all in one gulp.

"Oh? What a coincidence, we have only been here for more than a week and there are things for us to do."

Mo Sen didn't sit down either, so he stood and waited for Garp to continue.

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