"What's going on with this Scandinavian kingdom riot?"

"According to the news, officials who went to various places to collect funeral taxes were killed by civilians, and then civilians in multiple places launched riots at the same time..."

Bogart, who was on the side, explained the matter to Mo Sen. He couldn't help but interrupted: "Wait, what kind of tax is this funeral tax? And why do civilians have the guts to kill kingdom officials and start riots? Are those kingdom troops vegetarian?"

"Even you can tell there's something wrong, that's why we don't think it's just an accident..."

"Hey, Bogart, you are swollen now. Even I can see that there is a problem. If you don't explain it clearly to me, we will have to compare each other."

"My 40-meter broadsword is not vegetarian, let me tell you!"

"Okay, don't make trouble, let's talk about business." Bogart accepted it when he saw it, and continued to talk about what he had just said after mocking him: "The funeral tax is collected for the king's dog!"

"The king's pet dog is sick, and the treatment is ineffective. The king wants to have a grand funeral for his dog, but he is reluctant to spend his own money, so he came up with such a method. As you often say, it is called public... ... what's going on?"

"Crowdfunding?" Mo Sen answered.

"That's right, it's crowdfunding. This is really a good definition and a good way."

Bogart's sarcasm can also be heard from his tone, but fortunately, he just stopped talking and continued.

"There is no agriculture in this kingdom. It is all supported by commerce and fishery. There are various nominal taxes. Most of the money earned by the common people is taken away by the kingdom's heavy taxes."

"In the end, such a funeral tax was collected, which suddenly became the straw that crushed those civilians, so there was this riot."

Hearing this news, I don't know why Mo Sen suddenly wanted to laugh. Most of the nobles in this world are really very sick.

What did the king who made the cane think? If the dog died of illness, he would hold a grand funeral for him.

If you are buried, you will be buried, and everyone will have fun listening to it.

But isn't this your pet dog?

You don't love it like your own son.

If you want to have a grand funeral for him, shouldn't you pay for it yourself?

You are the king of a country, how much do you want?Just to hold a funeral for your favorite dog, you have to raise money from commoners who are a hundred times poorer than you.

So do you love dogs or money? !

This reminded Mo Sen of some people in his previous life. When they got sick, they hurriedly crowdfunded. Not only did their illness get better, but they could also solve their future life. They could live in their house and drive their car.

Most of the people who raised money for them were far worse off.

The difference is only that one depends on selling miserably, and the other is that the king can directly force the search.

Civilian life is already extremely difficult, and you have to search another layer to drive them to a dead end. If you don't resist, you will be ghosts.

No wonder so many people want to become pirates, they can't live without such a thing, so why think so much.

Unfortunately, this kind of stick making is really not rare.

"Originally, the Royal Army didn't take these rioting civilians seriously, but I don't know where these rioting civilians got a lot of weapons, and the leader of the riot is much stronger than the Royal Army who is worthless."

Bogart's voice continued.

"Soon the Kingdom's army was a bit unable to hold on. Fortunately, the Royal Palace Guards, together with the nobles' private army, resisted the rioting civilians. That's why the Kingdom sent a distress message, asking us to help quell the chaos."

After Bogart finished speaking, Mo Sen nodded. There are indeed a lot of doubts in it.

Riots in several places at the same time, the weapons of the rioting civilians, and the leaders who organized these people together.

If there is no one behind the scenes, Mo Sen dares to live broadcast... Forget it, poisonous milk is harmful!

Garp took over the conversation at this time, and said to Mo Sen: "Boy Mo Sen, I believe you can also see the strangeness in this. The old man's opinion is that you set off immediately. If it is just a civil strife in the kingdom, you can consider it according to the specific situation. "

"But if there are pirates behind you, catch them!"

The old man Garp didn't say so, and Mo Sen also had his own ideas.

If the franchised country is invaded by pirates, it can ask the world government for help, and the world government will send the navy or c department to help solve it according to the situation.

But if it is a war between allied countries, or a domestic civil strife, it is actually not under the jurisdiction of the world government.

In this case, it makes sense for the Navy to make a move.

Because there is a lot of strangeness about this riot, otherwise Garp probably wouldn't have paid attention to it at all.

Mo Sen nodded, ready to turn and leave.

"By the way, after this incident, you will start to form a special force, which will be under your direct control in the future. We will discuss this matter when you come back."

Mo Sen froze for a moment, nodded and said nothing.

The task is urgent.



In the afternoon, a strong wind suddenly blew up on the sea, and it seemed that a blizzard was coming.

The fishermen of the Rio fishing village near the sea stood in the strong wind, tremblingly waiting for the tax collector from Wangcheng to come.

Blown by the wind, many people seemed to wake up from the noon alcohol.

At this moment, the only road leading to the royal city.

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