The twelve soldiers stood in two rows and saluted Neptune.

The next thing is very simple.

Hody Jones' team was picked out immediately.

"Tell me, why did you tell the Tianlong people about Lieutenant General Mo Sen." Neptune looked at the four soldiers and said.

"Your Majesty, we... We just talked about the matter of worshiping Lieutenant General Mawson."

"That's right. After all, Lieutenant General Mo Sen rescued many murlocs. One of my neighbors was rescued by Lieutenant General Mo Sen."

"And then the doctor came in..."

"Wait, you said doctor just now." Derek had been observing the expressions of several people, and interrupted aloud when he heard this sentence.

Hody Jones picked up what the soldier said just now: "Yes, we heard the cry of the Tianlong man in the ward and the sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, so we hurried in and found that the Tianlong man had passed out."

"Then Fabelic went to call the doctor, and the three of us helped the Celestial Dragon to the bed."

"Yes, it's the doctor I called." The soldier who spoke just now nodded and admitted.

"Then you didn't find anything else in the room?" Drake continued to ask.

"No, there is nothing in the ward except some treatment equipment and medicine."

"What's your name?"

Mo Sen looked at the talking murloc and suddenly made a sound.

"My name is Howdy Jones, Lieutenant General Mawson."

"Lieutenant General Mosen, Hody Jones is the most outstanding soldier of our time, what do you think..." The right minister, as the commander of the soldiers, introduced to Mosen.

"Oh, it's okay, I just asked, you continue to talk." Mo Sen's eyes flashed, and he said nonchalantly.

"After that, the doctor checked the Tianlong people, and went out without any serious problems. We also followed the doctor to go out to guard the door, and then until the shift was handed over." Hody Jones suppressed the feeling of panic in his heart, and kept himself calm. What happened.

"I'm sorry, Lieutenant General Mo Sen. It's our fault that the Tianlong people troubled you. You can punish us however you want."

After the narration, Hody Jones turned to Mawson again, bowed his head and admitted his mistake.

The other three soldiers also confessed their mistakes to Mo Sen.

Mo Sen looked at the four soldiers in front of him, and the corner of his mouth moved slightly.

"It doesn't matter, you just slipped your mouth because you admire me, and nothing happened to me, so how can you blame you?"

After Mo Sen finished speaking, he looked up at Neptune again: "King Neptune, since their mistake was unintentional, I won't pursue it."

"You guys haven't thanked Lieutenant General Mo Sen." Neptune looked at the soldiers and scolded them.

"Yes, thank you Lieutenant General Mawson."

The four hurriedly thanked Mo Sen again.

"However, you made a mistake after all. Lieutenant General Mo Sen did not punish you because of his kindness, but the military regulations of the Royal Army do not allow offense. The four of you will each be locked up for three days." Neptune continued.

"Go down and get punished."

"Yes, Your Majesty the King!"

The group of four quickly left the hall, but they didn't notice that Mo Sen, who was looking at them behind him, looked a little strange.


s: A friend suddenly visited today and drank a bit too much. Today is only one chapter, and tomorrow and the day after tomorrow will be updated.

I wish you all a happy and healthy Dragon Boat Festival.

Chapter 4 Killing Intent Awe-inspiring

Missed it!

Hoddy Jones walked down the road, his face darkened.

From the moment he was summoned for questioning, he knew something was wrong.

Fortunately, he has been impeccable since the beginning of his speech, so he passed this test.

Even more because he was cautious, he didn't put the phone bug and the gun in it either.

It's just that he didn't figure out why that gun didn't work.

No, the presence of Lieutenant General Mawson here means that the gun worked.

It's just that I don't know what that Tianlongren looks like now. With the opponent's lieutenant general's skill, ordinary people like Tianlongren should not be able to hurt him.

Now that he appeared here intact to ask someone for questioning, it proved that he had a conflict with the Tianlong people.

I just don't know if it works or not.

But it's all dogs of the garbage race like humans, but it's a pity that I'm going to be locked up now, so I can't find out the news.

However, at this moment, he faintly felt as if he had forgotten something.

"I didn't expect that our words almost caused Lieutenant General Mo Sen a big trouble. Fortunately, Lieutenant General Mo Sen was kind and didn't pursue our fault." This is the sigh of the soldier who went to call the doctor among the four soldiers.

The soldier next door who was rescued by Mo Sen took up the conversation. He also had a good impression of Mo Sen.

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