"Who says it's not? After getting close to Lieutenant General Mo Sen, I realized that he is such a gentle person."

Hody Jones walked last, with a white face looking gloomy at the three chatting figures in front.

These guys are also murloc scum who are close to humans, and they must be punished if given the chance.

"Fortunately, Lieutenant Admiral Mo Sen didn't have anything wrong. Otherwise, not only are we to blame, but it's also hard to predict what his soldiers will do. Such a group of powerful navy doesn't know what will happen to Fishman Island. Well." Another soldier who hadn't spoken all this time also joined the discussion at this time, "Now we're only locked up for three days, it's a blessing."

A flash of lightning flashed through Hoddy Jones' mind.

By the way, soldier!

Some of the pirate cadres under him are going to follow those soldiers today, and they are waiting for an opportunity to stir up some disputes.

Can no longer act now.

The human lieutenant general, King Neptune, and Princess Otohime have all become vigilant.

Doing it at this time is throwing yourself into a trap.

No, I have to inform them immediately and stop all actions.

Thinking of this, Hody Jones no longer hesitated, his already gloomy and fair complexion suddenly became paler, and he covered his stomach with his webbed palm.

"The three of you go to the confinement room first. I seem to have eaten up my stomach suddenly. I will report to the confinement room later."

Before he finished speaking, he had already surpassed the positions of the three of them and was heading towards a direction quickly.

"Huh? You ran to the wrong place..." One of the three soldiers didn't realize it until Hody Jones ran a long way, but the other party couldn't hear his voice.

"Isn't this guy trying to escape punishment?" Another voice said.

"No, this guy is very arrogant. Maybe he really eats his stomach. Regardless of him, let's report first."




Leopard Zang is a basket octopus mermaid living in Murloc Street. He is a relatively famous existence in Murloc Street, not only because he is a very poisonous mermaid, but also because he is the most powerful swordsman here. .

But there is also a money-loving nature for which he is well known, which he values ​​above all else.

On Murloc Street, it is famous for taking money to do things.

Leopard Zang and the original Sun Pirates, now the octopus Xiaoba of the Dragon Gang, have known each other since childhood.

He and Xiao Ba have fought countless times, and Xiao Ba has never won.

Some time ago, when Aaron came back to Murloc Street to summon his companions who went out to sea with him, he even let it out that Aaron could only take away a swordsman of Xiaoba's level because he refused to pay to hire him.

This is also a guy who loves wine very much, and the wine gourd will never leave his body every day.

Leopard, who hadn't made a move for a long time, received a job offer today, and his target was the navy soldiers who appeared on Fishman Island.

The news that the vice admiral brought his fleet to Fishman Island for vacation has spread widely, and he also knows about it.

However, he never cared about these. To be precise, he didn't care much about all the news that didn't bring him any benefits.

But today is different, a cadre of the new Murloc Pirates found him and gave him a sum of money.

Ask him to find a chance to kill a few soldiers.

This is a very good deal, and it's not like he hasn't killed human pirates before.

It has to be said that compared to murlocs, humans are still too weak.

Deposit has been received.

As a swordsman who takes money to do things, Leopard Cang naturally can't smash his own brand.

So, he took his wine gourd and went directly to the bustling area of ​​Fishman Island.

No one would come to a place like Murloc Street on vacation.

The most popular place for humans on Fishman Island is undoubtedly the coral mound closest to the port, because all the pirates going to the New World will resupply here.

Each area of ​​Murloc Island is much larger than it appears in the plot.

After all, with a population of 500 million, if the place is too small, there is no room to survive.

Mika's Tavern is a tavern located on the other side of the Coral Hill, unlike Xiali's Cafe, which sometimes needs mermaids to add to the fun to attract people.

The tavern is naturally the most attractive place.

none of them.

For a man who rides the sea, he can live without women, but he cannot live without wine and meat.

Mika's Tavern is a well-known one in Coral Hill.

Normally, Bao Zang would not have the opportunity to come here. The place he went most often was the cheap tavern on Murloc Street.

The reason is very simple, just one word: poor!

But it's different now, today's Uncle Baozang is rich.

During lunch time, most of the seats in Mika's Tavern were full.

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