Mo Sen has not yet recollected the sense of accomplishment in educating his younger brother, so it is time to take up the post.

Fortunately, the g-2 base is not too far away, and it can be reached in a day if the wind is smooth.

In the port of Marin Vanduo, the sails of the Mawson were propped up, and the wind from nature blew the canvas into a bulge, and the seemingly weak force pushed the battleship out of the port.

Two tall and tall figures stood side by side on the deck, and the wide justice shawl was like a flying flag in the wind.

I don't know how long it took.

"By the way, General Kuzan, you are not asleep, are you?"

Mo Sen looked at Admiral Kuzan, whose eyes were almost narrowed even when he was standing, feeling a little helpless to complain.

How sleep deprived are you?

This world doesn't have too many nightlife and other entertainment activities, and besides, you are still single in your thirties, so you don't have to fight with anyone until dawn.

No wonder you will lose if you fight Akainu in the future, it's no wonder that you are so lazy and don't lose.

It's no wonder that so many people in the World Government prefer Sakaski to be the marshal. Compared to his hard work and seriousness, Kuzan is a bit too lazy.

Although Kuzan is more supported by the soldiers below, the soldiers cannot decide the promotion of the high-level.

In fact, it can also be imagined that Kuzan's attitude is naturally opposed to the high-level world government, and it is difficult to obtain their support.

As for work, it's just an excuse.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see it.

Kuzan raised his eyelids sleepily, put his hand on the blindfold on his forehead, and yawned: "Brother Mo Sen, you are wrong, I am not a person who likes to sleep late, yawn."

Seeing Mo Sen's obviously disbelieving eyes, Kuzan explained again.

"It must have been too tiring to deal with things recently. It's really inhumane for Mr. Zhan Guo to assign me to do many things. I must ask him to raise my salary later."

I really believe in your shoes.

If you say it's that workaholic Sakaski who is tired from work, I won't say anything.

Who in this department does not know that Polusalino clocks in and goes to and from get off work on time and never works overtime, and Kuzan often sees no one.

Are you telling me now that you are too tired to handle things?

Maybe the meaning expressed in Mo Sen's eyes was too obvious, Kuzan felt that it would not be convincing to dwell on this topic, so he changed the subject: "Then Brother Mo Sen, could you please repeat what you said just now, I am so human Middle-aged people are always less energetic than young people like you."

You are a fart middle-aged, how about when you were in your thirties and prime of life?

Smoker, who was standing behind him, couldn't stand listening anymore. He turned around and walked to the side of the ship, feeling that the current pillars of the navy must be such guys.

Really worried about the future of the Navy.

"I have something to ask General Kuzan. Didn't I get a Xuexue fruit for my ineffective younger brother? As the lower fruit of the frozen fruit, I would like to ask General Kuzan to teach him when he has time."

Mo Sen didn't expose Kuzan, and expressed his thoughts.

"Oh, is that little guy Winster? News came out a few months ago. I didn't expect you to find the natural department, Mosen. It's amazing." Kuzan sighed and agreed to Mosen's request, "Who Let me still owe you so many meals, I will find time to train him."

Mo Sen was not surprised by Kuzan's answer. In fact, he has a good relationship with many people in the Navy headquarters.

Even with Sakalski, although Mo Sen didn't agree with some of his ideas and had some conflicts at first, he still couldn't find fault with his seriousness. The current relationship is not good but it is not antagonism.

There is no need to talk about Kuzan here, because the two have many similarities in personality, and they are both trained by Zefa and Karp, so there are naturally topics to talk about, and the relationship has always been good.

Another general, Huang Yuan, because Mo Sen often went to the scientific army to fight in the autumn wind, so he got acquainted with him once and for all, and there was a faint sense of congeniality.

Among the lieutenant generals, apart from Karp, Crane, Jiaji, Zhiyuan, and Flying Squirrel, the others basically have nothing to do with each other.

"Drake, go to my office and take out a gourd of the good wine that the Murloc Island Palace sent me to General Kuzan."

Mo Sen has never been stingy with his own person. After he returned from the Murloc island, Zefa and Zhan Guo sent a gourd of wine to each other. Kuzan only saw it today, just in time.

After Mo Sen finished speaking, he turned to Kuzan: "General Kuzan is lucky. I think this wine has a better taste than the 'Barcelo' royal wine."

Kuzan's eyes brightened. There is no man in the sea who doesn't like wine, but as the top naval force, they generally don't go after it.

But since Mo Sen arrived at the headquarters, many people's appetites have been spoiled by him.

The special wine made by the royal family of Fishman Island is generally difficult to flow to the surface of the sea, at least Kuzan has never drank it.

Sometimes he had to sigh with emotion that this guy, Mo Sen, was almost corrupted by his good wine and meat.

Soon, Drake came out with a wine gourd. The wine gourd was not too big or too small, just enough to hold 5 catties of wine.

Kuzan was also polite, took it from Drake, opened the lid on it, and a different fragrance came to his nostrils. If he had been an alcoholic for many years, he would definitely take a sip at all costs.

Taking a sip, Kuzan closed the lid with great satisfaction.

The wine gourd was tied with a red string for a day, just enough to tie the wine gourd around his waist.

But Kuzan will not do this, just kidding, if the dignified admiral is like a pirate, the navy will lose face.

"Brother Mosen, you always have some unexpectedly good things in your hand. It's not easy to get such wine."

Needless to say, Kuzan was clearly pleased with Mawson's little gift.

Mo Sen replied with a smile: "Haha, General Kuzan, as long as you are satisfied, good things are only interesting if you share them with your friends."

For him, the most important thing in this world is to be happy. It would be the best if he can make a few friends in the process and share happiness together.

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