Kuzan is the ship that got off the road halfway.

That's right, he wasn't going to send Mawson to the base.

No one in the navy has the face to be sent by the general to be the base chief, and Mo Sen is obviously no exception.

Kuzan just happened to be going to perform some mission, so he took a ride with the wind.

Watching Kuzan disappear into the sea on his bicycle, Mo Sen couldn't help but look enviously, that he would be able to fly like this on the sea at some point.

The important thing is: forceful!Compelling!Compelling!

This is like the thread fruit of Doflamin hanging on the clouds in the air, similar to flying.

However, it is estimated that a superhuman fruit like myself can only be like them after awakening.

Take your time, there will be bread, and there will be bicycles.

One day, I will be able to row a boat without oars, all by waves!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mawson's direct troops are a bit uncomfortable with the "leisurely" life of the G-2 base.

But they also had to adapt themselves.

Even in a place as turbulent as the New World, you won't be able to meet pirates everywhere.

Compared with there, the first half here is not without pirates to catch.

The bigger reason is that these guys are just too weak.

Tomerson brought their blessings of crazy training, and they captured a large number of pirates with relatively high ranks.

In the team of more than 100 people, the lowest rank also has the rank of corporal, and lieutenant officers can be found everywhere.

There are at least a dozen school-level forces here.

Using such a fleet is undoubtedly an anti-aircraft gun to fight mosquitoes, which is a bit hard to give these pirates a way to survive.

What's more, their current direct leader is Brother Smoker who has just started to make a name for himself in the New World.

As for Mosen, the base chief, he seemed to have disappeared not long after he came to the G-2 base. Only Smoker and Drake were in charge of managing the huge base.

Only when he needed to make a big decision did he realize that there was a base chief.

Oh, and it doesn't look like there are any major decisions.

So this base chief is a fake.

Anyway, it doesn't matter whether there is this officer or not. For the development of the base, Smoker dismantled the troops directly under him and divided them into several small teams to lead the soldiers in the base to perform tasks in turn.

It seems that Brother Smoker is more suitable to be the chief of the base than Mawson.

As for the current position of our base chief?

Of course, he was inspecting the scope of his own base jurisdiction.

Some people may ask why Mo Sen appeared here since the capital of seven waters is not within the scope of the base.


The entire sea is the navy's defense area, and there is no scope there.

Mo Sen's appearance here is of course to promote the consumption of the capital of seven waters. After all, the sea train has only been in operation for a few years, and everything on the island is still in a state of waste.

Various activities to stimulate the economy are urgently needed.

"Boy Mo Sen, after eating so many, this one's Shui Shui Meat tastes the most authentic. I'll come back to their house next time."

On Mo Sen's shoulder, the old demon hung water and meat on one wing, and kept pecking at it with its curved beak.

Mo Sen said with distaste: "Eat, you know what to eat. We are here to revitalize the economy of the capital of seven waters, and to increase the income of the residents here. Don't just think about eating."

The parrot old demon gave him a contemptuous look.

Can you put down the meat in your hands when you say this?

"It's not that you eat the most every time, and one person eats the amount of several others."

Mo Sen smashed down with a fist, and the old demon almost choked to death on the meat.

"Dear old demon, what did you say just now?" Mo Sen gently stroked the old demon's feathers.

"Ga...ga, I choked this handsome bird to death. Ben handsome bird said that the more we eat, the better. Doesn't the more we eat, the more income the residents here have?"

The old demon swallowed the piece of meat in his mouth, desperate to survive, and forcibly rounded him over.

"Well, it makes sense. I didn't expect you, old demon, to think so deeply. Let's go, let's go to this store to buy a few more dollars. Don't tell me, there are so many houses, and this one is not authentic."

After eating what he had in his hands, Mo Sen took the old demon back to the shop just now to buy a few dollars.

In the past two months since he served as the base chief, all the pirates who took the route of the G-2 base have suffered a lot. Ninety-nine percent of the pirates have been cleared by Mo Sen's direct troops.

The remaining [-]% are all kinds of lucky escapes, otherwise the news would not have been passed on.

This time, all the pirates who didn't believe in evil learned a good lesson and quickly changed their routes.

The entire base, not to mention how clean it is.

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