For example, you can drink a few cups casually without any problem.

Although Mo Sen has changed his appearance, there are some things that cannot be concealed.

For example, with the natural aura after being strong, there was a young woman who secretly slipped a note to him on the road. She was a noble and rich woman who looked graceful.

Mo Sen glanced at the number on the room, and threw the note into the trash can in awe-inspiring manner.

Just kidding, I want to trick him into doing a fairy dance so that he can take away the three famous knives on his body.

However, he was quick-witted and had seen through everything.

The number on this room is not too far from his own room. At night, Mo Sen looked hesitant, wondering if he should persuade this young woman to be white... Bah, this young noblewoman who has fallen into the wrong path should correct her evil ways.

You must know that the practice of fairy jumping is illegal. As a just navy, he feels that he has the duty to stop this behavior.

Sure enough, two men entered the room afterwards.

Smart as me!

It didn't take long for a strange sound to sound in this room.

Hey, wait a minute?

This situation is a bit wrong, the co-author of this woman is casting a wide net to catch more fish, and she is not afraid.

It's not some fairy jump! !

Sorry to bother you.

Rich woman happy ball, can't afford to be provoked.


Five days later, the merchant ship docked at the port of Spring Queen City, and Mo Sen set foot on the sea train to the capital of seven waters by himself.

Last year, Tom the Murloc from the City of Water was executed by Spandam.

Mo Sen only found out about it later. He happened to be going to the East China Sea at that time, and he was annoyed about it for a while later.

He also met Murloc Tom when he was in the water capital, but because of his navy status, he didn't have any detailed contact with him.

But even the contribution of building a sea train to this world is enough to keep this venerable murloc shipwright alive.

It's just that things have already happened, and it's useless to regret it.

He is not a god either. The time when many things happen is inherently vague. Sometimes the news of this world is unblocked, and sometimes it is very blocked.

Unlike the world of the Internet, if something big just happens here, you on the other side of the planet may know about it.

Nor is anyone's life worth saving.

In essence, he is still an ordinary young man who does some good deeds within his ability, otherwise he can only express his apologies.

Rather than a hero with greater ability and greater responsibility to save the world, he knows this very well.

These only stayed in his mind for a while, and then he put them in the bottom of his heart.

Finding a remote place where no one was around, he stepped on the waves, turned into a black spot in the blink of an eye, and then disappeared into the vast sea.

You don't need oars to row a boat, but you rely on waves all your life.

A few hours later, Mawson returned to his office at the G-2 base.

He didn't expect that the first person he saw was not the adjutant Drake, but Xun who appeared with a dull face and holding a knife.

"Sir, I want to challenge you!" Xun still had no expression on his face, but his eyes were serious.

Xun, who has been following Mo Sen for more than two years, is the purest person in the entire direct army.

Apart from sword skills, Xun only had Mo Sen in his eyes.

Well, he is the only one in this eye without any other meaning.

But for Xun, it is more accurate to say that he is a disciple of Mo Sen than that he is a navy.

It means that no matter where Mawson goes, he will follow him. The captain of the navy is dispensable.

Soldiers directly under the army basically understand this.

Mo Sen saw that there was a newspaper in Xun's hand, and he reached out for it. The newspaper reported that he had become one of the few great swordsmen in the world.

This is Xun, a purer sword idiot than Sauron.

There is nothing else but the knife.

What comes to mind is what it is, and it is always so straightforward.

Mo Sen nodded with a smile, and said, "Don't worry, there are two knives on the knife holder, you can choose the one that suits you better, and replace the one in your hand."

That's right, these two knives themselves have a certain ownership.

With Mo Sen's character of protecting the calf, such a good thing must be the first thing that comes to mind.

What kind of lieutenant general, don't even think about this kind of benefit.

Unless it's a flying squirrel who has a close friendship with Mo Sen, but the flying squirrel's own knife is not much worse than the Da Kuai Dao [-], so naturally he won't come here to join in the fun.

Moreover, the dignified Vice Admiral, Flying Squirrel said that face is still needed.

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