Xun Wenyan hesitated for a moment, one can imagine his love for the knife in his arms.

"Go and choose, any of those two knives will be stronger than your current one." Mo Sen said again.

A surprised smile appeared on Xunmu's dull face, as if a child with mental retardation got a favorite toy.

He took out the two knives one by one and felt them each.

[Dead wood] As the name suggests, the dark color is not so eye-catching. It is not easy to find the dark lines on the knife body when you look carefully.

[Sakura Ten] is more beautiful. The pattern on the long and narrow blade is dotted like cherry blossoms, and the blade looks bright and sharp.

But just as Xun pulled out [Sakura Ten] from the scabbard, he inserted it back, pulled out [Dead Wood] again, his eyes seemed to be glued to the knife, and his soul seemed to be hooked in by the knife.

Mo Sen was not surprised. The two knives are actually the same, but in fact, each famous knife has its own characteristics.

If Mo Sen were to choose, he would naturally choose [Sakura Ten], because it fits his temperament better.

Good looks are king.

Xun chose [Dead Wood] as expected by Mo Sen. This low-key but hidden sharp sword and Xun are a perfect match.

Looking at Xun's appearance, Mo Sen said with a smile: "Okay, that knife belongs to you, you can go back and take a look at it slowly, and get used to this knife as soon as possible, I'm waiting for your challenge.

As for the original knife, you can just leave it here, and go back if you have nothing to do. "

Only then did Xun look away from [Dead Wood], he put the knife back into the off-white scabbard, and held it in his arms like the last one.

The scabbard of this knife has the same style as the blade, and it looks extremely low-key and inconspicuous.

The only thing that catches the eye is the dark red tassel tied to the handle of the knife.

Xun walked to Mo Sen's desk, looked at Mo Sen with burning eyes and said, "Thank you, sir."

Although he didn't speak much, Mo Sen could naturally see the emotion surging in his heart.

Mo Sen waved his hand and said, "You don't have to be so polite with me, practice hard, and I'll wait for the day you catch up."

Xun bowed to Mo Sen, similar to the way a disciple salutes a teacher, and then got up and came out of Mo Sen's office.

Mo Sen was a little funny, Xun was obviously a few years older than him, but he felt that the other party was like his nephew.

At this time, Drake walked in from the outside, and then saw Mo Sen's kind eyes like an old father.

Drake was a little hairy, and the officer went back to the headquarters to see what happened.

Wouldn't it be more perverted?


ps: More than [-] words, rounded up, it is [-]. (manual funny)

After coding, I called it a day, and I was about to go to bed. I accidentally started cultivating immortals again.

Well, there is nothing to say, so I wish everyone an early New Year.Remember to bring the ticket here, okay~

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Yo, long time no see Drake, why are you looking at me like this, Lieutenant General Ben doesn't disturb you, please turn left to Smoker to welcome you."

Mo Sen sat on his chair and looked at Drake staring at him a little strangely, and couldn't help but feel anxious. Doesn't this Drake have any thoughts about himself?

This is not acceptable, issues of principle cannot be compromised.

Drake rolled his eyes, relieved to see that the officer is still so cheap.

"Sir, I have something to report to you."

Mo Sen raised his forehead, he had just arrived at the office, and he had something to do.

I knew I wouldn't be back so soon.

Mo Sen leaned on the back of the chair, and said weakly: "If you have something to discuss with Smoker, I just got a disease in the headquarters that I can't handle things. The doctor told me to recuperate."

Drake's face turned green.

You also come to this set?

Are you guys teaming up to play me?

"I just came from Commodore Smoker, he heard that you are back, and asked me to report to you.

He also said that he is just a brigadier general, and you are the lieutenant general commander of this base. Why does it feel like he is the lieutenant general base commander now, and he is still the kind who works for nothing without salary. "

Drake's voice sounded like it was squeezed through his teeth.

What the hell, I handle most of the affairs of the base, you lieutenant generals know about waves all day long.

There is also a brigadier general who knows how to catch pirates every day. I take care of all the big and small things. Who can I ask for a salary increase?

Mo Sen sat up straight at once, propped his hands on the desk, and said strangely: "Hehe, it seems that Smoker, a smoker, is still a bit petty, such a big man, why is he so stingy.

Besides, am I not doing this for his own good?Guys who don't know good people are already old, and if they don't talk about a partner, sooner or later they will be the same as the old man in the Warring States Period. "

Drake has black lines all over his head, what a mess.

Mo Sen patted his forehead suddenly, as if remembering something.

He asked Drake, "By the way, Drake, what's up with you and Commodore Gray?"

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