In fact, it can be seen from the reaction of the soldiers at the base when the Hancock pirate ship appeared just now. Although Mawson didn't say it clearly, he was still very satisfied with the work of these soldiers for Smokedrake.

This directly proves his unique vision.

It was not wrong for him to put Smoker in this position, and he must have the opportunity to play their role in the future.


He, as the highest officer, of course wants to discover the talents of his subordinates, so that these guys can make good use of their talents.

Doing everything by yourself is what a wise man does not do.

Don't you see that Mr. Daxian Wolong has to do everything by himself, and he has to do all the big and small things by himself, so that he becomes sick from overwork and ends up in such a fate.

you say lazy? !


Well, this is actually lazy.

But who let there be such a capable subordinate, lazy and too lazy to feel at ease.

If you don't accept it, you also go to find such a capable subordinate.


The base chief's office, this is an office exclusively for Mosen, and Smoker still handles daily affairs in his own office next door.

Although Mo Sen is not around most of the time, the inside is still tidy.

Mawson had just sat down at his desk when Derek just opened the door and walked in.

"Sit, you two, what are you doing standing up, what are your expressions?

I have said that it is a good thing, but I can still lie to you. "

Mo Sen looked at the two guys with vigilant and suspicious faces standing across the desk, not only their heads were full of black lines.

By the way, what does your expression mean?

I am a dignified vice admiral, and my current role as a facade will not deceive you.

There is no basic trust between people.

The two of them sat down, and Drake said cautiously: "Sir, is there really something good? No, you will find an excuse to beat me up later, right?"


Besides, I've said it's a good thing, are you questioning the integrity of the chief? "

Drake's expression clearly explained the answer.

"Give you a chance, Drake, you have a chance to reorganize your language." Mo Sen's eyes became dangerous.

Drake said righteously: "What the officer said is correct."

Mawson gave Drake a look of your knowing.

He opened the backpack on the table, rummaged through it, found a few things and threw them to Smoker Drake and the others.

"Let's see, this is what I worked hard for at the base with the old man of the Warring States period. Now you know that I, the officer, treat you well." Mo Sen had an expression on his face that he was coming to praise me.

The two caught the small object and understood what it was.

"This is...the epaulettes and the medal?" The two asked as they flipped through the small items.

Mo Sen nodded and said, "See, it's a good thing to tell you, but I never lie.

Now, from now on, one of you will be promoted to colonel, and the other will be a serious general.

Are you happy?Are you excited?Are you very grateful to me, sir?

Don't be too thankful, just invite me to Dabaojian for a while. "

Happiness is indeed happiness, and it would be hypocrisy to say that you are not happy at this time.

For them, being promoted is not only a recognition of their strength, but also a recognition of their contributions.

Mo Sen really didn't lie to them this time.

He did spend a lot of time talking about the promotion of the military ranks of these two people.

Although the navy is a violent institution, there are still groups of all sizes inside. These groups are not monolithic, and there are still many frictions inside.

For example, the so-called 'hawks' headed by Sakarski.

There's also something relatively mild about the 'dovishness'.

There is also a guy like Mo Sen who is not of any school, er, he can also be said to be an egg yolk school, because his popularity is actually the best among the high-level navy.

In addition to his strength and credit.

Or because the generals who benefited from him accounted for more than half of the entire navy.

Let’s talk about the slaves he rescued in the Chambord Islands a few years ago. There were thousands of them, and most of these people were enriched into various troops.

More recently, he has cultivated more than [-] mid-to-high-end combat forces. These are the troops directly under him, and half of the elite combat forces in the real navy have been transferred to other troops.

So if he mentions the promotion of Smoker and the others, the resistance from other aspects will be much smaller.

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