After all, Smoker is a prickly person who has offended many people.

The two stood up solemnly and saluted.

"Thank you sir."

Mo Sen was finally comfortable in this wave, he waved his hands modestly: "Sit down, sit down, it's just basic operations!"


(I originally wanted to code the three chapters and send them together, but when I got home, there was a power outage at home. I don’t know if I can call today. If I can’t, I have to find a hotel to sleep [Yangcheng is really hot and I can’t sleep without an air conditioner], and there is no third update up.

The first update will be sent first, and the second update will be coded by mobile phone. I don’t know when it will be coded.Apologies to everyone, orzi

above. )

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Warring States was the admiral of the navy, the entire navy was basically still under his command.

Even the five old stars of the world government have difficulty intervening in the internal affairs of the navy. After this point, Sakaski obviously has no control over the Warring States Period.

So much so that Rob Lucci, who just entered c0, dared to give him orders.

This cannot be tolerated at any time.

Although c0 is a world government agency directly under the Tianlong people, it can only govern the intelligence agencies 1-9 below it, and has no power to intervene in the navy, let alone command a naval admiral.

But from this point, we can also know that Sakaski's position as marshal still needs to be tempered.

Regarding Smoker's promotion, some lieutenant generals had some complaints, but under the influence of Warring States and Mo Sen, no waves were caused.

Smoker knew this, of course.

On the contrary, Drake's promotion as a colonel will not be cared about.

After the two of them sat down, Smoker asked aloud: "Then, based on your merits and strength, should you be the general candidate?"

General alternate is not a position, but a qualification, essentially a lieutenant general.

This is a replacement for lieutenant generals who have reached or approached the level of generals but cannot be promoted to generals.

To some extent, it can be understood as a substitute general.

Mo Sen shook his head, "No, you know I'm not interested in these things, and I even wonder if it would be good to be a lieutenant general like old man Karp in the future."

Mo Sen didn't lie about this point. To be honest, he is in a state of wanting nothing. He even thought of resigning from the navy at some point if it wasn't for Karp of the Warring States Period.

Well, the main reason is that wearing a navy coat is not suitable for going out.

After all, pay attention to the image of the navy.

This can be seen from the fact that the generals of the navy are basically all in suits and leather shoes.

As a general, Kuzan also dressed more casually after leaving the navy.

Mo Sen had an idea in his mind that he would retire and resign from the navy to travel the world after the war at the latest, but he didn't make up his mind.

If the few guys he focuses on training can stand alone by then, I guess he will really make up his mind.

Smoker looked serious, and he said: "Mosen, you are better than me in every aspect, but sometimes you do things very casually.

I know it's hard to persuade you if you have your own ideas, but I still hope that you will think carefully when you make a decision. "

Speaking of which, Smoker is the one in the navy who has been in contact with Mawson the longest and knows him the most.

In some respects Mawson was similar to Admiral Polusalino in that they both treated the Navy as a job.

It's just that Mo Sen did this job very well for various reasons, so good that it was more like a kind of compensation for the navy, rather than the way that General Huang Yuan was just dawdling with his salary.

But sometimes it is the yellow ape that dawdles, which makes people feel at ease.

At the very least, a guy like this dawdling in life won't be afraid of quitting if he's given all kinds of treatment, isn't he?

On the contrary, it was Mawson. Smoker couldn't say when he felt it. He always felt that Mawson would not stay in the navy like other navies or even himself.

This is actually nothing.

There are also some retired officers in the navy, and Smoker is a little worried that Mawson will go to the opposite side of the navy.

Today's attitude with Pirate Empress Mosen actually felt that this might be an ominous omen.

Is this from a man's sixth sense?

Smoker didn't know, but he felt that if his guess came true, it wouldn't be a good thing for them or Mawson.

"Well, well, I will pay attention, don't worry when I do things, I, Mo Sen, will follow one word in my life, and I will be as stable as an old dog.

It is my rule not to make waves with the wind and not to cast against the wind. What good teammates in the Navy say is me. "Mosen waved his hand, telling Smoker not to think too much.

After all, Smoker is an adult, and his three views on this world have long been formed.

Although Mawson became friends with him and had a profound influence on him, Smoker would of course insist on his own views on some matters of principle.

He sees this very clearly.

This is what makes Mo Sen different from other people. His three views have been developed in his previous life, which is different from everyone in this world.

He can become friends with Sengoku, Zefa, Garp, Smoker and even Shanks, Rayleigh, etc., but this does not mean that they are fellow travelers.

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