The snow was getting heavier and heavier, and the falling snowflakes soon covered the place.

In the distance is the back of Luo Xiaoxiao who is crying, and on the other side is Lieutenant General Crane's boat, the wind blows, revealing half of the face of the protected boy under the hood, and a special mark is printed on the chin - x.



Half a month before the graduation practical trial of the boot camp, all the soldiers of the boot camp were called together.

Today is a test of the internal strength of all recruits in the recruit battalion. This test will be divided according to individual strength.

After that, they will set sail for the last actual combat training, which is also the final trial of graduation.

There are only two parts to the internal evaluation of the recruit battalion, the Dao Strength value and the data based on Dao Strength value.

On the school field of the recruit camp, there are several arena areas temporarily divided. In the middle of the school field, there are five Dao force test robots newly developed by the scientific research team.

On the school grounds, all the soldiers were already lined up.

On one side of the school grounds, many stands were set up temporarily.This is the position for the commanders of the fleet who are not on duty at the headquarters and above the command of the fleet.

These generals lined up to enter through the door, and the recruits battalion burst into loud cheers.

"The Warring States General is here, wow, that is the naval hero Lieutenant General Garp, this is the navy I admire the most."

"Wow, that's... that... It turned out to be a candidate for the monster-level generals of Sakaski and Polsalino. These are the first batch of monster-level geniuses in our recruit camp."

"Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel is at the back, haha, I am so happy, I hope I can join Lieutenant General Garp's command."

"My target is the Warring States General!!"

Mo Sen stood at the front, a little stunned. The team of Qingzhi, who wanted to go most, didn't see anyone.

How to do?Online waiting, very urgent.

Chapter 43 Silence

There's something wrong with this script, isn't it?

Mo Sen never thought it would be like this. In fact, in many cases, where the recruits are assigned after graduation is arranged by the big bosses above. They are just a cabbage to be selected.

However, there are some exceptions, where there is always a little preference for genius.

So if Mawson can choose the chief, and the chief looks right to him, then he can make a y-deal.

So now, Mo Sen looked at the old man sitting next to Sengoku, and Senbei kept throwing at Garp in his mouth.

"Could it be that I was born with a relationship with the East China Sea?"

Mo Sen looked at Huang Yuan again, perhaps, "You can follow this wretched guy to make up for the lack of appearance in his fleet. Besides, this guy is also famous for his laziness."

As for Akainu, Mo Sen's eyes swept away without confirming his eyes, this is not a passerby at all.

As an ordinary and modern little fart, he could not understand the absolute justice of Akainu.

Just like in today's society, if several kidnappers kidnapped several hostages, then in terms of Akainu's justice, he will wipe out all the kidnappers and the hostages. What kind of bullshit justice is this.

Think about it, what would you think if you were one of the hostages?

As for his punch to Ace, after all, the positions are different, the navy and the pirates are inherently opposed, this Mo Sen does not think it is wrong.

Zefa followed the Warring States and others in, but instead of taking a seat there, he took a few steps to stand in front of everyone in the recruit camp.

Xiu Zuo also stood beside Zefa.

"Recruits, this test is an important test to decide which army you go to. I hope you can perform well, and there will be special personnel to record your results later. The results of this time plus the results of the actual combat test will be directly To decide your start, that is, your rank after graduation, whether to start as an ordinary sailor, or to be a lieutenant or even a colonel depends on your performance."

Zefa didn't talk about any big truths. In this year's teaching, they have already applied justice throughout the entire teaching.

"Xuzuo, you will be the host next time." After Zefa finished speaking, he walked to the side of the Warring States and took a seat.

"Zefa, it seems that you have cultivated another class of outstanding recruits, hahahaha, kacha..."

Garp put a senbei in his mouth and turned to Zefa with a smile.

"I've made a reservation for that kid Mo Sen. I'm worthy of our outstanding kid from the East China Sea. I just happen to be missing an adjutant."

Hearing this, Warring States was furious and scolded directly: "You bastard, Karp, didn't you just appoint an adjutant?"

"Hahahaha, what does it matter if you have an adjutant, don't care about these details, Warring States!"

On the other side, Polusalino's tone of rudeness didn't know whether he was complimenting or sarcastic, "Yo, it's really amazing, Mr. Zefa, who actually taught such monsters."

Zefa glanced at Kizaru when he heard the words, and then said with a serious face: "No matter what your strength is, pursuing justice in your heart is my student, Polsalino."

The Warring States period was helpless, all of them were a group of thorns, preventing the yellow monkey from continuing to speak, "Okay, look at the test below, this time give priority to replenishing the most absent troops."



On the school grounds, Xiu Zuo had already instructed people to divide into 5 teams to start the test of Dao Strength.

Mason was at the back of the line, there was no way, who would let him enter the camp last, and the number last.

At this time, the top team has started the test, and there are special testers next to it to record and broadcast the results.

"Freeman Gru, Dao Strength: 58."

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