"Da'an, Dao Strength is 65."

"Steinton, Dao Strength is 80."


As each soldier's Dao Strength value was reported, the various generals in the stands began to whisper.

"Teacher Zefa is really amazing this year. The overall quality can be ranked in the top 5 in previous years." A major general on the side said.

"Yeah, the average level of our class was not so high." Another major general next to him answered.

"Tess, Dao Strength is 886."

Whoa! !

"Fendi, this is your kid, it's amazing."

Tess's father, Major General Fendi, was carved out of the same mold as Tess, with a strong body and dark skin.

At a glance, people can tell that this is a pair of biological father and son, not the Pharaoh series next door to Xi Daddy.

Hearing his son's grades at this time, he couldn't help but cracked his mouth and laughed: "Hahaha, the stinky boy is much stronger than his father at that time, I hope the actual combat ability is also excellent."

"How can the actual combat ability be poor? Teacher Zefa is not in vain."

"Fendi has a good son, unlike the idiot in my family who has to be a reporter."

Those who have achieved the position of lieutenant general have basically formed their own families, and their children have almost grown up.

Since the results of Theis broke out, these guys talked about their children and were envious of Fendi.

For a while, the topic went a bit off track.

Mawson was a little bored. The machine test was not the same as the owl on Judiciary Island c9 later. Although the machine test was highly accurate, it was much slower.

Fortunately, five machines were tested at the same time, otherwise he didn't know when it would be his turn.

"Varikroz, Dao force value is 1273."

Another name came out.

At this moment, the whole school field is boiling. Although the recruits sometimes have older talents specially recruited, most of them are around 20 years old.

Varick Rhodes is only 21 years old this year, and with this achievement, he can already be called a genius.

Mo Sen was also a little surprised when he heard it. It seemed that Laowa had initially mastered the domineering, instead of being insane as he was before.

This time, Tess, who had already tested, had a stiff smile on his face. Before, his Dao Strength was the highest in the battalion. Now Laowa is 400 higher than him, which made him a little unacceptable.

What's more, the two of them have always been half a pound before, why suddenly Laowa dashed so much like an aphrodisiac.

The bigwigs in the stands are not calm anymore. This result is comparable to that of the current elite lieutenant general when he graduated.

After training, it is a high-level combat force.

"I lost a lot of troops when I came back to the new world this time, and the addition of Varicroz can just make up for the loss of my troops."

Lieutenant General Flying Squirrel spoke directly. Although he was a newly promoted lieutenant general, he couldn't be cowardly at this time, not to mention that he had taught him for three months and was very satisfied with this kid.

As for Mawson, whoever wants it will want it!Otherwise, the heart can be punctured by myocardial infarction, arrhythmia, and cardiac arrest.

He apologized for his ignorance.

"My troops are also seriously lacking in strength. It just so happens that I am familiar with this kid from Yun Lan's family. Come to my fleet to train them better." A senior lieutenant general said, obviously having a deep friendship with Lao Wa's family.

"I taught him swordsmanship for three months."

Flying Squirrel added a sentence, and immediately blocked what others wanted to say.

The underlying meaning is clear: this kid is my first son.

I didn't expect that being an instructor in the recruit camp would have such a benefit. Many people's eyes flickered. They can think about it when they are stationed in the headquarters in the future.

Warring States answered, "Then let's add to the flying squirrel first."

Time passed, and finally everyone else was tested.

It was Mawson's turn.

Everyone else in the boot camp looked at him expectantly, including the big bosses in the stands, who also focused on this good-looking and outrageous boy.

"Alpha Mason, Dao Li... Dao Li value is 5280."


Chapter 44 预热

This is data that a new recruit has never had before. Although Akainu and Kiabou were called monsters at the time, the main reason was their fruit ability.

Including the fruit ability, their Dao Strength value at that time was of course higher than this, but in a simple physical test, they were still far behind by a single value.

Not to mention how old they were at the time, how old was the boy in front of him.

Uproar throughout.

I couldn't believe my ears.

"It's too perverted."

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