As for the c0 leader who originally escorted Vegapunk over, he returned directly after delivering it.

As the highest intelligence agency under the World Government, they are extremely busy, and naturally it is impossible to stay and protect Vegapunk-that is the treatment that Tianlong people have.

Even escorting Vegapunk is because this project is very important to the world government. Otherwise, how could c0, which is basically exclusive to the lackeys of the Tianlong people, perform tasks that have nothing to do with their masters.


A hidden crevice in a valley near the sea on Punk Hazard Island.

There is a small sailboat parked here. This kind of sloop can only carry 10-15 people at most, and it usually sails in the short sea. If you want to sail long distances here in the New World, it is basically courting death.

under night.

An incomparably tall figure, at least three meters tall, appeared here silently.

He was wearing a tattered black and white striped prison uniform, and there was only one prisoner who could appear here at this time.

It was in that scientific research base that everyone was on guard to escape the big pirate who offered a reward of 4 million Baileys.

Unlike what others thought, this big pirate not only did not take revenge on the entire base, but instead appeared in such a valley where ships going to sea were hidden, there must be hidden secrets hidden in it.

When the tall figure saw the ships in the valley, excitement flashed in his eyes.

However, he still didn't give up his vigilance, and buckled a few stones from the hill, and with a 'swoosh', a few stones flew out.

He hid his figure, motionless in the darkness.

After about a quarter of an hour, there was still no sound from the ship.

He just came out of the shadows and jumped onto the unmarked ship.

The cabin is very small, and he has to bow his waist when he is more than three meters tall. There is a black suit in the cabin, a permanent record pointer, and a chart...

And, a newspaper.

The tall figure ignored this, he picked up his clothes and found the laundry room, cleaned his messy hair and beard, and changed into the black suit.

Then the arm turned into a giant pincer, crushing the prison uniform into pieces, and washed into the sea under the boat with the current.

Looking at himself in the mirror, a scary smile appeared on his somewhat ugly face, and then he walked back to the room just now.

After reading the permanent pointer and the nautical chart and put them away, the ugly man opened the newspaper that was put aside.

There wasn't any big news worth paying attention to in the newspaper, but the tall man read it carefully, and he didn't stop until he turned to a news piece in the lower left corner of the third page of the newspaper, which took up about a quarter of the page size.

There is a photo on the news, the person in the photo looks ordinary and has no characteristics, and the background picture behind him is the sky full of wind and snow.

"Equivalent exchange, I like it very much."

"Back then you took advantage of the power of others and sent me to Jincheng City. I never expected that after more than three years, I will come out again!"

"Wait for me to give you a surprise!"


(Working overtime, you know, today is a big chapter, tomorrow is not too busy to fill in the tens of thousands of words.

Seeing that I’m too busy, I haven’t broken the update, and I can’t do it easily. The bosses voted for the recommendation ticket and the monthly ticket~ (^3^) Thank you so much)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Mo Sen naturally didn't know all this.

Since parting with Hancock last time, Mawson has returned to the g-2 base with peace of mind to be his salted fish.

It seems that I am a little sorry for the salted fish.

Because even if he is a salted fish, he is the least salty one among them, the one that is unwilling to turn over.

The only thing he remembers is that he is more careful, that is, of course he memorized the names of the soldiers in the small notebook.

These few people thought he would forget.


Of course he has forgotten that he is not a person who holds grudges!

Many people, including Smoker, can attest to this.

Of course, this will not delay the performance of you guys to bronze... er, it looks like it was originally bronze.

Then hammer and forge it!

Cough... How could the chief play you? It must be a joke. The main purpose is of course to want you to be promoted to silver or even gold and higher.

After all, the big sword still needs to be honed.

I didn't see that Galen, as the son of a family that can rival the royal family in Demacia, was honed step by step from the soldiers below, and the great sword became stronger and stronger in the process.

So, Mo Sen was so strict to the dozen or so soldiers headed by Binz, it all came from the deep love of Chief Ba Ba!

It has nothing to do with the halazi all over the floor after you guys saw Hancock.

Never think about it.

Who in the entire headquarters doesn't know that he, Mo Sen, has the reputation of being a male god who never holds grudges, loves soldiers like a son, and has a gentle personality?

If you have any other ideas that you shouldn't have, you also have to ask his basketball... Bah, the old demon in his hand agrees or disagrees.

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