So, with ten people as role models, the soldiers of the entire base have been bravely vying to be the first to voluntarily participate in this intense military training.

Every day, the soldiers were moved to tears by the officer's responsible attitude, wishing they could run a hundred or eighty miles in one go... no wonder.

Exercise requires science.

Just pretend he didn't say anything!

Mo Sen didn't just increase the strength blindly, so no matter how strong a person is, there will be a limit, and they will always collapse in the end.

In terms of talent among these soldiers, except for one or two who are slightly better occasionally, everyone is the boss, don't laugh at the second.

After all, the truly top-notch talents have long been picked out and sent to the new barracks, and they will not be sent here by the Warring States Period.

So in fact, everyone's limit state is not much different.

It just so happens that with Mo Sen's current strength and vision, this wave of soldiers can be easily trained to their respective limits.

Needless to say the benefits of this training method.

There are advantages and disadvantages, so training will definitely put a heavy burden on the body.

But it doesn't matter, his base doesn't say anything else, the funds must be enough, and he can work hard.

In this way, all kinds of logistical measures including nutrition and medical treatment can keep up.

Therefore, in the [-] days before the transfer order from the headquarters, the overall temperament and strength of these semi-new recruits have doubled.

For this, Mo Sen expressed his relief. After all, he has shortened the time he spent on training and developing fruits during this period of time. He would cry to death if there was no effect.

The dozen or so individuals under his care have made great progress.

It can be seen that people's potential under pressure is infinite. Sometimes if you don't push yourself, you really don't know how much torture and destruction you can bear.

Cough cough... Wrong, try again.

It should be that sometimes if you don’t push yourself, you will never know how good you are! !

Well, this kind of chicken soup is the authentic recipe, the authentic taste.



Inside the office of the base's chief executive.

At this time, Smoker and Derek Iron were all in the office.

Looking at the layer of soot in the ashtray in front of Smoker, it's obvious that he has been here for a long time.

Regarding the transfer, Mo Sen had already disclosed to them before that it didn't make any difference to Mo Sen whether he was transferred or not, but it was good news for them.

The paradise in the first half of the great voyage has no pressure on them, and it is already difficult to improve their strength through actual combat. This is really not a good place for Derek Iron and the others who are eager to improve their strength.

The new world is the best choice for them to improve their strength.

After all, it is faster to awaken the domineering spirit in actual combat, especially to challenge people who are stronger than yourself. Generally speaking, the only way to get ahead is to keep dying.

Don't you see, after the plot, the Straw Hat team, who are the deadly little experts, made a flat push, smashing the sky and smashing the air, and finally their strength improved like the shining fruit of the yellow ape.

Of course, this is only suitable for those with a hard life, and most people kill themselves in the process.

However, they have Mo Sen escorting them, so naturally they don't have to be afraid.

"I don't know when Lieutenant General Gumir will come to take over?" Smoker leaned on the sofa, still holding two cigars in his mouth, and he could tell the degree of this guy's smoking addiction by looking at the way the cigars were just lit.

Mo Sen withdrew his gaze from the window, stopped looking at the training of the soldiers on the playground, turned around and walked back to his position, "Oh, the distance from the headquarters to here is usually not so fast, so don't worry, just follow the steps Just come.

But you, from now on we need to collect information about where we are going in the new world. The place we are going to this time is not easy. Only by knowing yourself and the enemy can you want to fight and fight.

how?Smoker, you are so anxious to go to the new world, do you want to go to the g-1 base to meet Colonel Tina?It's okay, I can give you time to take a few days off then. "

Smoker gave Mo Sen a white look. This guy is always so annoying, "Asshole, I didn't mean that, I said that Tina and I are just friends."

Ai En stood opposite, looked at the two naive officers with some amusement, and changed the subject. "Don't worry, sir, I've been collecting intelligence since I got the news."

Mo Sen nodded to Ain with a smile: "Our beautiful Ain is still reliable in doing things, unlike some guy who has acquired the ability of ancient animal species, his brain is now full of muscles."

Drake: "..."

You bastard is enough.

I used to call her Xiaotian when I needed it... Bah, when I needed it, I would boast all kinds of things. Now that a beautiful adjutant has taken over the job, forget about the old man, okay?

"Where, sir, I still have a lot to learn from Colonel Drake." Ain waved her hand, she knew that Mo Sen was joking.

Smoker had already filtered out this sentence, put down Erlang's legs, sat upright and asked Mo Sen: "Speaking of which, are you planning to select soldiers from among the soldiers directly under the army?"

Mo Sen's dedication to these soldiers can be seen during this time, so he came up with this idea.

The current direct unit is under the leadership of Drake, and he is beginning to get familiar with the set of lieutenant generals in advance. Given his strength, he may be promoted to lieutenant general in a few years.

"Do not."

Mo Sen shook his head, he didn't have such thoughts, "For their training, it's just a wave of benefits before they leave.

After all, I am the chief of the base. Even if I am about to leave, I must let them understand how much I care about them as a chief. "

Of course, it is impossible to select candidates for the direct troops from this group of soldiers. Ever since some of Mo Sen's soldiers were separated, he has never had the idea of ​​selecting people to join.

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