This is true if it develops normally, but sometimes the development of the plot is actually arranged by God.

When most of the time passed, a sudden attack launched against the room not far from Mo Sen.


Two consecutive gunshots rang out from the box two rooms away from Mo Sen's place, which was particularly ear-piercing when the repertoire hadn't officially started yet.

Immediately afterwards there was the sound of fighting in this room, no, the fighting was actually one-sided.

The 4 bodyguards brought by the nobles in that room were killed without even making a scream, and two corpses were blown directly from the second floor and landed in the hall.

There was a scream, it was the unlucky guy who was hit by the falling corpse, and the whole hall immediately became chaotic.

"Jie quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack, the Minister of Finance of the kingdom, Lord Kakudas Marquis, I didn't expect that I would come back to find you in a few years." An uncontrollable triumphant voice sounded, drawing his eyes to the box.

From Mo Sen, one can vaguely see a young man wearing a staff uniform holding a fat, well-dressed middle-aged nobleman with one hand.

He stood on the edge, grabbing the nobleman's collar with one hand and sticking out of the second floor, hanging him in the air.

The gunshot just now did not hit the vital point, but hit the thigh, and the blood was continuously flowing out.

This is one of the most important places in the kingdom, and security work is naturally the top priority. As soon as the incident happened, many guards and bodyguards entered the hall to protect important figures.

The people in the box were naturally terrified. The security here was the most important thing. Seeing that the thug didn't care about other rooms, many bodyguards escorted these big men to evacuate.

Many guards pointed guns at the crazy guy, which calmed down the big shots in the hall.

The leader of the guards yelled loudly: "Let go of Mr. Kakudas, if you make any mistake, you will die."

"Jie Quack, I'm so scared." The face of the man who did it was full of ridicule, he didn't pay attention to these people in front of him at all.

Mosen shook his head looking at the eyes of Smoker and Ian, and ordered in a low voice, "Wait first, and see what's going on. I didn't expect that there is still a big show waiting here."

The two of them have nothing to do, and with them, there will be no big storms.

The voice from over there continued, "Jie quack quack quack quack quack, it seems that no one remembers me yet.

So respectful Lord Kakudas, do you still remember my face? ... Well, it seems that you forgot, what a pity, then I will let you remember, bang! ! "

The man's voice became a little nervous, and then he shot the fat nobleman's other leg, causing blood to splatter.

The nobleman screamed in pain, causing the crowd and the guards to commotion, and the person who caught him laughed even more happily.

"Let me introduce myself, I'm Kaya Rand, and I used to be a member of a performance troupe here, Mr. Marquis, do you still remember the beautiful girl you snatched away 5 years ago?

That was my fiancée, and you killed her like this, even I had to flee.

Looking at your eyes, you seem to remember something, Jie Quack, that's really an honor, it's not in vain that I haven't forgotten the kindness of Lord Marquis all these years.

So, how about I introduce another identity to you?

The captain of the Puppet Master Pirates, how about offering a reward of 3 million Baileys to the pirates?Surprised or not, is it unexpected? "

The sound spread, and the hall started to riot, and even some clever ones started to escape.

The leader of the guards and the bodyguards all froze, they still knew the horror of this bounty pirate.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything to you. The only one who has a grudge against me is the Marquis." The voice turned to the hall, which made the disturbance in the hall much smaller. "There are so many big figures in the kingdom here today, so I can just witness our Marquis The fate of adults.

I heard that Lord Marquis has robbed countless beautiful girls over the years, including the number of illegitimate children.

I wonder how many people will applaud you after you die? "

The fat nobleman's face was terrified, ignoring the pain in his body, he desperately begged for mercy, "Let me go, Kaya Rand, I have money, I have a lot of money, I can give it all to you!"

"Oh, how much money do you have? How did you get the money?"

"I can give you one billion, not two billion Baileys, as long as you let me go...ah!!"


Another shot hit the fat nobleman's arm, causing him to scream miserably.

"Sorry, you haven't answered my question yet, I just have to remind you, so how did the money come from?"

"Corruption... I am the Minister of Finance of the Kingdom, there are many places that can be corrupted... There are also increased taxes, control of gangsters... and..." In order to save his life, the fat nobleman almost subconsciously shook off all the bad things he had done come out.

There was an uproar in the golden hall.

Even the three of Mo Sen were eye-opening. The greedy methods of these nobles are really refreshing.

As far as the criminal methods this person mentioned just now, no number of deaths is enough.

"Jie quack quack quack quack quack quack quack quack, you are really powerful, my lord Marquis, so isn't 20 billion Baileys a little little?" The man's tone was a little playful.

"I can add more, 20 billion Pele is not enough, I can give you 30 billion."

"Wow... really rich, I added 10 billion Baileys all at once, which is more than I have robbed in the past few years.

If I had known you were so rich, it would have been easier to say, I am really sorry for hurting you.

So... let's make a deal? "

A look of surprise appeared on the fat nobleman's face.

"The transaction was completed... ah!!"

boom! !

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