This shot was not aimed at the arm, but at the position between the legs.

Nervous laughter rang out, "Jie quack quack quack quack quack quack quack, Lord Marquis won't take it seriously, how could I ask for your money.

I like your screams more than money!Is this beautiful scream more attractive than money?You know I've been waiting for this day for too long. "

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the smile of this extremely young-looking man gradually widened, making the scalps of the people in the hall below a little numb.

"Ahh... I won't let you go, come, I am the Minister of Finance of the kingdom, come and kill him." The fat nobleman yelled fiercely.

"Hush! Don't worry, my Lord Marquis." Gaye Rand interrupted the fat nobleman, "Don't think about killing people so quickly, look, haven't I killed you yet?

It's not fun if the game ends too soon. I've been thinking about playing with you for years. "

As he spoke, he put a pistol in his waist, grabbed the fat nobleman's arm with his other hand, and with force, he broke his arm and tore it off.

Blood was sprayed out, and an arm was thrown in the hall.


First, the earth-shattering screams sounded, and then they stopped abruptly. It turned out that they passed out from pain.

At this moment, all the people in the hall became flustered, how could they dare to stay here anymore, many people screamed and ran out.

Mo Sen frowned. Although the fat nobleman deserved his death, this kind of torture was a bit too much.

Especially looking at this Kaya Rand's eyes have turned blood red, with a sick smile on his face, it is obvious that he has become a psychopath.

Smoker next to him couldn't stand it anymore, he took a step forward to make a move.

At this moment, two figures in navy clothes flashed in through the open door.

"Gaya Rand, let's see where you are going this time."

Go straight to the young man on the second floor.

The three of Mosen and Smoke relaxed a bit, and the two who appeared were none other than Winster and Tina.

"Jie Quack, annoying navy, I'll send you on your way today."

Among the crowd, there was also a figure that went straight to the two of them, while Gaye Rand punched the fat nobleman on the head.


The nobleman's head was completely broken from the back of the neck, and only a little skin was still attached to it. Some of the blood and flesh splashed even flew onto Kaya Rand's face, but he didn't care.

He even licked the flesh and blood around his lips with his tongue.

Throwing away the corpse casually, he also rushed directly at Winster and the two of them, and the four of them fought into a ball in an instant.

Mo Sen shook his head, this pirate is indeed crazy.

He turned around and ordered: "Ain, Smoker, you two go to protect the people in the hall and the performers to evacuate here."

At this time, many navies have already entered the hall, protecting the orderly evacuation of the people here. Naturally, Mo Sen's arrangement is to save the lives of these ordinary people.

After all, there are many young children here.

Naturally, ordinary people should be arranged to evacuate in such a sudden conflict, otherwise it is unknown how many casualties will be caused in the battle.

The entry of Smoker and Ain stabilized the situation.

His ability is very suitable for this kind of occasion. The white smoke turns into a long rope to tie up many ordinary people who are in danger, and grabs them to the door out of thin air so that they can escape the danger.

"Great, it's Major General Smoker. I didn't expect him to be here." The soldiers maintaining order couldn't help but exclaim in surprise.

"Quick, quick, go this way, follow the person in front, bend over and run with your head down, and you'll be safe when you run out."

With the intervention of the navy and Smoker, the chaotic hall became much more orderly, and the shouts and commands of the soldiers also suppressed the chaotic sounds.

The private room actually has its own safe passage, so they must have fled in a panic when such a situation happened.

Ai En jumped onto the stage directly, leading the performers to evacuate the chaotic place from behind the stage.

Mo Sen stood up and looked down at the scene in the hall.

At this time, in the corner of the hall, to be precise, the place under his feet, a fierce battle had already begun.

It was three... no, four people to be precise.

Two of them are Winster and Tina, and the other two seem to be a team of twins, but Mo Sen naturally knows that this is a magical fruit ability.

Mo Sen also knows the name of the Puppet Master Pirates, after all, the pirates with a bounty of more than 3 billion characters are not small characters.

To be precise, basically a reward of more than 3 million is barely ranked in this world, and more than [-] million can barely be called a big pirate.

The 5 million bounty is basically the top big pirates in the New World except for the Four Emperors.

If it is higher or even around 10 billion, it is basically the core members of the Four Emperors, such as the three disasters of the Kaido Pirates and the Four Generals of the Big Mom Pirates.

Kaya Rand can barely be considered a big pirate.

In the battlefield, sawdust was flying, and those seats were all turned into countless pieces.

It has to be said that the ability of the natural system to claim to be the strongest does have its uniqueness.

Winster's fruit ability unfolded, directly dividing the surrounding battlefield, and the huge wall turned into snowflakes surrounded the four people in the wall.

Most of the ordinary people have withdrawn in an orderly manner under Smoker's command, and Mo Sen's eyes are on the battle under his feet.

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