"Boy Mo Sen, even I have to admit that I was wrong. When I first saw you, I just thought that you would have great achievements in the future. I didn't expect you to subvert my imagination again and again. Now in a short time He has grown to the level of a general." Shanks sighed a little, the impact of such a guy on the world is not just as simple as his strength.

But it is undeniable that with such strength, there is no need to worry about doing anything.

He saw two little ghosts in the East China Sea, one had grown to the world's top combat power, and he didn't know if the other would end up as he had thought at the beginning?

"Hey Shanks, I'd be embarrassed if you praised me like that."

"No!" Shanks stepped forward, "What I said is the truth, this is not a compliment, it seems that I have to take this battle seriously."

"Is it serious now, Shanks? It seems that you underestimated it before." Mo Sen smiled, looking a little weird.

Shanks shook his head: "No, I have never underestimated you. It's just that I didn't expect that you are more powerful than I imagined, Mo Sen boy, be careful!"

As Shanks' voice fell, the surrounding space suddenly became frozen.

An invisible and colorless aura emanated from Shanks' body and spread to the surroundings. Wherever it passed, the wind and snow were blown away, and the air seemed to be hit by stones on the surface of the water, causing layers of ripples.

Mo Sen felt a breath locked on him from afar, as if there were invisible shackles on his body, and he couldn't break free no matter what.

"Domineering look?" Mo Sen's eyes brightened.

To this day, Mo Sen can be said to have experienced many battles.

Whether it was Garp at the beginning, or Kaido who invaded the headquarters later, or even Doflamingo and Hancock, they all possessed a domineering look.

The overlord look of the big o who just fought with him not long ago is also very profound.

But none of these people is as strong as Shanks' domineering look on him. It feels like not only having an impact on the material, but also on a deeper level.

It's just that Mawson wasn't sure what it was.

His ability surged, and with him as the center, the surrounding snow, ice, and gravel, no matter what it was, began to change and form a whole, turning into a smooth world.

It looks like an ice rink.

The aura on Shanks' body was still rising, as if it was endless, and Mo Sen, who was targeted by him alone, further enhanced his senses, and even he felt affected under such a domineering look.

The air seems to become more viscous under such compression.

Swish! !

A blade of light seemed to appear beside Shanks out of thin air, and Shanks, who was standing still, finally moved.

It seems that the sun broke through the thick clouds here and appeared in the midair, but the sun is orange, just like the dusk of a day, what dusk brings is the end of everything.

Sword Skill - Twilight!

At almost the same level, Mo Sen has never been persuaded.

Although he could feel the power and threat of this sword, but...

How do you know it won't work if you haven't tried it?

What's more, the breath is locked, and avoiding it is not a good choice.

【Return to the Truth and Elegy】

Accompanied by the light like the evening sun, there seems to be a whispering voice whispering in the ear, which can't be heard clearly or clearly.

The air is like a glass mirror being hit by something, and countless cracks spread to the surroundings.

The orange light in the sky dissipated, and the boundless singing was silent.

It was as if a black hole had appeared in the place where they had originally fought, frantically annihilating everything around them.



The eyes cannot see objects, but cannot hear sounds.


After an unknown amount of time, only two figures crawled out from the thick snow.

In the place where they fought, a mountain seat that was originally tens of meters not only disappeared, but also a large pit with a depth of tens of meters appeared.

The two figures that appeared looked a bit embarrassed, most of the clothes on their bodies were torn, and there were cross wounds on their bodies, all of which were cut out by the opponent with a knife.

"Hahaha, Shanks, it turns out that your armed color can already cause damage to the human body, and with your domineering color, it turns out that there is no simple guy in the Four Emperors." Mo Sen's mouth was still bleeding , he didn't care.

There is indeed a gap between him and the Four Emperors like Shanks now.

But not big.

At least it is difficult to tell the winner in a short period of time.


What he once said, at least now has come true.

"I won't lose to you next time we meet."

Yes, he didn't win, but he didn't lose either.

I don't know, compared with the general, what will it be like?

Shanks' black cloak flew somewhere, he looked at Mawson, the wound on his chest was a little bloody, but he didn't care either.

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