It seemed that he was more embarrassed, after all, he couldn't use the fruit ability to slide away the wind and snow like Mo Sen.

The red hair was sticking to his head wetly from the melting ice and snow.

Suddenly, Shanks grinned, and under the wind and snow, it was a little dazzling.

"You are very good, Mo Sen boy. In this era, having a navy like you doesn't know whether it is a blessing or a curse for those pirates who go to sea."

"Who can tell what will happen in the future."

"Hahaha, don't talk about the future, talk about the present. What you kid said back then, you didn't break your promise!"

Mo Sen also grinned: "That's right, I'm the most handsome man in the world, I never talk big!"


Fengxue now, it was the hearty laughter of two guys who seemed to be in a mess.

Clear and pure!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The sky gradually darkened, and the wind and snow still had no intention of stopping.

On the contrary, it looked even colder in the dim light.

In the snowstorm.

The two figures approached, and approached again.


It looks like Shanks is seriously injured and more embarrassed, and Mawson seems to be fine except for the broken and messy clothes.

On the surface, it looks like he only has two wounds, but in fact, the damage to his internal organs is not light, at least much bigger than the damage to his internal organs in the battle against Big O.

It can be seen from his pale complexion.

This is caused by Shanks' armed domineering.

Three-color domineering cultivation will produce huge effects and have various magical effects.

The difference is that the overlord's domineering can only be improved with the improvement of strength, and there is no way to actively train.

It is known that Shanks is the only guy whose domineering look is much stronger than other people. I wonder if there is any trick?

Not only is the overlord color second to none.

Even this guy armed with color is definitely one of the people in the world who has the most profound grasp of domineering!

It will not be weaker than the old man Garp, Rayleigh, and Zefa.

You must know which of them old guys have been immersed in domineering practice for decades, Shanks is only thirty-five years old this year, and he may have reached this level even earlier.

This kind of talent is simply beast level!

Generally, a person with excellent talent starts to develop armed domineering power when his physical strength increases after he grows up. If he has a good teacher to teach him, he can master two-color domineering power from a few weeks to months or even years depending on various factors such as his talent and physical strength. wait.

First of all, it can only do local winding, and then it can cover various parts as you like.

This is already the end of life for many people!

The more powerful guy, who can break through to the second stage before middle age, borrows Wano Country's better-sounding name and calls it "Liu Ying".

To reach this stage is already a master, a master as tall as three or four floors.

Not even some lieutenant generals in the Navy have reached this stage.

And if it reaches the third stage, it is usually said that the armed color can be from the outside to the inside, and can strike and hurt the enemy from the inside.

Guys who can do this are basically old monsters.

Such as Karp, such as Rayleigh.

From this, we can know the abnormality of Shanks, um, we can also know the abnormality of Luffy, the son of the world.

In the plot, Luffy has already advanced to the second stage from the time he mastered the two-color domineering to the Wano country. What's even more exaggerated is that he can occasionally enter the third stage without knowing it!

What kind of shit is this unreasonable halo ability.

You must know that those Amazon female warriors on Nine Snake Island have been exposed to the power of domineering since they were young, and most of them will stop at the first stage in their lifetime.

This is talent.

It is an insurmountable gap that distinguishes ordinary people from geniuses—the end of your hard work may just be the starting point for others to play casually.

The armed color can also be accumulated and polished with time, while the knowledge color and overlord color are more favored by geniuses.

Everyone knows the overlord color.

As far as knowledge is concerned, most people may not be able to awaken this ability after training for a lifetime, but some people may awaken this ability at birth, such as Princess Otohime, Xia Li, and Shirahoshi of Fishman Island are all born with powerful abilities. The color of knowledge.

Fortunately, in terms of talent, Mawson belongs to the latter.

Mawson and Shanks hooked their shoulders and supported each other on their way back.

In this regard, Mawson has a height advantage and can overwhelm Shanks.

It made Shanks dumbfounded, ten years later, the bad taste of this bastard kid still hasn't changed.

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