He knew Mo Sen very well, and he could easily guess what he was thinking. Naturally, Zhan Guo also understood, so he just complained.

After all, they are sometimes so busy that they don't even have time to eat. This bastard is lucky, and the newspapers often report the news of where they are.

Moreover, Doflamingo and his party were also imprisoned on board, so they were not afraid of accidents.

Mo Sen picked up a piece of barbecue, bit it down and said vaguely: "The nest is not four, there is no oil in the nest, and you are so rich that you don't want to be round."

There is no alcohol during working hours, and there are many regular customers in this office in the Warring States Period. The tableware was ready and was quickly brought over by the soldiers. After Mo Sen thanked him, he poured himself a bowl of soup and drank it in one gulp.

Well, it's still a familiar recipe, and it's still a familiar taste.

Come and make this bowl of chicken soup... well, this is actually a pot of seafood soup, don't ask why, seafood is wayward.

"Well, Shu Tan! Ceng's rice is delicious."

Mo Sen put down the bowl of soup, patted his stomach, and then wolfed down the food in front of him.

Garp couldn't sit still now, he joined the battle like Mo Sen: "Stinky boy, you save some for the old man, you don't know how to respect the old and love the young at all, do you want to eat the old man's share too?" ?”

Mo Sen didn't forget to eat while talking. Although he didn't swallow ginseng fruit like Lu Fei, he also chewed very quickly, a bit like a little squirrel. "It's not good for you two old men to eat too much. You have to eat less to avoid so many big and small problems. All the three highs and five highs are because of eating too much.

I’m not afraid when I’m young, and if I need to supplement nutrition, I can help you eliminate some more. You don’t need to thank me, I will always be so willing to help others. "

There was a turmoil at the table for a while, and when Zhan Guo reacted and was about to roll up his sleeves and let go of his admiral's reserve, Mo Sen and Garp had already cleaned up the food on the small table.

The old man of the Warring States period put his hands in the air, and he didn't want to let it go for a while.

"Oh, old man in the Warring States period, if you want to eat, you have to tell me. If you don't tell me, how do I know you want to eat? If you tell me, I will grab some from old man Garp and give it to you. It's all his fault. Mo Sen pointed to the old man Garp who was picking his teeth with a toothpick, "He ate up your share too. Really, what do you think an old man of that age eats so much for?"

The last words obviously meant something, pointed at Sang Sang and scolded Huai, and included both Warring States and Garp at once.

"Stinky boy, you ate them all just now, yet they all depended on me for the iron fist of love from the old man."

One is the fine tradition of the Monchi family, and I don't know if the old man of Garp's old man once passed it down like this.

A colorless and transparent arrogance wrapped around Garp's fist, and he stretched out his three-foot-long arm and slammed it at Mo Sen.


Unexpectedly, this fist didn't have much effect, it just slid away from the side.

With old man Garp's strength, of course he won't let inertia lead him astray.

But it was obvious that he was a little dazed, and he obviously didn't expect that he would miss.

"Hahaha, are you dumbfounded? Old Man Garp, I'm not the brat you picked up at will now, just ask, who else?!" Mo Sen's mouth cracked, and he laughed heartily.

You must know that when he first joined the Garp fleet, his life was miserable.

It was simply dark.

The good little Bailong was hammered into Zhu Bajie for life.

Those days are gone forever now, old man Garp thinks too much about cleaning himself up like before.

Bang! !

If you miss a punch, hit another one.

Mo Sen, who was caught off guard, had a big pink bag on his head, and now it was Garp's turn to laugh: "Ahahahaha, you are really arrogant, Mo Sen boy, the old man's iron fist of love never strikes lightly, and he must hit it if he strikes." .”

"Asshole old man, you are a sneak attack!"

"How can such things be called sneak attacks?

Garp didn't admit that it was a sneak attack. Don't worry about how you beat him, it was beaten anyway.

Mo Sen said indignantly: "Hmph, you bastard old man, wait until I have practiced for a few years, and I must get it back."

When you are eighty or ninety years old, or when you are a hundred years old, your big teeth will be knocked out!

do as promised.

Zhan Guo looked at these two naive guys speechlessly, and he had to admit that the bastard Mo Sen's strength improved really fast.

In a blink of an eye, he had caught up with them.

How many years has it been?

Counting the geniuses of the Navy in the Warring States Period, there is really no one who can have such strength at this age.

On the contrary, Shanks, the Four Emperors "Red Hair" among the pirates, had a similar performance, but it was a little inferior.

Luckily, such a guy is a Marine!

Although sometimes he often makes troubles, does not obey orders, and is narcissistic, but there are few people who have made great contributions to the navy.

Thinking of this, Warring States suddenly felt a sense of relief that my family had a son who had just grown up.

"Hey, old man of the Warring States Period."

Mo Sen shook his hand a few times in front of Zhan Guo, bringing him back to his senses, "I said, old man Zhan Guo, you are not thinking about any bad things again, are you? You laughed so wickedly just now, let me tell you, I just got sick recently. It's a kind of illness that can't be used for missions. It's terminally ill. When I go out for a mission, I feel weak and feel weak. Don't play tricks on me."

Warring States was full of black lines, and he decided to take back his previous thoughts.

The comfort of having a fart!

If there was such a son in the family, he was afraid that he would slap him to death.

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